I believe that we should be able to choose our faction since they have become somewhat of a blur, what do you guys think?
On one hand I really want a faction merge, on the other hand that’d technically mean Alliance has High Elves. And I don’t want the high elves people to be satisfied. I’m that petty.
High Elves aren’t playable on Horde either.
Blood Elves are High Elves who had an addiction.
Yeah they are. They just have an edgier name.
Should someone tell him? Or nah…
Sorry I didn’t realise I walked into a thread of people who unironically think High and Blood Elves are the same.
Culture. Look up the word.
You sound like such a snobby Blood Elf right now. Oh, a High Elf!
You can call yourself what you want. Your DNA doesn’t change though.
The culture is identical down to a political choice. And color choice.
Also factions are not outdated or whatever people come up with these days just cause some people say so.
How about we keep the factions, but allow us to play with the other faction in PvE content? And murder our own in PvP?
Everyone wins.
I can’t imagine wow without the factions, I’d rather go back and forth between faction heavy and non faction heavy narratives
if you remove the factions you remove the option to focus on a faction narrative
I’d rather see an addition of cross faction utility for things like M+
Look at our leaders being BFFs, for some inspiration.
Dont need to merge factions, but we should be able to party and play together. Can still prevent going to other faction main cities or make them neutral to opposite faction.
No and please switch to Alliance
Removing factions would allow me to do one thing again. Afking in ironforge.
Factions are stale, boring, and limiting in terms of story development. I’d be happy to be rid of them.
WoW without factions would be really weird but we served alongside eachother as Order Hall leaders with zero issues story wise… so factions couldve ended when Legion did really. BFA made no sense at all after that.
I’d be fine with cross-faction grouping though, can still keep the factions around for gameplay reasons.
I think we shouldn’t have factions at all and have completely separate PvP (e.g. Guild Wars 2) I wouldn’t make it so we go back in time to do the opposite faction’s quests - but going forward everything would be neutral.
Fun fact: they never did.