Fated Raids

The loot yes the affix garbage no God please no

the opposite. the loot no (cuz it’s so hard to drop 1 ITEM) and affix yes cuz boss more F U N

I think the poor mechagnome wandered near to a magnet…

No the boss more UNBALANCED. Raids were always the only thing classes got tuned correctly. I dont want another “hunter” or “warlock” situation in the only content left to compete against your friends.

i think affixes are good.

if you think so. some people also thought karazhan was correctly tuned

ohh u were talking about kara.
ye no m+ affix bad XD

Are you a troll in gnome disguise?

im a nelf.



I love how a bunch of frat boys needs to gather up for an attempt to intimidate, insult and ridicule a female player on the forum because she denied having a discussion with someone, who needs multiple posts in order to tell her how much he doesn’t like her suggestion. All this by trolling, insulting her and circumventing the oh so forbidden swear words without the forum mods making any attempt of doing something against it.

You’re just an idiot for thinking there’s some woman whining in someones ear that disagrees with your rubbish idea.

I still don’t think why a woman whining in my ear would make a difference. Are you nuts? What the hell does this frat bot thing have to do with anything?

Your idea sucked and you doubled down with a load of rubbish

I didn’t double down, I just didn’t find it necessary to explain myself to you or your gang of equally articulatively untalented bros.

There are people using this last season to gear their alts the best way possible to give them a good start in DF. Without beating themselves up over M+ or Mythic raids anymore because they got fed up with it. And waiting a week until you’ve cleared a raid on normal or heroic with an alt in order to get a better item for your coin is sensible if you don’t do any higher difficulty.

If you don’t agree, your thing. But your opinion isn’t the only one and you repeatedly getting offensive and insulting just proves that you cannot accept someone disagreeing with you and leaving it at that. You start getting personal, boisterous, insulting and get your pals on board to join you in said activity in order to gaslight. Prime example of frat boy behaviour. Example for maturity? Not so much.

I have no ‘pals’ on these forums. People already outgear the levelling process in DF. Riot all you like, it’s a crap incentive to gear just for levelling.

Riot? The one who can’t stay calm and called me a misogynistic (lol) clown, and idiot and my idea bs and crap is you. I’m not the one, who has to reside to gutter slang in order to bring my point accross, dear.


Ah, there it is. The lack of (eloquent) words. Hope we’re done finally with that redundant conversation I didn’t have any interest in from the beginning…

I could tear you a hole with vocabulary, it’s just not necessary. Your idea was rubbish.

If Ion sticks to his guns on the “You won, we give up” in regards to prioritising RWF players and shifting focus to the rest of us then maybe it won’t return.

For the record I don’t trust Ion, just pointing out what he said about RWF.

See, the great thing is, that I can decide, who I grant my time and attention while talking to people on the forum. A guy, who apparently has nothing else to do than to repeatedly announce how little he likes my idea in order to “tear me a hole with vocabulary”, is none of them.

Have to apologise because for a moment, I forgot the ignore list exists for me to get rid of absolute irrelevant users. Fixed that now, so once again. Bye, darling.