Faction balance info for some realms

Wow, super, thanks ! can u try to do it in prime time 8-9 pm tomorrow ? :slight_smile:

Ah I see. Yes, as I said we transfered from mograine to judgement, but server feels a bit empty right nowā€¦, hope it improves

I do not see the option anywhere? I am on Patchwerk

Your realm is currently not one being offered FCM Iā€™m afraid.

Hello, does exist some manual for Census Plus addon? I want to participace on the data mining but it seems my Census doesnt work or i dont understand the way how to use it :slight_smile:

It is. Itā€™s at the bottomā€¦

Man where is that Guy that made fun of
Everyone that quoted the reddit poll? Stating alliance would by far be the biggest
Faction, all BE pussys are going back
To ally etc etc. Lmao

I got that number yesterday at around 9pm

and people are even paying attention to these spreadsheets, look at Shazz, 3k total it says, you have got to be f*cking kidding me. Please OP donā€™t call your crap ā€œserver balanceā€ would you please? That is hugely incorrect data at this time and only brings a confusion. Go do something useful instead.

OMG I apologise!!! I was blind!!!

I donā€™t know why I imagined theyā€™d be in alphabetical order.

The addon kind of does itā€™s own thing while you are in the game. You can click on the icon on the minimap to see the data itā€™s gathered. It will show data like this

I upload the CensusPlusClassic.lua from _classic_/WTF/Account/{ACCOUNT_NAME}/SavedVariables folder every time I finish playing to https://wowpop.appspot.com/

The next time I log in I just purge before it starts again.

I agree it would be nice if the addon had some basic instructions. I was confused too to start with :slight_smile:

No worries. Actually I was on the phone with customer support and there seems to be a problem with their update. Some servers the migrations straight up do not work and they are not capable of having the shop option show up aswell (AKA all German servers and some english realms)

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Hey, how can I help update the Razorgore census? Iā€™m curious on seeing balance now that the servers are a bit more stabilized.

ā€œdoes itā€™sā€ ??? FeelsDankMan

Iā€™m not sure what you are trying to say.

However, Blizz have broken this addon for now. So we will get no data on server populations other than wild speculation now.

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