Feedback: Death Knights

You guessed it didn’t you?

Very disappointed that Epidemic will no longer pop wounds with SD. I really don’t understand what you want for the class anymore dev team. A few months back you said it yourself, you recognised the fact that we don’t want to be tied to D&D in order to do effective cleaving. You gave us SD + Epidemic wound bursting, which gave a great flow to the aoe rotation and now it’s gone. Now we’re left with loads D&D prolonging effects and CD shorteners… I hate saying that but that’s the typical blizzard solution:

“You want high elves in the alliance? Here are Void Elves”
“You want to not be bound by D&D cleave? Here are countless CD reductions”


Not to be only gloom though, good job on connecting UB to DT, at least that’s a sensible choice.


How about to revert that strangulate override asphyxiate non of the dk pvp community do not aggre with that change.

Make choice node army and abomination.

Rework Death Pact so its not suicide talent.

Permafrost should work with every attack to be useful not just auto attack.

Abomination limb need serious dmg buff its our only thing we got from shadowlands and its not even close to dh hunt.
Slappy hands got mechanic nerf and 50%dmg nerf meanwhile dh hunt is still insane.

Life and Death need serious buff

Rot and Wither no one ever used this its so outdated. Make it so that death and decay absorb all healing while standing in it.

Soul Reaper will never be used even if you buff it by 300% just because of that 5sec delay.

Necrotic wounds need to be back with 5%absorb per stack.


I would have to disagree, the new positioning exacerbates the issue with BDK major throughput talents being spread too far apart - some of them key to proper performance, and having too many useful talents in gate 3, leaving no free points to spend on utilty.

Previously, Gorefiend’s Grasp was basically mandatory to pick because it was on the path to the good stuff. Now not only it’s skippable, its pathing further down leads through either GG’s tax talent (Tightening Grasp), or to a talent with questionable benefits (Blood Tap). They will be deemed bad picks not because they are bad talents, but because there are few others spread all around.

As a reminder, Blizzard posted the following back in April (post is now removed):

*The above post was removed from original topic, but can be seen quoted on Wowhead.

This was a noble goal that a lot of us anticipated with hope, but as of current build we have reverted to what we had to begin with, just rearranged.

Here’s an example of talent pathing from an M+ perspective:

Gate 1:
You need to spend 8 points to open Gate 2, but you will likely spend 9: you need to take 2/2 Imp. Vampiric Blood or Imp. Heart Strike to enable Dancing Rune Weapon, you can’t skip Ossuary due to its undeniable value. The 9th point would be Ossified Vitriol, which is potent by itself, but more importantly is required to path toward Rapid Decomposition.

Gate 2:
You need to spend a total of 20 points to enable Gate 3. You immediately spend 3 points on DRW, and another 3 Hemostasis, Imp. Bone Shield, and Reinforced Bones. If you spent 9 points in Gate 1, the tally is now 15, leaving another 5 to spend before Gate 3 opens. You will want to reach Coagulopathy (and Sanguine Ground in G3), and Rune Tap isn’t really a tempting pick since it remains unchanged from DF. Also, you likely want Rapid Decomposition, so now gotta buy either Perseverance of the Ebon Blade or Relish in Blood, neither of which is particularly strong. We’re at 18 points - 2 points. There are options now, but let’s say you want GG, so you pick it after picking Heartbreaker: Gate 3 is now open.

Gate 3:
Now we have 10 points left… Let’s pick that Sanguine Ground. We also have Rapid Decomposition and Coagulopathy, so Consumption feels like a prime pick - with the follow-up talent, so we can have its cooldown reset every ~1 minute (1.1 RPPM). 7 points left. We probably still want that Tombstone for Insatiable Blade shenannigans and to enable Shattering Bones.

We’re at 5 points to left distribute, and we still have options such as Red Thirst (mandatory for San’layn), Iron Heart + Bloodshot for stronger DS, Heartrend and Purgatory*, maybe even Bonestorm if Blizzard makes it work with Insatiable Blade. So if we want 3 capstones, we’re done. No points left for Tightening Grasp, or Voracious, Bloodworms, or the new Bloodied Blade, which looks very tempting.

