Fated Raids

Thanks for this Fated raids feature Blizzard:)! We are able to get now the transmog we really want with the new coin! Keep it up :facepunch:


What does a coin do? What should i do?

Coins let you buy some trinkets/weapons or other stuff from vendors near the great vault. I really like the fated raids too! i got my cat and i think i would do again to get some other tmogs :slight_smile:

Yeah since blizzard and i love them because of this so much giving us the raid finder recolor a proper look, i farm the thorgast raid for it hard as hell.

It is for a weapon or trinket.And then you upgrade it to Heroic or Mythic doing Heroic or Mythic( Normal also)…Right?
I think thats it.You get it by defeating 30 bosses.

The Fated system and also having no Valor cap for the M+ dungeons is a god-blessing. Those are good changes and I hope Blizzard keeps them going.


The coins from the “kill x amount of bosses” allow you to directly buy weapons.

Then you can use the new currency that drops from each boss in a raid to upgrade a piece of armor to that raid’s difficulty. You get heroic currency from heroic raids. It’s bad luck protection, an overall good system that Blizz should carry forward.

Fated? Maybe

Valor cap? 100000% returning.
It’s a system made to stop the RWF andy’s breaking the game day 1.

I really gotta shape up, I kinda want the mount. It’s hard to find LFR appealing though.

I thought you could use the coins for armour, but you cant and now I’m sad

all I want is CN normal leather hat :sob:

Like if anyone of the regular players would give a :poop: if they do.

Well… You will.
It basicly ensures the “less hardcore” players that they fall behind slower in gear and miss the “timegate” when ppl start asking ilvl 500+ while you are 300 from last season :man_shrugging:

But December (IF DF will be released then) is still at least 3 months away
3 months of play with your shiny gear
Everything in an MMORPG is momentary
It is like life
Enjoy what you have while you can

That’s like saying, 10.0 is not worth playing because 10.1 has x ilvl more.
Season 4 is not worth playing because 10.0 has x ilvl more.

Where’s the logic in that?
You have to play in the moment, not for the future… Just enjoy yourself, if that is by gearing then get em champ :sweat_smile:


Nope. This is BS.

Having a timegate is only holding everyone back that wants to play at a different pace.

In my main game Destiny 2 there is no power (GS equivalent) timegate. The best players can grind as fast and much they want and it doesn’t impact my LFG experience, because I simply can ignored ALL LFG POSTS that say “Must have 1580 power”. And actually, most LFG posts simply don’t ask for power but actual player achievements instead. Like completions, K/D (for PvP) and so on.

To those who actually intend to buy useful gear with coins: save them until the end of season in order to buy the highest itemlevel possible for your char. The itemlevel offered by the vendor increases whenever you complete the raids on higher difficulty.

Except Hunter’s who cannt get their BiS bow… GG

What good are the items then? It’s fully at the end of the bloody expansion at that point… WTF?

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Gear your twinks for Dragonflight in order to level through quests easier, for example? I mean, thanks for responding just to throw a negative comment, but your way of playing might not be everyone else’s?

You’ll be able to blast through that stuff with crap gear…

The only reason to have high ilvl gear right now is to blast the current content. Why the hell would you save it?

o_O weird