Farstrider and Highborne customisations for Elves - PLS

It’s not exactly “new” in many regards.
Still same shapes and not something that stands out, in comparison to other features.

Night Elves are also getting new darker and lighter skin tones as well as tattoos, and new hair colours.
Blood Elves are likely getting new skin tones and at this stage, for clear new features (not ears), that’s it.

I honestly would not know, as I am not on Alpha, and all the info I could gather on Twitter seemed to point at Blood and Void Elves. But I sure do hope to see something more next week…

To each their own I guess. I find a different ear shape a much more intriguing feature than a new hair color. I can’t help feeling that the addition of new 3D models, even if it is just ear shapes, would require much more design work than a different choice of texture or a colored pattern overlay.

If any races got some extra special attention, to be honest, I feel that they are the Undead (decay levels) and Humans (face shapes).

Then there are Tauren and Dwarves which come with the same kind of rework (mostly tattoos and a few skins), which are pleasing, but also very simple by comparison.

Possibly, but so far we have only seen a couple, of which only one was really new, since females night elves already had the pink color added for males.

And if I may apply to the tattoos the same reasoning you apply to Blood Elf eye colors and ear shapes, they hardly count as new features since they are just a variation of something they already had.

That leaves just the hair colors as ‘totally new’. IF they are confirmed.

How about the beards for the Blood Elf males? Are those not new?

They are, but unlike the eye colour and jewelry are not on the Dressing Gown release, Oh, Hairstyles are on there as well, but not eyes, beards and skin tones.

Good grief, you can tell it is Lockdown, I meant ‘Dressing Room’ not ‘Dressing Gown’

So we don’t know if they just haven’t been added yet, or if they are also not for players.

Look at the end of the day, Blood Elves have far more uncertainty about what we’re getting and what we’re not getting. It isn’t a race to see who’s more of a victim.

We’ve just got more uncertainty and it isn’t good.

You’ve had fewer features datamined, but fewer features datamined, stands better chances than all the features we’ve had for blood elves. I don’t like, nor do I like being told, that this sort of uncertainty is somehow fair for night elf fans. It’s not fair.

I am very sorry if I upset or annoyed you, but I regret we do not understand each other. I certainly never meant to claim that having to be uncertain about the upcoming Shadowlands features was fair in any way. I was just cautioning you from assuming that the assets datamined for the Night Elves were confirmed, and was trying to point out that while there certainly is some confusion about what belongs to Void and what belongs to Blood Elves, you are not the only core race not to know what will come for them, and there still have been more datamined features for the Blood Elves in comparison to what we have seen for the Night Elves so far, so you in my humble opinion there is no reason why you should feel like the most neglected core race.

I agree it’s not a competition of any kind. As a matter of facts, where I live, we usually say ‘shared burden, half a burden’.

That does not make it ‘fair’ for anyone. If anything, however, it could (or in my opinion should) ease your pain to know that you are not the only people who do not know yet what shall come for them.

Funny thing being, among Night Elf fans, we are not assuming the datamined auburn hair color is meant to be a player asset, because that kind of color usually belongs to Blood Elves. We are actually actively cautioning each other from assuming, in order not to be disappointed if it is not confirmed!

Kind of the same goes for the teal skin color datamined for the females, as it looks somewere in between Undead and Nightborne stuff. For all we know it could belong to a NPC spirit character to be met in the Shadowlands.

Even more so when you consider it is not matched by a male skin of the same color.

Would we rather know? YES, of course. The sooner the better!
But we are also not overly worried about this, as it is early in the Alpha. We’re just waiting to see what hits the character customization screen when the Night Elves finally get their round of rework, and only THEN we will allow ourselves to feel thrilled or disappointed.

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Dath’Remar Sunstrider was a Night Elf Highborne male with pink skin and auburn hair to start with.

Before he became an awesome High/Blood Elf of course.

I think it’s time for some night elves updates.
For instance, the fists seem to be as big as the shoulders, the forearm almost as big as the biceps.
The hand muscles are very prominent, the elbows look weird from the front and from the back.
The hand fingers are very long and the feet seem very swollen.
The neck has a weird angle and it’s very thicc compare to the small head.
Also for a long time there isn’t an ears option.
The face has only “angry options”.
Imo there is a lot of room for improvement.


Wednesday again… really hope to see something new with today’s (or tomorrow’s? there seem to be a variable with those alpha updates, or is it just me) news.

Really curious to see what really gets implemented in the character customization screen for Belves.

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Seems to me like Blizzard answered to that!

I’ve noticed how now void elves and blood elves share a lot more in common model wise, this should kill the high elf playable thing entirely, because now it is clear one of those customisations is a high elf.

