Fated Raids

Blast through which current content? I mean there is no new content if you’re honest. S4 is a sole preparation season for DF, innit? Why should you be able to blast through quests of the upcoming expansion when you need the higher item level in the last season of the current expansion in order to blast through content that has been ingame for months? “weird O_o” logic.

Questing will, as in every expansion, be a bit slower in the beginning than after being all geared up later in the process. What exactly is your issue with people trying to get the best possible set-up in order to prepare alts for that? Some completely skipped gearing alts up to now, because they would have to do it over and over again in each season. Others probably just started to play again after years ajd want to prepare their character the best they can for DF also without doing the hardcore grind in M+.

Besides PvP, raid is the easiest way to do it right now. If you started the first coin collection via lfr or normal, you might as well want to wait until you’ve completed the second coin collection on the next higher difficulty to exchange it for a final gear piece of highest possible item level.

What kind of weird, bulls**t logic is that. It has all been tuned up.

Okay, please find someone else for your battle rap night on the mic. You apparently can’t have a mature conversation with someone having a different approach to the game as you do.

Please find another venting venue for your rubbish. You don’t make sense.

Casual players can play however they want… You seem to be trying to get casual players to min/max for levelling in the next expansion. U wot m8?

You’re talking to a mirror right now, I see.

Nah i just stopped doing M+ in s4 after ending s3 on +19 because it got boring and wasn’t fun anymore, now am focussing on gearing alts for DF.

I’m talking to you and you are replying.

Yeah, and I basically told you to stop talking to me and get on my nerves with your offensive attitude towards someone giving a suggestion to people, wo clearly aren’t you so find someone else to talk to.

Your suggestion was terrible. Nobody will do that.

“Hold my beer whilst I gear up for the next expansion”

Okay, so you apparently have a hard time with a woman saying no to you. Which is why I’ll make it clear for you. I’ve reported you for harassment and abusive behaviour and every further comment you head in my direction will be treated accordingly.

Bye darling :kiss:

Good luck with that.

What would a women saying no to me have anything to do with this?

Imagine coming across as a misogynistic clown and having the balls to call me offensive. Nice one, geezer

I won’t report you because I believe in free speech


Or I use them now and actually have my BiS Gavel/OWS to push keys/mythic raids :rofl:.

The gear can be upgraded anyway with the new token thingy, so there doesn’t seem to be a reason why you should wait, unless ofcourse you aren’t planning on pushing any content, but then again, why would you need gear in the first place :sweat_smile:

Just read this entire nonesense argument and just wanted to say…

Rule nr1 on the internet: Everyone is a dude unless proven. :rofl:

im a robot :robot:

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A: Nobody gives a rats what gender you are.

B: He couldnt have known

C: Your gender is irrelevant for the topic you two had.

D: Your reports would be false reports so have fun with your report level going down


Nonono, You kill robots.

no. Robo (Robotic) Killer.

Mental issues much?

better name will be Farted Raids