Farstrider and Highborne customisations for Elves - PLS

Highborne are different in terms of fashion and style. They are more regal. If they really had any intention to add those options they would have taken Azshara’s model as inspiration/example, but they didn’t because they don’t care.

But that’s armor, not features per-say.

The only feature is a night elf skin tone, not a “Highborne feature.”

It’s not just the armor and hair/skin colors. It’s their lifestyle. Highborne are regal and not feral like the normal Night Elves. They have styled regal hair, they wear makeup, wear jewelry (real jewelry not the ones the night elves got), they wear ancient silk, their lifestyle is around magic and nature not just nature like the normal night elves. They are like how High,Void and Blood elves are, they are the same but their lifestyle sets them apart and makes them different.

Edit: So if they really cared about what players wanted they would have added Highborne options as well. But they didn’t which clearly makes it clear they don’t care, sad but it’s the truth.

But they aren’t a separate race.
What happens to the Night Elves, the few remaining Highborne in the Alliance, will follow suit…or they’ll move to Dalaran… :woman_shrugging:

They are still just night elves.

But what you’ve listed as “features” isn’t doable in game, because it sounds like you want them to be their own race, but also - you’ve spoke about their dress and essentially, armor styles.
Blizzard has given us the option to customize our armor with transmog.

This Priest uses EN Normal Priest set, to symbolize a Leyweaver-style and also match the Shal’dorei colour schemes with a softer purple and white.

I really don’t want them to be their own race. But these are what descries a Highborne. Now if Naga might become a playable race they would 100% have their Night elven forms back like the Worgen so they would have both elven and naga options (with pearls,shells etc.) so i would be fine with Night elves not having true Highborne options.

But said specific Highborne spent years wandering the wilds of Feralas and Desolace after the Horde exiled them from Dire Maul. Whatever luxuries they ever had whilst siphoning off Immol’thar was long gone.

This is what I mean, when your talking about armor types. If you say that we should have Highborne features because they wore different armor, Blizzard would just turn to you and say “Err Transmog?”
Same goes for anything really…I love the idea of a Sin’dorei Sorceress, but I’m not going to ask Blizzard for a specific armor-style that reflects what I like, as one of the new features because we’ve got that feature with transmog.

The same applies for Farstriders. We’ve got an armor theme with the Vindictive PvP set - that’s different from asking for a new customization feature. For that, we’ve got nothing because it overlaps. Tattoos, again - seem to be a stronger “Mage” thing than a “Ranger” thing.

It really doesn’t matter if Highborne were exiled from Eldre’thalas by the Horde. Highborne are narcissistic and arrogant so they will always make sure they look beautiful like Azshara always did. Their style wouldn’t go anywhere. And I’m not asking for Highborne transmog, because I can already have them. I’m asking for more regal hairstyles (and by that I mean long elven hairstyles like how Azshara has, not the Karren ones we are always getting…) more jewelry and golden options for them as well as tiaras/crowns.

Edit: this is what a Highborne would look like https://twitter.com/Sovaliah/status/940118032214401024?s=20 all those options could have been added very easily, but I guess what’s done is done.

Night Elves and Void Elves have the longest Elven hairstyles in the game. Any longer and the hair would be touching the ground.

Besides, your getting a longer one with a large-ish ponytail.

Shen’dralar dress sense seems quite bland to me.

Golden eyes not enough?

Highborne had Priestesses in their ranks, you know.
It’s likely though - anything the Nightborne get, however little, the Night Elves will also get on top of all their customization, so those new earrings we get, will likely be yours anyway soon.

Couldn’t that be a specific, Blood Elf only feature?
Night Elves get vines of many colours.
Blood Elves get short hair and a tiara hairstyle.
Void elves get their “High Elf/Blood Elf” features
Nightborne should get some styled braided hairstyles, but rather than hang over the shoulder like the others elves, the braid/s hang down behind their backs.

It’s far more unique giving each elven race a specific feature, rather than all of them just getting whatever else the other has and leaving the Blood Elves and Nightborne short, because they won’t get vine-features.

No golden eyes aren’t enough. Golden jewelry are just a recolor of the silver ones, Night elves have only 1 hair style that’s long and the other one isn’t for a Highborne. Second Void elves aren’t getting High elf features since they won’t get the blood elf hair colors so they won’t have high elf options. Why should jewelry remain specific when clearly Azshara and so many Highborne have them.

