Faction disbalance aka the eventual death of WoW

Indeed, and as with any discussion there are lots of different views, even between those that agree on suggestions/features :slight_smile:


Throwing my vote in for optional cross-faction play for those who want it.

Have no interest in these pointless Race War i.e. Faction War storylines that go nowhere.


Even if it’s for LFR, LFG and/or PuG’s - I do think, as a Horde main, this gives a lot of people a fair chance of seeing the content.

Guilds, PvP, Questing/Leveling Experience - keep them as a separate, faction-based thing.


One option would be to keep Guilds faction based, but allow Communities to work Cross-Faction if they so desired.

They are already Cross-Realm where people can’t see each other unless they group up.


From reading the comments, I can’t help but wonder: Why not not remove the factions entirely?

Kill off Thrall, Anduin, Sylvanas, Jaina and every single other lore character which binds their respective faction together and join together into one big faction, under the banner of Supreme Leader Baine Bloodhoof.

Let the factions die, murder them if you have to.

Do this and this entire topic would die instantly.
Sure, some players, such as myself, would leave for good, but it seems like a lot of players would stay and keep it all running.

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It will be my quickest unsub, probably match the time they tried to remove flying in WoD when I quit, fortunately they did a u turn on that decision.

At least I’ll get to fill out the leavers questionnaire.


Why would you rather destroy the entire game than let those who wish to opt in group up cross-faction for pve content?

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The game wouldn’t be destroyed. In fact, I think it would be better long-term, because the factions create an issue, which Blizzard does not seem to have an answer for.

The faction war is already watered down to the point where it’s basically meaningless anyway.
And without the fanction conflict, what point would there be with the factions as a whole? Apart from filler-plots inbetween the big bad guys, which we will unite to defeat anyway… As usual.

At some point, something is just so broken, that there’s no reason to continue repairing it.
If the factions have reached that point, I don’t know. But it sure smells like it.

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The imbalances In racials caused it at the begining, but looking at sims it can no longer be the case cause the differance is miniscule and quite often Alliance have the advantage right now.

I do agree something needs to be done, but I think all that is really needed is make free faction change for guilds especially… imagine all those top 500 guild on horde side that could grab a free famed slayer achievement…

I know I’d do it for a free famed slayer

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First of all shame on you folks for bashing Punyelf for having different opinion and standing strong behind it. Punyelfs opinion is good and valuable example that even when some solution feels really easy and no big deal, it can be game breaking for someone else.

This just goes to show that whatever solution is done there will be people who are angry. I do however think that something should be done before it’s too late. Allowing cross faction play on invite basis (so no one would be forced to do it) could be one solution. Splitting horde into 2 (to create 3 factions in total) could be another.

I don’t belive in imba racials or buffs given to alliance but how about giving next new class to alliance only? That surely would bring some folks playing alliance side. :thinking:


No that makes it even worse, divides the playerbase even more for no apparent reason, they already cant balance 2, imagine trying to balance 3.


Yeah that wouldn’t be my favourite solution either. I was just listing possible solutions. My favourite would be new class for alliance only, but i know it would also displease lot of folks and cause balancing issues. :woman_shrugging:

problem with this is who gets the free faction change? is it just the guild or also the players? if it’s also the players, which of their characters get to move? how is this fair to other players who are not part of this guild and want to change factions?

or do you just open up free faction changes horde->alliance in general, which i dont think they would ever do, both because of the money and also because it’d cause a big overall population swing as all kinds of people in the wider population of the game who are not part of this raiding bubble start swapping over for various reasons.

i also don’t think many guilds would take it, but some probably would. long-term survival of the guild seems more important than a title. personally, i also don’t think i’d feel like i earned it properly.

you would be “forced”, though. alliance raiding guilds would start filling up with horde players, whether you as an individual like it or not. given enough time, they’d make up a large portion, if not the majority, of many guilds as well, since people come and go and rosters change.

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I think the least they should do is remove the archaic faction tag on mobs and rares. It’s quite annoying trying to do a WQ and having to wait for the mobs/rares to respawn because they’ve all been greyed out by the Alliance.


This is exactly what we proposed earlier. It would let people play what they want, with who they want. Of course, I would like for this invite to extend to guild invites too of course.

This would only make the current problem worse.

I don’t see why these sort of solutions are even considered. The factions are really fair and equal as it stands but one will have to be dominant to circumvent the barrier. By smashing the triangle into the square box and forcing people to go alliance you’re just gonna flip the issue where you now have the majority playing alliance.

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If Blizz thought faction imbalance was a problem why do you think they just make a whole expac with conflict as the theme?

Thats right, because they are clueless and myopic!


Thats what you get for hiring budget, bad writers. They ruined the lore. Who would even unite with horde to fight azhsara? More logical tyrande stabs them in the throat and then continues alone. We raid heroes do most of the killing anyway

Just want to leave this here when he constantly offends horde players .


The guild and the people in it imo.
The problem is that PVE players go horde, so it should be open for PVE players to go alliance, not for everyone.

If you look at say, pvp, the highest people tend to be alliance.

I think it would be very tempting for quite a few of the top 200-500 guilds, for the guys that are really bloody good, but because everyone and their mother has gone horde for pve its nearly impossible to climb further on horde side. They would be able to make a name for themself on alliance that would hopefully attract players as well.

And as for earned… i mean no matter how you twist and turn it, the people on both sides getting famed slayer are really bloody good

can they bring alts? if yes, how many? if you can’t, you’re stuck with less roster flexibility than you had before unless you pay for those or level them up. do socials get to come with? if yes, do they need to have been in the guild for a certain amount of time so guilds aren’t making money selling discount faction changes to strangers?

there’s also the issue of realms. most realms are heavily weighed towards one faction and being part of the tiny minority doesn’t seem that great. does a server change come with this as well then?

don’t necessarily need to answer any of that, just mean to say that there are a lot of questions that need to be addressed before you start giving free faction changes to guilds.

maybe. it’s undeniably easier to get a high rank within a faction on alliance, but as far as world rank or just general ability, i’d argue it’s harder because your recruitment pool is so limited comparatively. it’s difficult to recruit good players because there are so few of them, and even in a stable guild you’re constantly bleeding people to quitting and switching guilds.

it can be challenging to just maintain your level on alliance, not to mention climbing. i also think guilds generally value their world rank the most, but that might be wrong and of course getting hof is nice.

oh yeah, it’s a nice achievement regardless of course. don’t mean to take anything away from people.

i may be an outlier on this, but for me achievements are all about what i achieved to earn them. the reward itself is generally less important than the feeling of achievement i get from accomplishing something, and the value i attribute to it is proportional to how happy i am about having achieved whatever gave me the reward.

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