Failed boost

Such scumbags, just as bad as the boost scammers.
Pity we have such people in the community.


Some comments in here are very disgusting. Wishing other people bad luck because they play the game in a different way than you do (or in a different way than you think that the game should be played) is very toxic and not very intelligent. WoW PvE isn’t even an e-sports (maybe debatable for world first races but boosts are irrelevant for this and nobody in this thread even competes for that) so this is a lot of fuss about nothing.


Good I’m glad this happens. Serves you right for buying a boost.


not even “the way” the op plays the game as he explained why he/she bought boost. He just wanted some quick/painless gearing cause his guild was not able in a long time.

Shocking comments from toxic cancershrugs.


It’s so funny that boosting is accepted within the community now… Why should boosting for gold be an accepted thing… If you’re not good enough to do the content, or don’t do it… Or just get good?

Boosting should be against rules. All you see in trade chat these days is “WTS BOOST”


Hey there folks!

The thread’s derailed just a little from the original purpose here, so I’ve locked it down now.

We’ll always do our best to investigate scams and cheating, so if you’ve experienced something like this, feel free to reach out to our support team so we can see what we can do