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Because Highborne of Azshara became Naga.

Look mate, the way it reads is anything Blood Elves get, you want for night elves because “ITS MA HIGHBORNE!!!”
Can’t you just leave Blood Elves alone with their set features?

I never said I want to have the same things as Blood elves, but tiaras/crowns would just work perfectly with night elves who are mages or priests. Even though Azshara became a Naga she’s still very much a Night elf, and she’s also shown to have access to her Night Elf form even now. Look all I was saying is for Night elves to get Highborne options which you clearly are against because they can’t be made,Blizzard don’t have time, Nightborne needs more options first, only blood elves should have tiaras/crowns etc…if you are really so against this just move on and ignore these ideas.

Nightborne should be developed first.

Night Elves have enough options now - clearly not ones you like, but they can’t please everyone.
It’s now time to give the Nightborne some attention and love and start giving them more features.

You’ve got more than enough between Void Elves and Night Elves. I don’t care if you like them or not, both races have got loads, in comparison to the Nightborne, so it’s their turn (the Nightborne’s) now.

They’ll get them I wouldn’t be surprised if they are working on them. And their options will 100% be better than both night elves and void elves just wait and see and then we’ll talk who are on the losing side because I already know who are gonna be when it comes to elves.

I’m not interested in speculation in this regard, but whatever Nightborne get, at least half shouldn’t be shared with any other race.
Nightborne deserve their uniqueness. They were the driving force at the start of Legion.

It’s time they were worked on.

Here are the things I would have wanted for Night elves https://twitter.com/astranea_tvc/status/1274840234128277505?s=20 they would be simple but perfect and very Highborne looking

You don’t have to be so judgey you know. Let blizzard decide when it’s enough options.

As a player surely you should be highlighting as many fantasies and options you would like for the races you play, rather than judging others desires and opinions?

And if you actually take the number of individual options per category, you find out blood elves have tons. e.g. Nearly twice the number of hairstyle, nearly twice the number of faces, more skin tones. They may have fewer sliders, but each slider tends to have a lot more than night elves.

Coming up and telling other players is enough, is not constructive.

The more options the better, if you can think of somthing you’d like to see, or a fantasy related to void elves you’d like, including blond hair which I think is fine on void elves now, then say.

Afterall, we do see high elves and blood elves joining the Void elves right? This means that the Void elves are both a race and a faction. The race ones are all Thalassian elves with purple skin, but the faction encompasses more people, it encompasses High elves and Blood elves who are also studying the void but aren’t purpled skin.

These ones actually would have blonde hair options - this ofc is in game on Telogrus rift, so it actually is fully legit.

Furthermore, you can hope for things that aren’t in game, if you imagine an option that will really fit your favourite race or enhances the fantasy it represents, don’t keep it to yourself, say, this si how we all benefit with cool options.

If someone comes on and responds to you listing 20 reasons why it won’t happen or can’t happen or shouldn’t happen. Don’t let that stop you, it’s just their opinion and sometimes they don’t realise they are bullying or snuffing out others voices with there negative criticism and opinionated high horse.

Keep posting. I for once appreciate the creaive thinking and ideas that come along, clearly not everyone does, but they’re entitled to voice their criticism and opinion of your opinion - such armchair critics live to tell people what they can and can’t do, and even bolder to tell them what they can or can’t imagine. They don’t realise how off putting it is, but please don’t let it discourage you, just keep going.

I made a post for the Highborne options that could work for Night Elves Highborne options for Night Elves


So Nightborne have to wait until night elf mage fans say so, then they can get their features. Please Starstride…

That’s bullying.

You know that is not what I’m saying. But if you want to make or re-iterate the point that Nightborne don’t have that many options, you are free too, I was only speaking with respect to blood elves and night elves.

No need to be so argumentative.

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Hey Moira, could you do mockups of the night elf male faces 2,4,7 (use wowhead) unwrinkled - reason is I’m thinking that night elves could get at least 3 new faces by just having unwrinkled versions of those faces on the short term, and on hte long term possibly we could have an age slider which could alter expression.

I’m thinking - young faces more neutral expression, old faces snarled
But then expression really should be it’s own slider. And come with a default pose stance, but you can change your pose in game.

What do you think?

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