Darnassian posters in Feralas, Ashenvale and Hyjal invite the children of the stars to a night of storytelling in the Feathermoon Stronghold.
Date: 1st of October 2020
Time: 20:00 Game Time
Location: Feathermoon Inn
OOC details:
In the same vein as the old Ashenvale Story Nights the main purpose of the event is to help people roleplaying night elf characters - and their close allies such as the worgen - come together and connect. In Character the host is rumoredly Moon Priestess Hidani Stardew.
The stories could for example be based on lore events, guild adventures or the background of one’s character. Sharing a story is entirely optional and it could also be a song or a poem!
It’d be great if the story was prepared ahead of time to reduce the waiting time for the listeners unless you’re snappy with improvising. A single story should take max 20 minutes to present to make sure multiple people have a chance to share something.
Sounds great. Will do my best to attend. 
Well I guess if I really have to go…
I’d love to be there and share some of my character’s more mundane and lighthearted stories. This old bear has been around for a while, and would love to ramble and laugh about days of old when the grass was greener.
I love these lowkey, ‘fireside’ events. Excited to see how it turns out!
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Acrona’s events has been among the best ones to attend. I hope I make it to this one!
Some levity in the gloom.
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Always love a good story night. Will definitely try and attend for a little while on my druid!
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Big flammable tree. Huge night elf population.
Time to get some source material for a Teldrassil sequel 
Trademarked, don’t you dare steal.
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If by miracle we get the prepatch next week, I will be there! Otherwise, I look forward to next time around. I hope it becomes a regular thing!
Great to see there’s interest in this!
I don’t naturally know how many will be there, but in case there’s a crowd, to make it very easy to follow the storyteller vs everyone else’s stuff, I warmly recommend installing the Listener AddOn that filters the /say and emotes by showing you a chat log of who you mouse over.
Sounds like a good time, be sure to bring my own pointy eared longlegs along to tell tall tales.
Oh! This looks awesome, Acro! If the Nightblades are back from our adventures in Stormwind by then I’d love to attend. 
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Reminder this is tonight! Hope to see many of you there and looking forward to many stories to be shared. It’s an opportunity for people to learn more about your character and vice versa, connect with guilds etc. so please don’t be shy to mingle between stories.
Lack of Prepatch means neither of the characters who could reasonably go to this are ‘ready’, heh. Ah well, hope everything goes well and people have a great time! 
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My shift doesn’t end until 21:00 server time tonight, but I have my story lined up for when I get there!
Sounds good
We usually handle the taking of turns In Character, looking forward to seeing you there!
Cheers everyone who attended the event! It was awesome to see so many eager to share something, let’s have another one sometime in the future since not everyone had a chance to tell their story before it got so late!
This was an absolute delight to host and I hope people got something out of it for their personal roleplay.
Some screenshots of the gathering:
I’m still a filthy rookie with RP and need to work on my char but it was nice to see the gathering and people sharing stories.
Great hosts Acrona and Hidini ! (hope I got the last name right)
The innkeeper was rude as hell though ! Passing in front of the audience and the speaker like she didn’t care at all. 
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