I get it, its not like all the talents listed are mandatory, but you would be passing on potentially significant throughput. Moreover, if you want to pick up more utility, you’re more likely gonna pass on capstones than the mid-tree talents, and that just asks to be called bad design - capstones should be the most powerful and worthwhile talents you strive towards, and currently for the most part they are not.

Following up with current analysis and testing of the Blood Tree, as per the requested guidelines:

  • Generally Blood tree now feels like it lacks cohesion - it looks like you can always take a path that ignores defensive options and cherry pick offensive ones.
    • Having options is good, but we all know that oftentimes extra damage trumps extra defensive, throwing more work on the healer’s shoulders. This is expecially evident in M+ - we need to bring more damage to make sure you finish the run in time.
    • Consider changing pathing and positioning talents in a way that players need to go through offensive and defensive talents and avoid situations where there is a choice between the two.
  • Red Thirst feels like it should either be a final capstone, although I’m not sure if it wouldn’t better be just baked into Vampiric Blood, as this talent is just too good to pass up (especially for San’layn) - I would just say it’s mandatory in all builds.
  • With bad timing, Bloodshot becomes useless if the shield drops before we can follow up with second Death Strike. My suggestion would be to make (1) abilities that activate Blood Shield deal additional damage (synergizing with new Consumption/Blooddrinker when talented into Carnage), or (2) upon removal, Blood Shield deals 25% of the damage it absorbed as AoE damage, reduced beyond 8 targets.
  • Bonestorm is a capstone, but doesn’t act like it - especially if it doesn’t interact with Insatiable Blade. It might need increasing it’s CD to 2 minutes, but needs to be tuned so it shines when it’s used.
  • To my knowledge, Umbilicus Eternus is a dead talent. There are ways to make it quite a potent shield, but the shield is just a nice bonus at best, given how the BDK plays around self healing that increases with damage taken. It might as well be moved to early gate 2 or just completely removed.
  • Leeching Strikes, Blood Tap, and Blood Feast are still too weak to be considered viable.
    • Leeching Strikes’s healing is too low to be noticable, whereas making it too high would put it at odds with Death Strike. This talent’s functionality could be baked into another talent for a thematic (if barely useful) feature, maybe Heartbreaker or Improved Heart Strike.
    • Blood Tapis unlikely to see play as we are not resource starved and he benefits of an additional on-demand single Rune are low. It should probably be more like Brewmaster’s Black Ox Brew, simply giving all Runes back as well as a hefty amount of Runic Power (the CD would probably need to be increased accordingly).
    • Blood Feast suffers from the Death Strike centric play, where our healing comes in a large chunk from our hard hitting ability. Also AMS is often used preemptively to prevent damage, making this feature worthless.
  • Not a Blood talent, but Death Pact is still a dead trap-talent, especially for Blood. At 2 min CD it chould just work like Druid’s Renewal - on demand self healing with no drawbacks. It could even be upped to 2.5min for all its worth.
  • At the moment, the confusing talents is Insatiable Blade and how it interacts with Tombstone and Bonestorm: Tombstone activates IB, Bonestorm does not, yet both spend Bone Shield charges. Is it an oversight that lasts a few builds now, or working as intended and just not reflected in the tooltip appropriately?
  • Interestingly, Blood doesn’t have a lot of choice nodes at all - just Tombstone/Mark of Blood and the new Consumption/Blooddrinker.
    • For as long as Tombstone was put in the same node as Mark of Blood, the latter has been a dead talent. It is sad, actually, as it is very thematic. I was thinking Mark of Blood would better work as a passive (applied by Death’s Caress, for instance).

Replace Vile contagion with Festering Scyhte as a fix ability on a 30-45 sec cooldown and actually give good visual to the scyhte effect.


In the next few days, when I find free time for testing, I will play a few M+ with and without Festering Strike because after short on dummies fights in the city, being San’layn or Riders, I felt absolutely no point in using it.

Both San’layn and Rider are pushing me hard to spam Scoruge Strike and occasionally spend rune power on Death Coil.

