what do think about, removing the faction lock on mounts? Considering they are looking into making more stuff cross faction, why not remove the faction lock on mounts.
Plus what about removing the class restriction on the class mounts from Legion.
Just an idea. If people don’t like that, it’s in their full right
I do wish my Bee mount was available as a Horde
That’s a nice idea. I love the blue Dragonhawk that alliance has.
High elf bias!
Where is Erevien when you need him
Sure why not.
No, certain level of identity must be preserved.
Class mounts should remain. It would make no sense to remove those restrictions.
i agree. it would be weird for my hunter to turn into a owl, as cool as that sounds.
as for faction i think its fine in some cases, like it doesnt make sense for blood elves not to have blue dragonhawks and suddenly the alliance owns them
I have nothing against NOT making class specific / faction specific mounts again in the future but it makes no sense to transform a mount that was designed to b class specific or faction specific into a general one.
This is the only unlock that is necessary imo.
He’s busy posting in the lore section, please don’t summon him to GD.
i hate bees. one time, they chased me in a field.
Bees are beautiful beings. Bumble bees are artwork.
Would love for them to remove the restrictions on faction mounts AND transmog. Alliance have a Bee and a lot of the pvp sets are blue which look amazing.
Brb… Gonna say his name into a mirror 3 times.
TAKE IT BACK! they pollinate, are my Harry Potter colours (hufflepuff) and they cute and fuzzy!
That’s a nice duffer wand
Factions must keep restrictions.
We are not friends.
Faction restrictions do not make sense. It makes the faction conflict look like a cartoon conflict in which everything is black and white and so every member of a faction hates every member of the other faction. And that is not what happens in conflicts. Wars do not stop people from having mixed friendships, mixed marriages, mixed business (legal or illegal), smuggling, etc. Sure, the public opinion of a country at war could hate another country, but people are not machines that have all the same feelings and opinions.
Alliance and Horde conflict is a cartoon conflict, the same as any conflict for a kid’s TV show, in a show that it is ok to hate the bad guys every one of them is hated and deserves it, there is no grey morality. The only difference between a children’s show and WOW is that usually, children’s show portray one good side and one evil side, while WOW portrays for players of both factions as if their side is the good one and the other is the evil one, but it is still a cartoonish portrait.
Explain to me what sense would have that a horse would refuse to be mounted by an elf. Are you telling me the horse has any sense of nationality and refuses it? It is just an animal. And what about clothes? Clothes and armors are no living things.
And the Armoured Iron Horde Elekk that’s Alliance only… :grumble: