Title: A Father’s Remorse Part 1
Author: Myself/Wilfard Seastrider
Culture/Race Kul Tiran/Drust
Nowhere near finished but I thought no better place to begin a myth than with myths, soon™
A weary finger threw a small branch into the fire, a sharp; crisp echoing as smoke rose towards the midnight sky and the blossoming Moon lurking in the dark, the trees whispering the unfathomable as a hollow, aching voice called out.
“Gather round all ye’ for a tale of intrigue, darkness and mystery. Gather for the eve where we honor all those who have passed.” the voice spoke with weary hesitation, the fire roared out as it overcame the looming darkness of the Moon and the winds fell silent to the slow chanting of words not to be uttered.
“On this day we call to yee: Forsaken and forgotten, for upon this eve you may walk once again, whence your business once more can be completed.” the old, weary voice cried out once more. Shrieks filled the sky, a looming omen.
Another voice entered the fray, lively, powerful, angry.
“Stop this Witchcraft at once, the Lord-Admiral will see you all-” his voice was cut off the elder.
“You know not our traditions, do not meddle, this we beseech of you!” he cried out, pleading as another shriek brought even the mountains low, so terrible was it that even the flames bent the knee.
What happens next! What happens next! a spry, excited voice cried out as a skeletal figure threw a branch into the campfire, looking towards the midnight sky that howled out a vengeful cry.
“A story…for another time.”