Both of these skills exceed the benefits of using Festering Strike - Festering Wound - Bursting Sores - this deals really a lot of damage on Single Target, in smaller AoE (3-5 targets) or medium AoE (5-10 targets)
It can actually make a difference of more than 10-15 goals, but 15 goals during a game is extremely rare.

I omitted the Festermight talent in my build so as not to be dependent on tracking it and its impact on rotation.

The game was simpler, FASTER in going on the offensive (I didn’t waste time building up damage) and more enjoyable, and the damage on dummies was very satisfactory.
But to be sure - I want to check it in a real game, i.e. in dungeons.

It’s a bit strange that in both new mini talent trees we didn’t receive any buffs or improvements for festering wounds.
In both tracks there are different upgrades for diseases, scoruge strike and death coil.
This is even more incomprehensible to me because before the alpha version of the game, you yourself pointed out that the festering wounds in DF were unused and you would like to strengthen this system (in some way, I guess).
So far you haven’t done anything about it, so what we are left with is still the same old system of wounds that no one wants - because of their various problems.

You have deceived us once again - now in the context of wounds, and Frost DK in the context of breath.

Nevertheless, if it turns out that Festering Strike is unnecessary during the game and causes small damage losses, I will be very happy because I will be able to safely remove it from my skill bar :grin:

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True. In reality when i look more in blood tree i think blizz needed gorefiends gasp made baseline, because its our main ‘‘utility’’.


I’m doing some target dummy practice in Orgrimmar atm trying out different builds, and I got to say I’m so bewildered by the results. Following your idea I’m testing out 1 variable:

To wound, Or not to wound?

  • First build included Festermight and Improved Festering Strike. Following a pretty classic rotation and using FS popping wounds as per usual.
  • Second Build omits those 2 talents in favour of Runic Mastery and Decomposition. Didn’t touch FS at all and whatever wounds were popped were circumstantial (abom, infected claws etc)

The damage difference between the 2 builds is… Marginal, borderline insignificant if you consider that one of the build COMPLETELY IGNORES one of the main rotational components and mechanics of the class (FS, wound generation and bursting)

We’re talking 34.7M vs 37.8M in 45 seconds segments and 56.2M vs 59.6M in a 90 seconds window… Class devs I implore you… Have a thorough look on how UHDK are wound system is working currently. The damage difference is roughly 9% and 6% respectively…

And I repeat, that's by ignoring one of our main mechanics as a class/spec.


So reporting again for UH spec :
For the Spec talent tree i made a long post with many suggestions ,i will still say my biggest issue personal is the pathing and how bad it feels not being able to pick the talents you want and need, especially for aoe builds. I think we need 1-2 talent points freed up with either reducing some talents from 2 points nodes to 1 point like (Improve Festering Strike and Runic Mastery which just needs to be replaced or baked to something else since no one will ever use this as is).
Gargoyle with Doom Bidding on same choice node will never be picked even if buffed. It’s 3 min cd also is a disadvantage atm since now we work around 45secs/1.30min cd windows.
Clawing Shadows again being at the same choice node with Plaguebringer wont be used , maybe at pure ST Rider build but even in pvp will be the worse choice.
Festering Strike, i like it, but needs some tuning and if we free up some talents points even 1 we might be able to pick it for aoe dmg scenarios along with Vile Contagion ,other wise maybe give it as baseline and move Vile Contagion in its place.
Decomposition the newest talent needs reworking feels so underwhelming, not worth 1 or even worse 2 points, even buffing its dmg wont change anything needs reworking the way it procs to maybe become a choice.
UB merged with DT, awesome change would like to see more changes like this addressing the real issues of this spec!

San’layn Hero Talent Tree
Great changes here it feels so much better now!

A few issues Vampiric Strike outside Gift it never procs for me i have come to the conclusion must be bugged, since even picking Sanguine Scent/Blood-Soaked Ground choice still haven’t seen 1 proc from it. Now not sure how much it works for blood but Uh needs either a higher proc to actually see VS outside Gift/DT duration and the choice talent and the increase chance effect from BSG talent i would prefer changed to something else since picking a talent and Hero talent as is, that offers no bonus feels bad.


I did exactly the same thing on dummies in the city.
I still haven’t tested the dungeon situation in M+ since I was still away from home.
However, it is still a strange situation when the developer wrote in his notes that he will try to encourage the player to use wounds (Festering Strike, Festering Scythe, Vile Contagion, DnD+SS) - but the effect is exactly the opposite or marginal.

I suspect that the difference in favor of wounds appears only at 15 targets and assuming that we have used Festermight well, but everything else mainly buffs diseases, Scourge Strike and Death Coil, so wounds may make absolutely no sense, especially since their use is very difficult and can be frustrating.

This is proof that the developer was completely lost in his changes and thoughts regarding the functioning of this character.

We have received changes that are the opposite of the goals we set for this change.
Instead of listening to players and feedback and trying to implement it on many levels, changes are made based on the feedback of a person who does not play the game at all but who writes posts on the US forum.

Of course, at the very end, the developer can increase the damage from wounds in a straight line, but this will be another proof that he was completely lost and did not improve anything


TL;DR: I would suggest reorganizing the Blood tree WITHOUT changing any talents to allow thematic split like Unholy, into Bone and Heart left side and Blood and Death right side.

Well, maybe a minor change to a talent or three…

The Premise:

So I had some spare time and was looking at both the Blood Tree and some other classes, especially reworked, seeing how there is a clear division between aspects of the play. Without looking far, the Unholy Death Knight has a clear Wounds/Disease and Minion/Death Coil side of the tree, and I realized that Blood tree doesn’t feel right because it feels to lack similar approach.

I took some of that spare time (probably too much) to play around with Talent Tree Manager and tried to make the tree similar to Unholy, and ended up with what follows.

Please note that the below suggestion, with two exceptions, are simply changes to talent positioning and pathing. The two exceptions are

  • Splitting Tombstone and Mark of Blood into separate nodes
  • Suggesting rework for Mark of Blood and Blood Feast which are used very rarely, if at all.

The Suggestion:

Apologies for not using same icons for new talents, the app doesn’t have them available (or I just can’t find them): The splashy blue thing close to Tombstone is supposed to be Ossified Vitriol, blue grip is Tightening Grasp, and blue runeblade is Bloodied Blade.
  • Left side - Bones and Heart - offers focus and direct pathing for Bone Shield and Heart Strike oriented talents, somewhat more ST/Cleave oriented.
  • Right side - Blood and Death - focuses on on Vampiric Blood, Blood Boil and Death and Decay, and similar, more AoE oriented aspects.
  • Middle part focuses on active, spec-defining talents.

Click the below tabs if you wanna read some short insight comments:

Gate 1 - Defining the Paths

  • Most important: Gorefiend’s Grasp. Mimicking Vengeance Demon Hunter, who has their key control ability (Sigil of Silence) in Gate 1, I suggest moving Gorefiend’s Grasp here, where it is both easily accessible and very much optional, as it doesn’t cause pathing friction further down the tree.
  • Secondly, swapping Vampiric Blood and Bone Shield/Heart Strike talents so they are on their related sides.
  • Hemostasis - moved to Gate 1 as opener for Blood Boil/Blood Plague/Death and Decay talents.
  • Ossified Vitriol - moved to Gate 2.

Gate 2 - Clarity of Purpose

  • Two left-most columns now contain all talents that involve Bone Shield stacks, leading to Tombstone and Bonestorm in G3
  • Neighbouring in the 3rd column are Heart Strike talents.
  • Pathing between the two overlap slightly to allow “skipping” some talents when they are not deemed valuable for given content or playstyle.
  • Right side focuses on Death and Decay and anything Blood (Boil, Plague, Worms)
    • Rune Tap often finds itself considered questionable in usefulness, so its moved to the side but also made very easily accessible for easy picking when deemed worthwhile to get.
    • Coagulopathy and Rapid Decomposition are useful in all types of content and therefore are more accessible through Hemostasis.

