Factions wars

The battle of darkshore was a loss for the Horde in both phases, neither objectives were ever achieved. From a narrative pov it was a propaganda victory for sylvanas in the short term but ultimately only really cemented discontent against her in the long term.

don’t forget the Horde LOST the 4th war. ye of course its not dressed up as it for the Horde players but they had a political revolution by removing the office of Warchief.


They say this but then make a song and dance about rated arena for the last 16 years, lol. Lmao even.

by the devs own words the faction war is finished forever and that’s good because every time they made it a focus it sucked

This game would be dead until now if it had no PvP.

Many people participate in it through WorldPvP, battlegrounds, arena.

Definition of sidegame is pet battles not PvP.

Regarding faction war stories, both sides must commit atrocities to make it fair instead of portraying it as good vs bad.

One day we will have another faction war story though there is no doubt, perhaps 4 years later.


Here’s a pop quiz:

  1. Who wins in a faction war where the Alliance loses?
  2. Who wins in a faction war where the Horde loses?

Spoiler: The answer is the same for both of these question. And Azeroth will lose big time.

Please don’t. We’ve had that done to death already.
Build on the truce and the cooperation that the factions have had.
Make big cross faction features.

Time to make the horde and alliance believable and unite their forces against enemies that are way too much for any single faction to take on. The planet, heck the entire universe, is in danger. It does not make ANY sense to focus on old dumb hostilities.



I do not like cross faction at all. Now, the feeling that I am fighting for Horder or Alliance is gone because of all this kisses between the two factions :).


just turn wm on, and you won’t see them dancing, at least friendly dancing for sure :wink:

well they still fight eachother, but while fighting greater evil why wouldnt they be able to fight together, in real life when alliens would attack our world, do you think that some countries would still prefer to kill themselves over focusing on aliens ? just simple example

To be honest… yes
Humans will be Humans
We are horrible
BUT - and it is a big but - Azeroth is NOT Earth and the Humans are not H. Sapiens (the sapiens part still debatable if you ask me :roll_eyes:) but humanoid (eg. a being resembling a human in its shape) Azerothians with totally different history and origins (mutated/flesh cursed offshot of race of constructs made out stone and metal, the Iron Vrykul) thus comparing them to humans/us wouldn’t be fair
The people of Azeroth and Draenor had to learn the hard, very hard way of the price of the constant war and bloodshed, the price of blind hatred and pointless wars to the point, most of the intelligent races danced the edge of extinction (and tho’ I loathe Shadwolands, it is cannon and now it is common knowledge, to the point common folks casually chat about it, what awaits you after you kick the bucket and learned life is very precious… and what is the alternative)

we must take the next step and destroy the horde and alliance forever to make the game truly factionless pvp can be some wargame no one cares about


Tbh, I think it’d make sense to get rid of factions completely, and replace it with conflicts between different groups, i.e. Orcs vs Humans, Undead vs. Night elves. Blood Elves vs. Trolls, etc. The definition of horde and alliance could potentially also be narrowed down to very few specific races.
Covenant systems in Shadowlands could have been pvp factions.
Also, I’d like them to get rid of servers too, and just have sharding with everyone playing in the same world

I see where you are going, but I am afraid the 'Orc vs Human-trope is not that realistic. Rather we would see Ors vs Night Elves (Ashenvale) and Humans vs Undead (Lordaeron).

I think undeads would ally with humans if anything tbh. Especially now with Calia Menethil

Indeed, but if that is the favourable narrative we wouldn’t have further major intern conflicts to begin with, so no [race] vs [race].

Imo that’s a good thing.

Free /pet, ear scratch and belly rubs
The Worgen and Vulpera community approves the peace!

you mean horde became colonies of stormwind?

It would be far more interesting if the 2 big factions fractured, and we ended up with several small factions.

Listen, we can’t live in harmony with stinking orcs, ugly goblins and hunched back trolls with yellow tusks.

They belong to muds, I can barely tolerate teaming up with them in shuffle already with my Horde Slayer title.

Dividing PvP pool to 4 is not a good idea, it would have made sense if WoW had 20 million players.

I would also love to see a faction conflict but not with this narrative team, they failed during BfA. All they had to do was giving both sides cool moments, reasons to hold grudge against opposing side but they failed to do so because after Teldrassil it was Mary Sueylvanas who blighted Undercity not Alliance. That was distasteful.

If this team stays I’m ok with skipping all cinematics and quests.

Blablabla blabla bla Champion, save the World.

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Whether the Horde and Alliance merge, or just fall apart entirely and all races just intermingle, WoW no longer has a playerbase of sufficient size that they can afford to split it in two groups just to give the PvP-jocks and “Faction pride” RP-lot their jollies…

It would help the various races stand out more, if they’re not constrained and overshadowed by an overarching faction, racial identity is IMO more fun than faction identity.

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