⚠ [Faction] It's starting to be urgent to do something!

jaina is the bicycle of azeroth, everybody gets a ride apparently.

I genuinely dont know if they are actually going to make thrall x jaina a thing but it would be hilariously bad to watch.

Doubt that will help because PVE is more associated with guilds and will not be mixed guilds, plus trade limitations.

So Alliance would be just more pugs on Horde PVE not reaching the end level (Mytic raid) like all of the pugs :smiley:, never seen a denathrius Mythic kill with only pugs.


In PvP there’s an argument to be made for imbalance but the racials are situational in PvP. Orcs great if facing stuns, pants if not. Belf is godly when u need an extra dispel, but meh otherwise. Dorf great for bleeds etc etc.

However in PvE it is generally understood by the theorycrafting community that racials are so close in terms of output that recommendations are no longer made for races (and even then I believe alliance occupy several of the better spots) because to realise the differences you need to be in a situation where you are literally playing at almost 100% performance, uninterrupted, and then and only then do the differences of about 1% DPS between racials start to show.

So no, horde racials are not “stronger” for pve at all, not when you actually do the maths. The best fire mage DPS race calculated ATM is actually velf which is slightly ahead of Orc, then it’s Mechagnomes, then Trolls. Despite these calculations being made, people still default to stuff like “Troll best” but the maths doesn’t lie. All things being equal when performing optimally velf yields slightly more DPS than every other race, but even then it’s like 1-2% above the “worst” fire mage DPS race.

So you’re talking somewhere between 50 and 100 DPS in an optimal scenario. Not enough for the theorycrafters to act on it, so why should anyone playing below their level?

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WoW Q&A - No Current Plan to Address Faction Imbalance, But Priority for Future

During the World of Warcraft Q&A panel, Game Director Ion Hazzikostas stated there are no current short term plans to address faction imbalance, although he recognized that it is an ongoing issue and a top priority. Calling it an issue of social dynamics more than one of balance, he called the Alliance and Horde factions pillars of the Warcraft franchise and not something they could just brush away, but they had begun to ask what they could do to improve the situation, similar to Mercenary Mode, that might address the issue.

Fundamentally this is a social issue that’s likely to need a social solution.

Citing it as primarily a social problem, the game director recognized that while it began with an imbalance between racials, with Horde being much better for a short time during Mists of Pandaria (specifically the Troll racial, Beast Slaying, which at the time gave a 5% damage increase against notable beast bosses such as Horridon and Thok the Bloodthirsty). Since that time, racials have been fairly well balanced, with Alliance racials even being slightly better at many times - a handful of late encounters such as Kil’Jaeden and Jaina Proudmoore favored specific Horde racials ( Rocket Jump and Da Voodoo Shuffle respectively), but those were unplanned events that nobody really knew about until the guilds got to them - they were patched out very quickly and the groups that took advantage of them were already Horde to begin with, so it didn’t really cause a substantial number of more guilds to move away from Alliance.

He was also quick to point out that across the entire game, the faction balance is relatively even, but that the real problem exists within Mythic raiding and Mythic+ groups. This again indicates a social issue - while it may have started with players switching to Horde for a short term advantage many years ago, it has grown into a problem of opportunity: players who want the best chance to succeed are Horde, because that’s where the groups are. The top end being Horde dominated is caused by players simply wanting the largest pool of players available to play with, and there’s no simple solution to that, even buffing Alliance racials to obscene proportions would be a stopgap at best and would at worst probably result in the opposite problem as everyone flocked back to Alliance.

Referred to by interview host Scott Johnson as “one of the most common questions they received”, this question has been raised time and time again with no solution - it was similarly dodged in a Forbes interview last November, in which a lot of the same excuses were made - faction identity is paramount to the game, and the developers are unwilling to compromise on that. The most common counter argument has been that factions could remain from a story standpoint, simply allowing cross-faction grouping for instanced content without abolishing factions entirely, although that may still be too much for the developers and it doesn’t seem like there will be any solution coming anytime soon.

Several questions later, the talk turned to faction imbalance again. When asked if Alliance and Horde would never raid together, Ion replied he’d never say “never” and cited the example of competitive arena, where players of the same faction can face off against each other. While Blizzard does want to preserve faction and identity, they also want to make the game enjoyable. So perhaps we’ll see something similar to Mercenary Mode in the future!

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10.0 XF pve will rear its head, maybe implemented in the transition patch from SL, that’s my bet.

sad noises

I guess I will need transfer my druid for horde.

I don’t think we will get anything soon, with the pandemic nothing has been happening fast. The positive to take from it all is that they have acknowledged the issue and seem to be considering how they can help. The language has changed.

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I know but to be honest, I guess my problem is just me… cause I only play tank and I rarely see a guild looking for one :frowning:

So better I stop think that horde will be better…

Lots of guilds have kind of fallen apart at the moment even on the Horde. There is no harm in looking for a guild before you decide to pay out. See if there is something out there.

Wowprogress and the realm forums are usually good places to start.

I changed from alliance to horde …end of wotlk , to play with rl friends…because my other rl friends that played alliance stopped playing after icecrown raid was down.
After that i changed to alliance again after the first half of legion for . Keep in mind i always have characters in both factions anyway.
Truth is that i won’t change, maining horde again… Except if horde become the minority.
In any other case if the game is too difficult to play because of faction population etc. I’d prefer to just ditch the game…

Horde racial is currently great for raiding, due it’s good for dps
For Mythic + Alliance tend to win on that case due to racial mobility and night elves
For PvP Alliance is great, only on horde tauren and orc is good.

So even with M+ and PvP alliance is better but do not solve faction balance.
Removing racial will not solve the issue
And i currently love the racial systems.
If we break faction barrier, then we will see people playing the race they want.
Only pro player will try to get that 0,2 % to win, but outside competition they play the race they want to play. Racial is not issue today.

DO IT :smiley: !

Mercenary system for PVE is the best solution here, no you wont be able to join guilds but you will be able to join pugs for both factions which will more than double the amount of groups available to choose from

A forum regular has made it his mission to tweet daily about cross faction play.

It makes me smile to see them come up in my newsfeed.

It is an issue. Pretty much everyone tries to mimic what the top 1% does in both PvE and PvP in terms of choices.

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As far as lore is concerened… I don’t see the issue? In most expansions we end up always working together anyway. Or be apart of a group working towards the same end as always. Factions be damned. Depending on the Dungeons or Raid. I don’t think its so out of this world that a Horde and Alliance would team up for the bigger picture. Which has been the case in this game, Several times over already…

Now when it’s faction war related however :eyes:

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