Extend brewfest!

As an alliance player you should still have time to get 600 tokens if you start today if you do all the dailies + ram racing every day. As horde you are most likely out of luck if you start today, unless blizzard extends the duration with a few days.

You are either lucky, have a stellar connexion or I dunno what. I can on a good day get 45 tokens - as an Ally. No way this is enough for the ramquest. Lucikly I began earlier, which is also no consolation for Kaskad.

How are you limited to 45 tokens per day as alliance?
Barking daily: 15 prize tokens.
Invasion daily: 10 prize tokens.
Ram racing: 26+ prize tokens.

Total daily tokens: 51+
Number of days left: 12
12x51= 612

Even if you only manage 45, there are some one time quests:
There and back again: 10 tokens
Chuck and Chug: 10 tokens
Direbrew’s dire Brew (req lvl 65) 40 tokens.
A total of 60 tokens, exactly what you need if you only manage 45 per day from dailies.

I am only level 51, so I am not doing Direbrew. Of course I did the 2 other for a total of 20 tokens. With a less than stellar internet, I can do 10 turn-ins if I do it on a not-trafficked time of day :wink:
As I began earlier, I am going to manage with around 30 tokens left over.
But as I said: this is not going to help Kaskad and everybody else late to the party, or Horde-siders who could not bark for some days.
This is why I vote for an extension of Brewfest. Not for me, but for those others.

I don’t see how telling Kaskad (who is posting as a level 70 alliance) that reaching 600 tokens is very doable if he starts today isn’t going to help him. If he still does not manage to reach 600, that is entirely his own fault at this point. While I don’t oppose extending the brewfest a couple of days or increasing the number of tokens rewarded, there will always be people who are late to the party. If blizzard extends it we will see people who haven’t started yet complain that they would have started earlier if they had known it would be extended.

How? Are you playing with 1k ms latency?

I’d agree with this assuming the vendor wasn’t bugged and had the 600 token purchase from day 1, the barking quests weren’t bugged and ram racing being clearly completely unbalanced favoring alliance to the point where you get 8-12 (+44% to 66%) more tokens per ram racing. Assuming what Zayna is saying is true too with the tokens rewarded and tokens required being actually wrong and is sourced from 2 different years from Original TBC, it really seems like blizzard got a ton of important details wrong here.

Some are saying they get up to 30 on alliance, I just lost 20 by 1 sec due to loosing <3-6 seconds from the 4 minute window. 22 on horde seems completely impossible.

If anyone can do more than 20 from ram racing on horde I dare you to send a link to the video.


FPS of 15 is my best :wink: Latency not so bad. only in the hundreds :slight_smile:

I would really appreciate extending the Brewfest for at least 2 days (regarding barking quest issues)

Reducing the price from 600 to 550 Brewfest Tokens for the stamp for Horde Players is something i also would consider because of the very unfair advantage in alliance ram racing tokens per day…

Idk but can still hope for the best and an answer from blizzard about this :confused:


I almost dare not say this, but it is already extended. It usually lasted 2 weeks in TBC now we have 16 days.
But I STILL think that some days extra would be more than fair given all the chaos and bugs and whatnot!

It should have been reduced even more. The one year everyone could buy the ram in the game barking quest rewarded 40 coins and keg run 3. + Pink Elek on parade was in the game (40 coins). So its badly balanced atm.

Don’t think it should be extended, but they should add the missing quests in for horde to compensate. I heard horde had bugged quests and I also hear that the ram racing is like 20 / 22 possible at most. I can not confirm any of that, but I as alliance had no issues ever and I am all the time getting 34 coins from ram racing, once even 36 and with that it’s literally 61/63 tokens a day which is more than enough to get the stamp.

If ram racing for horde really is literally half the thing compared to alliance then they should consider their design choice as people want the stamp for the oldschool ram and are literally in a timely disadvantage compared to another faction. I do not care personally, but it’s just unfair for others.

I wish this was true for everyone. But not all persons - even in Europe - have internet conneions allowing this amout of coins. If I do a perfect run I can make 11 turn ins (haven’t done so yet. I missed it by ONE second a couple of days ago). On a good day I do 10, yesterday only 7.
And that first year as everybody can tell you, you could get the Handstamp AND more items with ease, all Quests giving more tickets, and 2 more Quests in-game (Elekks on Parade and Wolpertinger - removed due to EU restrictions not of Blizz’ doing).
As it is now, it’s unfair to everybody - more so for the Horde - but not exclusively for them.
The logical thing to do would be to lower the price of the Stamp to 300-400 tokens. Or prolong the whole Brewfest for 2 or 3 days more.

By the way it’s not just your connection. I have an amazing connection, but the apple baskets are still terribly inconsistent so I have to run into them for a half second before moving on.

If I were to guess I think it’s a server process that pings nearby players every ~0.7 - 1 second to check if you’re in range to wipe the fatigue. Which means that you can run up to the end basket, hit it, turn around and move back without the server even responding to you being there.


If you have 15 fps it’s not your internet connection that is the issue…

Unfortunately it’s both. Rotten connexion and old PC :frowning:
And as Aetha says, sometimes the basket does not register even with me standing on top of them - mostly horde-side of course.
But I am going to make it. Today I got 20 :smiley:
So I vote for an extension for those not so lucky.

That’s still a problem as alliance with ~40ms and 60+ fps, nothing to do with your faction, your hardware or your connection.

If the basket would work as it should I would get 36 tickets everytime instead of 34. It’s bad on both sides in those regards. Just terribly designed lol.

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you can get 36 on alliance? I think 22 is probably possible on horde, but anything above that I wouldn’t believe without video proof.

Yes 36 is the absolute highest atleast for me. 38 seems impossible. 34 is standard.

Could you please put up a video of how? I can get 20 at most. (Ally)