Gate 3 - The Endgame

  • Firstly, the new Bloodied Blade talent looks really interesting, it works seamlessly and feels like it should stay in the middle row, a Blade talent following Dancing Rune Blade path. It’s neutral nature is a really good entry point to most capstones.
  • Moved Sanguine Ground closer to middle, as it is often a required talent for all builds. If the mechanic where we want to stand in our Death and Decay is to stay, then we need our talents for that mechanic easily accessible.
  • A minor change, but I suggest splitting Tombstone from Mark of Blood, mainly due to the fact its currently a non-choice and that they are two completely unrelated talents that work differently toward different goals.

“If you could change one talent, which one would it be?”

I also suggest reworking Mark of Blood and Blood Feast to make them “less dead” talents; unless our Death Strike related self-healing is significantly nerfed, the effects of these two talents are a waste.

Mark of Blood

Mark of Blood - my suggestion is to change it from an active talent by making it passive and adding an offensive perk. It still is very much optional, but maybe could find use in in ST situations:

Mark of Blood
Death’s Caress places a Mark of Blood on an enemy for 15 sec, causing the target’s damaging auto attacks to heal you for 3% of your maximum health and granting you a stack of Blood Frenzy.

Blood Frenzy
Increases the damage of your Bloodworms by 10% and the damage the marked target takes from your Blood Boil by 5%, stacking up to 5 times.

Blood Feast

Blood Feast has a strong name, but the effect neither relates to blood nor feast. My idea is - let us feast on the blood of our fallen enemies, metaphorically speaking - reusing their bones and their life force to heal our wounds and fuel our strikes:

Blood Feast
Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor generates 1 charge of Bone Shield, grants you 20 Runic Power and heals you for 10% of your maximum health.

This effect may only occur every 3 seconds.


Okay - you can probably remove Festering Strike from your skill bar

I didn’t manage to gather a group (no people to play) to test San’layn and Rider on some +5 dungeon, but I played some HC without using Festering Strike and the results seem to be satisfactory.
The only problem was the use of Apocalypse - so I used it situationally when I could, but if the developer had made Outbreak also infect two wounds on the target, this problem would have been quickly solved :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is proof to me that someone has completely lost their way in the Unholy project.
Our stitched wound mechanics in our rotation make absolutely no sense and nothing about it has been improved.

I don’t want to simply increase wound damage and reduce other sources of damage.
I want a change to the mechanics to make it easier to use - if I’m still going to play with it.
Set a choice node between Festering Strike and Festering Scythe and remove the wound cost from use for Festering Scythe - make it a normal skill.
Festering Scythe used during combat rotation will not change the balance between classes. This has a marginal impact on our overall damage - and if it achieved a result for us, e.g. top5 dmg overall - that would be very good.
Next, buff Festering Strike on single targets and wounds from its application so that it makes a lot of sense to use it on bosses.

PS. Even when playing without Festering Strike, I have big problems using my resources and skills in the entire dungeon…but here a higher level of the dungeon may be helpful, as the fight should be longer.

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HC is indeed too quick to make useful conclusions, trying to get my guild mates to form a group and try out some m0 and low keys.

What’s the most odd is that you’d assume that the biggest loss is the Festermight buff, having nearly always 10%+ strength should be making a big difference. I’m starting to wonder if the buff itself isn’t working correctly in the background.

Within this current system, I think there’s a way to make FStrk & FScth a better part of our rotation:

  • Firstly, buff their damage by a lot.
  • Guarantee the wound generation number.
  • Lower the rune cost to 1 and add a 5-10 seconds CD.
  • For Festering Scythe remove the wound cost requirement
  • Add new talents that have a chance to reset the CD of strike & scythe and other interesting plays.

This will essentially make this ability work a little more similarly to Blade Of Justice from retribution paladin, and adds loads of possibilities for new useful talents.

Note that I don’t know what the correct CD length will be. Blade Of Justice has 12 seconds, and then you get talents that give 2 charges, CD reset, AoE, dots…


It’s time for Death Knight to get its own raid buff.
For example: a 3% leech raid buff will be welcome

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We have AMZ, we are reducing the attack speed of our main target passively, we have brez and we have grip

I don’t think DK need a raid buff at all, we have a really good amount of utility. If any class need a raid buff, it’s shaman


Hello Dev Team!