I hope they do similar to night elf and Nightborne - especially body size, Night elves could really use a thinner model with the arrogant pose the Nightborne have. This is perfect for the HIghborne types, the caster types too and should be an option they select. Also the arcane tattoos would be good option for night elves.

Nightborne similarly could port more skin tones from night elves, a buklier body type, not the DH level of buff, but the normal night elf level, also more night elf hair colours. Probably get everything but the green ones.

That whould go a long way to giving the highborne customisation.

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Well… that should be much better now?

I think if Night elves get the slim body build of the Nightborne - which has always been a skinny night elf model - it would be perfect for a Highborne customisation, and pretty obvious too, especially if the body type came with arcane tattoos (which they could link to the body type or have it part of the tattoo tab).

But yeh, the ears would be night elven, not Nightborne, but the pose would also be Nightborne. It would work because half the horde view the Nightborne model as what a Highborne looks like rather than the night elf model, besides the skinny frame only really works for caster types, which is what most highborne are.

But not enough quite yet. I noticed some jewlery optins for Blood elves which is good, but I haven’t yet seen the tattoo options and the wilder hairstyles and beards as well as scars…

I really want something like what Alleria has and Lor’themar. I’ve found some very good examples of what they could look like here.

Birds eye hairdos by Dulafen http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w73/Dulafen/Silver_Covenant_Hair_Mix_v1.png

Full body shots examples by Dulafen

In ranger attire:


How about, the Void Elves could get blue (and purple?) tattoos and Blood Elves could get them in red (and yellow?). Different patterns, of course.

Why not.

We definitely need more distinguishing features and hairstyles are the only thing right now. Apart from voidy features if void elves decide to have it.

I submit we add a “gnome option” for all races, so they can ofc correct their miss-click and select the true beauty of the Gnomish people.


When considering what makes the two different - the big indicator is actually the ears then body. Lore wise they’re really just another faction of night elves, very similar to the Shen’dralar - but basically night elves.

So if night elves are getting slimmer bodies as part of the Highborne customisation::

  1. Their ears must remain night elven
  2. Give them different type of arcane indicators - e.g. glowing hands/feet, the Nelf tattoos instead having an arcane glow.
  3. The chin ornamentation could be an exclusive Nightborne thing - so we arrange an entirely different set and style of ornamention, but with some cross over - they’re night elves afterall.
  4. Faces: Keep the faces different if possible, Night elven new faces especially on the thin model should be very good looking and beautiful, seeing they’re generally much healthier
  5. Facial hair on males, the thin model on night elves should have facial hair options -t his is another big distinction from Nightborne who do not.

Hairstyles and Hair colours can be shared

For Nightborne the following from a poster in another forum.

  • Night elf body size, with Nightborne ears and Nightborne faces (if possible, give em night elf faces if it’s too much work)
  • Eyes colors: Standard silver, vivid purple, light blue, dark blue and amber (they are night elves also healed by the Arcan’dor, the golden eyes of destiny should be avail to some.
  • New skin colors: “black” (very dark grey), “white” (very light grey), and a host of skin tones from the night elf set
  • Faces: Copy/paste the best faces, but change eyes to be more like the NPC’s.
  • More hair colors: light blue, dark blue, pink - all the NElf colours too with the exception of the green range.
  • More hair styles, including options with flowing arcane energy
  • Jewelry: Double the current options, with the second set having the chin plate enabled. Treat the chin plate as a beard for purpose of hiding it under armor.
  • Jewelry Color: Silver, gold, bronze. This setting changes the jewelry, chin plate and some hair styles’ ornaments.
  • More tattoo patterns. these can be shared with the NElf highborne, but there has to be some unique to the Nightborne as the runes could hold special achievement and landmark progression in their unique situation that those outside the shield wouldn’t have.
  • Fixes to Heritage armor: Give us a second skirtless version of the chest. Remove chin plate from armor (it’s now a customization option). Add an alternate hand slot that is gloveless but cover the hands with arcane energy (like some NPCs have). Enable the gold/red version of the armor.
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It has been quite a while since any new features for the Night Elves were datamined, so I played with Photoshop to see what additional colors we could get for their facial markings (obviously on both males of females, although I only edited the females as it was much easier).

The new colors are: pink, blue, light blue, golden, auburn, white, black.

Most of the shapes are either from the current game files or based on them, with the exceptions of the last two (white and black) which were inspired by the minimalist markings Azshara displays in the Warbringers video and the theme of the Night Warrior.

I am obviously assuming that all shapes should be available in every color and separated from skin/hair color, but I don’t think you really need me to create a different preview file for every skin color to show all of the possible variations.

Enjoy! :wink:




Thank you SO much! :yellow_heart:

Would it be too much to ask you to share some more love helping display the example skins listed on post 172?