Yh i miss the days where i would play horde and i would see one alliance person per expansion.
I miss the days where doing keys as an alliance was all about hoping to have more than 4 choices. I also miss the days where as an horde doing rbg’s i would press to qeue up, do my 5 days of work, come back, and get to start my game.
Awww the memories…
Edit: i remember back in those days there use to be tales about people spotting like 2 alliance in the same area, hard to believe it l, i always said at the time blizzard should give an achievement for these people.
im not a big fan of the friendship is magic thing either. Warcraft have so little identity left as it is.
what faction wars…theres no alliance left
I understand what you are saying but as I said I am bored saving the universe every expansion. The dev., can write plenty of lore regarding the fight between Alliance and Horde. Even inside the factions there are rivalries. And I hope there will be no more space ships. If I want to play a SCI FI game there are plenty to choose from.
they really can’t every single faction theme’ed expansion was a colossal failure from cata to mop to bfa all epic fail
the current writing team under daunser could not write their way out of a paper bag if their lives depended on it
That’s the problem, they can write “plenty of lore” about Horde vs Alliance, but the lack of decent resolution will always leave it unsatisfying to both sides.
Horde goes “RARR SMASH!” yet again, Alliance gets kicked in the pants to show how threatening the Horde is, writing department realizes there must always be two factions (Telling half your players “You picked the wrong side, sucks to be you” is bad marketing, apparently), so Alliance foils the Horde’s lame schemes a few times, big showdown where the Horde falls to inner strife, bury the sins with the old warchief (So convenient!), rinse, repeat…
We did that junk twice, with Garrosh and with Sylvanas, it was unsatisfying and dreary both times, let’s not try and see if third time’s the charm…
@Kotara. Not everything needs to be a story with a resolution, it can just be a setting. Jedi and sith have been fighting each other for 10s of thousands of years with loads of stories but no great resolution, and it works great. I would rather say that demanding escalating stories with ever more bombastic resolutions is what will, to put it succinctly, kill off a setting.
However, connecting to what you said. The jedi and sith for example, have been written into having organic reasons for conflict as part of who/what they are. Same thing in settings like Age of Sigmar or with nerubians, sand trolls, quillboar etcetra in Warcraft. And that background concept is simply not there for the factions in wow, which is why the conflicts feel more contrived, because they kind of have to be. You cant have two Mary Sue enlightened pacifists saving the world with outspoken friendship, and then also have an “organic” conflict between them. WARcraft is really more of a story of escalating pacifism and cooperation than of faction conflict, the name has been a misnomer since at least Reign of Chaos Eternity’s End.
Neither the Horde nor the Alliance have the recourses to keep the war going for thousands of years. Lorewise the Horde will become depleted first, and that ends the Horde as a faction for good.
Also why would even the Tauren of the Horde be in a war against the Alliance to begin with?
I did not mean that the A/H conflict would go on for thousands of years of total war without interruption. It would be a low intensity conflict, intermittent conflict, and/or the slain keep being returned to life in some way.
Yes, it makes no “organic” sense that races/cultures like the Tauren would launch themselves into deadly conflicts against the Alliance (unless we RP as Grimtotem or something). And that’s the kind of problem this setting has compared to other settings, which i tried to point out in my post; the playable wow races/factions are mostly “enlightened pacifists” but the game is called WARcraft. So how do you create organic conflict between them? The answer for many people is “you dont/cant”.
Faction wars don’t work in WoW and BfA is proof of that.
The only time it, sort of, works is when it’s based in zones and it’s zone-specific, such as Ashenvale, where you could essentially play both Horde and Alliance and you were fighting to drive both the hostile enemies (Naga, Satyr, Twilight’s Hammer, Legion) out and the opposite faction.
World of Warcraft does not mean “world where war is always taking place”. It means the world setting where the Warcraft RTS games took place. They’re history now, let’s move forward. There’s enough real war and pain in the world, why would you want to drag it into your relaxation time as well? Join together and fight the monsters, not each other!
It would be great. But lets face it. Blizzard is too high on that peace pipe. The kumbayah hand holders would want the Alliance and the Horde to continue to hold hands. Ignoring that the Alliance and Horde are what they are because of the adversity and conflict with each other and not inspite of it.
Now that cross faction play and even raids has been introduced. Cross-faction guilds will not be too far away. Already proud faction conflict communities such as the “Alliance Defence Force” has become mixed with Horde filth.
While not on the scale of Battle for Azeroth. It could be race wars within the faction.
The Forsaken have violated Stormwind - Gilnean - Kul Tirans and farming their dead. So with or whitout the Valkyr returning our dead back to the dead is important.
Maghar Orcs might try to relive the old days or bring them back of the Greenskins Orcs. So the Wildhammers should need back up.
Zandalari could make a journey to Pandaria. Queen Talanji trying to smooth things over since their Prophet Zhul ressurected the Thunder King that enslaved them.
Horde Druids could do more to actually restore the Lands and forests that the Horde are chopping down or plaguing.
The enginuity of both the MechaGnomes and the Gnomes could be a threat to the Horde especially should the Alliance get the technological advantage. Lets face it the Goblins are the “brains” and the “bank” of the Horde.
If it is Elf Wars you want then the Void Elfs could try to rebuild the ruined half of Silvermoon.
There is a lot of potential there. Good old faction wars is good and would be a nice distraction to all of the Woke garbage that activists are pushing into the game.
I find current story better, we don’t need to follow or read or watch any of cinematics. If it was interesting story we would have feel obligated to follow the story. Currently there is not such an obligation. The game sells less without hype but that is blizzard’s problem not ours.
They just announced cross-faction guilds, i think the faction theme is dead for blizz…
u mean horde mercenaries? theres no alliance left
you playing vulpera. ppl votekick and report you for that on top of your homophobic drivel
I’m not homophobic. In your wet dreams I am. All your ten accounts and your self should known that by now.
Umm no. In world full of death and violence we need something to hold world together. Let it be World of warcraft and fighting greater foes,not eachother,like we do,everyday,in many countries on the planet.
Have a nice day
Don’t worry about it Casavir. Just your old Vulpera here going Coco again about the world.
Warcraft is fine. Everything is fine… I’ll delete it all and everything will be fine…