After rewieving many people testing Frost DK, and after checking it out myself, I just wanted to ask one question - have you ever considered Breath of Sindragosa to be… a passive proc? Ii could proc from Rime procs since nowadays, everything is running around Killing Machine Obliteration procs. It would make it more valuable, gave a life to another, more appealing builds and Breath of Sindragosa wouln’t be an ability that’s pain to use in m+ environment. This could be a choice node, since Breath of Sindragosa as an on use ability, has big value on single target. This would be a so called “Retribution Palladin” threatment to frost DK, as many people liked and fell in love to. The proc could last for like 3 to 4 seconds, and would give more value to talents like “Rage of the Frozen Champion”. Easy spec like this one should stay easy to fully execute it’s potential and feel rewarding for players that prefer less complicated styles of play. Similar threatment for the one I suggested, got Windwalker Monk and Retribution Paladin. Monk now has a choice node with Jadefire Stomp, with a talent, that makes it proc passively after using another ability. Same goes to Paladin, “Radiant Glory” gives passive activation of Avenging Wrath for short duration after using Wake of Ashes. And comminuty loves those changes!

Second thing that I would like to point out, is that there’s too many core abilities and talents that we have to pick up in order to pick and choose other abilities that feel attracive to have, for example: I can’t sacrafice “Enduring Strength”, “Icecap” or “Frostwhelp’s Aid” in order to get “Chill Streak” or new “Cryogenic Chamber” which I would love to have.

Also, the thing that feels bad, is that in order to proceed from 1lvl-25lvl talents to 25lvl-51lvl, I have to invest an extra talent point on the beggining of the tree (“Improved Frost Strike” or “Runic Command”) to get the CORE ABILITY that is Pillar of Frost. I’m literally beeing forced to waste one talent point moving from the beggining of the tree to the middle section of it.

I would like to also say one thing about Unholy class tree. The right side of the tree needs to be reshuffled. Positioning of some talents should be moved to other positions in order to enhance some abilities without dropping talents on stuff that I don’t want. For example, “Unholy Pact” should be near “Ghoulish Frenzy” and “Eternal Agony”; “Harbringer of Doom” should be near “Sudden Doom” or “Doomed bidding”.

Other than that, I think the changes made are beeing fantastic and I can’t wait to play DK one day on the live servers. Thank you for all the hard work and dedication towards this class!

Much love.

Now that Strangulate replaces Asphyxiate, can we have them on a choice node instead of a pvp talent.


Other classes have a equivalent or even better option. AMZ isn’t anywhere near as important since it got nerfed in Shadowlands.

Useless on spell casting bosses, very low impact on relevant bosses.

Not a unique utility, if we’re not going to count BL for shamans then we’re not going to count this neither. Only unique, and irreplaceable utilities should be part of these kind of debates.

Very niche use. Sure it is useful on bosses that require add management but so far it’s one or two max per raid.

I’m not necessarily advocating for more raid buffs, but let’s not find bad reasons against them neither.

DK could have all sorts of interesting and thematic raid utility:

  • Increase Leech
  • Increase dot damage
  • Increase crit damage

If presences are ever to return, I think they should come back as raid utility.

Personally, I find DK has other priorities that need addressing, before we start discussing these kind of raid wide buffs. A good raid leader with competent DKs can get so much out of AMS and DA. With the new Death Charge upgrade DKs will also be a lot more mobile too so we’ll likely be able to do reliable damage and participate in tactics that are usually delegated to the faster classes.


My reasoning is that everything i mentionned is an argument against another class. Also brez and lust aren’t comparable : having multiple brez is very useful while bl is almost totally useless

BL being useless? That’s a very interesting take and probably 99% of the playerbase would like to argue with that.

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For Unholy, can we have a talent that’s old shadowlands legendary power instead of a talent that’s rarely picked? It would be a very interesting choice to consider!

Reanimated Shambler” - Your attacks have a chance to summon a Super Zombie that shambles forward and explodes, dealing (some % of Attack power) Shadow damage and applying a Festering Wound to 8 nearby enemies.


Ruptured Viscera” - When your ghouls expire, they explode in viscera dealing [some] Shadow damage to nearby enemies. Each explosion has a 25% chance to apply Festering Wounds to enemies hit.

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