Faction Imbalance ruining the game

Really are there? 10% armour CD is enough for people to play it? It’s only useful to tanks and very occasional situation use to cleanse yourself. And tanks (Warr/paladin) I would think would make better use of the Human racial which gives +5 weapon skill.

In PvP that becomes “extremely common use”. It can even remove Blind. I’m also of the understanding that the Classic version makes you immune for the duration, which is just very powerful against rogues when combined with the armour buff. The main answer to armour as a rogue is… bleed and poison damage.

Interesting, thanks for the tip lass.

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People are gonna have so much fun when AQ opens, and they realize the opposite faction has no players to do their part of the war effort…


It’ll be before then, people will realise when the BGs hit in phase 3. Battlegroups may mitigate some of it but since almost every server is Horde dominant, there will likely still be long long queues for Horde.

Oh, and if you’re a priest then the racials are even more important because of fear ward. You don’t get that if you’re not a dwarf.

D: Now I realise I had misread his comment. Yeah, that’s dumb. What I meant in my response about allowing transfers in both directions was obviously to let players of the largest faction leave / opposite come. Anything else would make no sense.

Pack your bags and reroll on pve or other pvp server.
When paid transfers come up, go back to your main.
At least, I would do so.
If server is so unbalanced, chances are it will become even more unbalanced, retail history tells us that.

In my view, there were solutions for server faction and pop imbalances: First of all, there should have been a lot more servers available before release, then servers should have had faction and population caps. Servers progressively locked or opened for each faction in function of the numbers, all this implemented preferably before release and continuing after it.

“Oh but the comunity… the friends…” Organize yourselves and if you can’t join all the same faction/server, move on to another server/faction untill you get it.

The server and specially faction imbalance always tends to aggravate in static servers where you only can create chars in one faction and where the rules will never change, (classic case). Blizzard should have learned from the past and prepared much better for classic.

I think the best solution to faction imbalance is faction-specific queues combined with server transfers.

That is ridiculous, you risk to invest a ton of hours in one char, with no idea that one day the server could be imbalanced, paying the same subscription as other players and one day you wake up for horrible queues, that would affect specially more casual players. It is unfair and probably would result in a lot of cancelled subs due to frustration and revolt.

At this point, faction transfer with some sort of account perks, is probably the only way to mitigate the problem.

How do you think these horrible queues would happen all of a sudden? Before they become horrible, they would be just normal queues that may encourage new players to join the opposite faction. And of course it doesn’t have to be super strict balance, 45 to 55 or even 40 to 60 is fine, below that it starts to be a significant problem.

And then the transfer option would help even experienced players, but these transfers should be limited in time and not just available always.

What new players? Probably 90% or more of the entire pop that will play classic during the first year, already have at least a char. To force players to move you would need to cause them discomfort. Queues would put in risk raids, premades and guild/friend events. Imagine organize a 40 people raid, to at the schedule time, only half of the players were online and the rest stuck in queues.
Imagine work your way to rank 12, spending thousands of hours and one day, due to faction imbalance, the queues begin.
Faction queues are non sense.

Well, yeah, you do make a good point. Maybe playing on a “horde-dominant” realms has made be a bit biased on this matter. :smiley:

I’d say you’re conceding the point too quickly. Many realms already develop queues at peak times. That means raids are already being disrupted, which means you can bias the queue without causing further harm. There are ways to implement a faction queue that wouldn’t cause any more queueing overall.

As usual I’d like to throw in a disclaimer that I’m not actually supporting any side in particular, I’m just critiquing the logic.

I don’t know about the rest, but I would happily move to alliance if the faction weren’t just so laaaaame.
The humans with their walk and corny a… honor. The night elves, etc.

I believe so

great, so the faction gap GROWS and GROWS until theres only one faction.

Good idea you melon

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