Extra traderpost NPCs in dornogal selling BLOODHUNTER SET

There’s 4 extra trader post NPCs in dornogal, on the lowerwall right next to flightpath.
i don’t know if this was mentioned anywhere but i saw a random video pop by on youtube about it and IT HAS THE BLOODHUNTER SET !!! IT’S BACK !!

sorry if this was already posted but i’m too excited :smiley:


It was part of the announcement :wink:

Yes! I bought it to see what transmog combos I can make out of it, and then I decided to refund it. The purchase doesn’t even show up on the website “wallet” in my profile and after refunding it, I got straight up scammed of 800 Tender and support did nothing about it.

Multi dollar company support btw

Edit: Just a heads up in case you wanna refund it for whatever reason, not sure if my case is just a system oopsie or something’s wrong with the refund (maybe of just this specific Ensemble)

More elves in skimpy clothes! :pray:

Been waiting exactly 18 months for it to come back, you know it! <3