Favourite race in the game?

Purge them all.

On topic. Race to include would be the Ethereal people.

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Orc, Tauren, Goblin and Troll in that order. With the Classic reboot I tried Forsaken and have a new admiration for them but that could just be because I’m getting old and feeling more broken so can relate :sweat_smile:

Non-playable would probably be something like the Tol’vir, Dryads or Centaur.

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looks at own Profile Picture

Yeah, I don’t think I have to even say it.

In terms of “making them playable”? Uncorrupted Arakorra (idk if spelled right).

In terms of “not from the WoW universe”? Definitely the Awoken from Destiny… They could be a humanoid species touched by the Void here, considering in the Lore of Destiny, Awoken are basically the Destiny version of Space Elfs that are both touched by Light and Dark. (Edit 2: Oh wait, we have void elves… I guess just give them ear options for human ears? :P)


Ogre’s would be fun, imagine an Ogre Rogue.

Honorable mentions include Tuskarr, Sethikk, Naga (not sure how it would work, but could be cool) and Vrykul

Dark Iron Dwarves cause I feel them on spiritual level. Looking like aging rockers in their mid 30s, living in dark cave, drinking rocket-fuel-level swill and swearing with horrible accent. Absolutely love it.

I would love an expansion where Blizzard focus more on gnomes and gadgets.

Playable: Void Elves
Non-playable: Ethereals

I like nether and void yeah.

Vulpera and Tauren.

As for a race that I hope they add one day? Sethrak, definitely Sethrak.

I adore orcs and dwarves. With playing fem dwarves, I love their sense of physical gravity yet lighthearted cheerfulness. Orc ladies have the physique I’d aim for if I didn’t hate the gym so much :wink: , they ooze strength, honour, spirituality.

For an atm unplayable race arrakoa crossed my mind (esp for casters!) but I loved Punyelf’s suggestion for satyr.

Playable: Blood Elves and Nightborne
None-Playable: Naga and Felblood Elves

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