Extend nameplates range


Please. Fix essential things in wow.

Nameplates work frokm 20ish yards instead of40
Rage and energy regen needs to be made as BC onwards
Give us working summoner stones pls…
Detailed scoreboard for BG-s

To be continued…

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Yes to the nameplates. The rest - eh…

Only if they can keep the 20y limit for players.

So you say casters dont use nameplates s… because if I hit max range, with every caster, I cannot see nameplates…

The reason that nameplates were hard limited is because there were addons that took advantage of them, like spy for example

Still not a good argument… blaming on an addon. Why is it working well TBC+ than?

Yea, rogues and druids would complain that people would detect them miles away, before they could get in range to stealth to their target.

Spy would show you people you would not detect otherwise, it was kinda busted.

Nameplates arent showing in stealth…

Oh but for a millisecond your nameplate shows when you come “close” at the distance nameplates show up to be more exact and thats what spy used to figure them out, it was looking at the maximum range for name plates at all times.

And as a respons to why no one cared in tbc, world pvp was basically dead and when the rogue can drop on you from the sky and just go into stealth for a opener they dont need to stalk around in stealth so it was kind of useless

Still stupid… Get good, and u wont need it… If it works perfect tbc+, make it work for this too… I literally cannot see nameplates on my mage. And sincerly… I can kill most ppl with rogue even if i go stealth in fornt of them… so stop complaining

Get good at clicking mobs at a range, learn how long your cc lasts and you wont need to have a longer range on nameplates, same argument as yours equally stupid.

If they could in vanilla make it so that stealth didnt behave like it dose then they could once again increase nameplate distance but they cant without remaking the code and guesse what that wont happen.

This is classic+ not vanilla… Vanilla was in itself bad… Thays why they fixed things…

Its a build of vanilla (or classic if you prefer that term), they cant change things without changing spells without changing them for era aswell or by making fully new once, they have stated that.
Saying this is not vanilla is like saying that its not snow outside in Stockholm at them moment, might be some parts where its not much snow and where you dont really see it but for sure there is snow outside

Saying they cannot change the code is stupid as well… its a code…

It’s the extended nameplate/combat log range that enables this.

How is this relevant?

Okay then why 20yd is the magic number? Why not 10yd or 22.3yd?

If some addon can circumvent stealth - then Blizzard need to fix that loophole, not go “okay now we can’t increase nameplate range because some addon exploits things”.

Blizzard nerfed the range as a consequence for addons like spy.
Blizzard has already been through a s-storm because of it, they will not do it again.

Your opinion on the matter has been noted.

And still my feedback is that they should do the 41yd nameplates like they exist in every other version of WoW and somehow did not cause an apocalypse.

If they need to fix their sh to do it - that’s on them.

I don’t know how long the combat log range is but it feels certainly longer than the current nameplate distance. So nameplates or no nameplates, hostiles still show up in my Spy the second they do something that writes data in the combat log.