Favourite race in the game?

Their sleep and wake animation are the best.

Blood elf / High elf
Night elf / Highborne
Wildhammer Dwarves
Regular gnomes (not mecha)

Tol’vir from Uldum
Forest Trolls


Good racials, good looks, reminds me of dragons

my fave are vulpera.

I would add ogres to the playable races tho…

Give me a dragonborn dracthyr paladin and we’re there.

goblin but i would also like to see the pygmys from kezan isle as playable, the nemesis of goblins

Humans, because 90% if not more of the transmogs are designed around them and it really shows. Almost everything looks good on them, the same can’t be said for other races, therefore humans for aesthetic purposes.

Unplayable: Sethraks, though I guess we’ve lost the chance to have them as lizard people now that we have Dracthyrs

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Dwarf, troll, orc.

We need ogres for the Horde and satyrs for the Alliance!

Favorite existing race: Vulpera.

New race I’d like to be able to play: skinny Humans.


With casters getting 2 heads, of course.

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Skinny humans are long overdue!

Nothing beats night elves for me

Tuskarr of course.

The fact that they have such fantastic models, rich history in the game and even come with their own settlements, factions, mounts and tabards and they arent a playable race!!?
Its a travesty I tell ya!!

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Always orcs. Without orcs vs humans, you wouldn’t have Warcraft.

And since Warcraft 3, Blizzard’s reimagining of the orcs as noble savages has been completely iconic and a real point of difference versus LotR or other pop culture.

Every time I want to roll an alt, I play around with the different races but more often than not I just roll yet another orc.

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Troll, just fell in love with in warcraft 3 and haven’t changed.
Probably would add Dryad. It’s the wrong game really, blizzard wouldn’t know what to do with them, but a Dryad could have some really nice druid-archer blend stuff going on.

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The pictures linked by Puny remind me of Draenei more than Tauren… upright and lean instead of hunched over and… “fluffy”.

Anyways, my favourites are Draenei on Alliance side and Vulpera for Horde. Not quite sure which race I would want to add, we have so many to choose from already. Ogres maybe?

i like ogre mage and cenaturs
imagine playing hunter or warrior as cenatur

It’s also cool that they got control over their fel without becoming warlocks. Just pure strength, battle experience and will power


I will not be taking any questions at this time.


I want tiny Paladins and Vulpera Druid.