Faction imbalance, the only real solution

i didnt roll for this crazy imbalance its naive to think everyone went horde for ezmode… ive played vanilla before on other servers and never has it been this bad, and you dont want it fixed? i dont even play bgs much btw i just want a fair wpvp experience while farming etc, bg queues dont bother me in the slightest, having 20 horde players at every farm spot does however, also like ive said previously layering masked the extent of the damage so it wasnt really a choice to continue with the imbalanced server as i was unaware how bad it was and i assume the same for many other players

edit: noticed you did say many NOT all and i agree but its still worth trying to help the problem

OP: I think its a good idea, but i dont think Blizzard will implement it :frowning:

this is exactly why i think we should be discussing it and making some noise on forums to see if it gets noticed

It is a bit strange, isnt it? Too many people -5 topics last hour- realized it just now, at 3rd month and exactly today, after bg announcement.

No sir, sorry. Ofc not all but many horde players just enjoyed their easy ride for 3 months and now they suddenly begin to cry for faction balance.


ive been talking about this with my guild for months, before p2 even landed that wpvp is bad and will only get worse, didnt really want to post on forums but it seems like it wont get any better, i know its suspect to do this now but please consider im not doing this in reaction to bgs i just want a fair fight and right now its not fair and not fun, despite what people think, even on the “winning” side

The only real solution is what we’ve had for 15 years.

The PvE server. And this is demonstrably true. How many posts have been started by PvE players stating imbalance issues in the open world they are having?

Faction change would help a bit for sure. Though most people want to stick with their friends/guilds. So entire guilds would need to be convinced to switch, which would be a problem because of shamans.

I would not particularly mind switching. I took horde because my friends prefered horde, I played both sides in Vanilla. But if my guild would not switch, I would not do either.

ive played pvp vanilla servers for some time and they can be balanced and fun, of course pve is an option but for those that WANT to remain pvp i think it would be a good idea to balance things out, saying pvp is flawed and everyone should play pve is untrue as when done right pvp server is great, but it does rely on balance

Happy for them to do it but then they lose the right to complain if they can “no longer play the game” and raise issues issues due to imbalance. Especially now the issues have been raised.

-Does this look fun to anyone?

It would be false for me to say this has never and will never happen but it’s demonstrably not currently the case .

This is in response to the “solution” to the PvP imbalance issues - and i stated

I said only said we already have a solution

by right i’ll make the assumption that you mean fair. However this historically has almost never been the case

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like i said its not going to fix the problem overnight but it would help, at this point some of these servers need anything they can get before people quit entirely and im not convinced other suggestions e.g. paid transfers or faction queues will help now based on what i wrote in original post, yes its a problem for shamans/paladins and guilds but i dont know what else to suggest to be honest, it would definately bring some over and thats better than just letting the situation get worse

Will exacerbate the problem for the players that remain on the server. But yes will fix it for players that leave, presuming they choose a server where they are the dominate faction (makes the problem worse on that server) or a PvE server.

Sounds unrealistic to me and doesn’t really solve the underlying problem.

fair enough but im trying to save my pvp server i have no interest in pve servers and it is not a solution to people that want to play pvp ruleset, i wont go into why i think pvp is better as im sure you’ve heard it before, also yes the current example is bad but why does that mean we should run to pve instead of put forward changes to fix it? pve servers have massive imbalances also its not unique to pvp realms, also like i said private servers have managed to control ratio to an acceptable level so why cant we suggest the same rather than just saying its not worth trying?

edit: i do concede that its another solution though yes i just think we can do better

That’s fine, but when you choose a PvP server you sign up to that ruleset for better for worse and you need to be able to deal with the fact that if other players can kill you they will, if they can camp you they will, if they can gank you 10v1 they will.

When you sign up for a PvP server you agree to the idea that this can happen to you.

The issue you have is human nature of “I want to win and i don’t care about how the game feels to other players” If you can change that then yes you’d have a solution.

Indeed but it doesn’t “prevent players from playing the game”.

I don’t know why that is the case but i’d guess as the scale wasn’t as large.

i agree its a problem with people, so on private servers they use faction queues and non crossrealm bgs which really help balance the population, its not perfect but without this like we had at launch, you end up with the mess we have now, private servers learned this lesson a while ago and now classic is learning it to, im trying to help speed along the process of ending up with a good server but now we are so far into the game, my original suggestion is the only way to help in my opinion, and after the transfer add the faction based queues as an incentive to not slip back into the old ratio, as unfortunately like you say unless people are coerced into it they will try and take the easiest route which is harmful long term

Whilst I can see the value in the proposition, I also can see how that could tarnish the experience for some.
An interesting approach might be to open a “fresh” realm that is labeled “balanced” that will open up the faction change mechanic once a month to balance the active population. This could be a haven for people who care about playing on a balanced server.

a valid option but i think more servers is not ideal at the current time, we have quite a few low pop ones that will need merges in future i would think, definately a good idea in future maybe after progression ends

Well it’s not too unlikely that we will see future fresh servers that will cycle through the progression cycle again I think.

yes i hope so too, would love fresh progression servers like eq does, want to focus on a fix for the current imbalance though as i think something needs to be done fast before people quit indefinitely or wait for new fresh etc

Even though your post is way too long to actually get enough attention, I still agree with your points. I also believe the only way to fix this faction imbalance mess blizzard has created is with majority to minority one time faction changes. But I very much doubt that Blizzard is going to offer this before it’s too late (if it issn’t already)

yes i did worry about the length of it lol, maybe il add a tldr at top, thanks anyway i think if we talk about it more maybe they will see sense, as it is now i see people recommending faction queues and of course bg release but these wont help i dont think so i wanted to start this discussion now