Feedback: Introduction of a M+ Penalty System

The problem is, it’s hard to give advice when you’re literally on the clock. Stopping to type out “here’s what to do” isn’t feasible when every second is pressured by the looming timer.

Many players believe it’s not their responsibility to teach others how to play their role or class, as there are now resources available online that didn’t exist in 2004 when Warcraft launched. These include Wowhead guides, YouTube videos, Icy Veins, and simulation tools for gear. If players aren’t using these resources and perform poorly, it can frustrate others.

Before Legion, Mythic+ didn’t exist, so wipes didn’t have significant consequences. Now, losing time directly affects rewards and your .IO profile, which other players use to judge your skill.

I didn’t want to play with really bad performing players even in vanilla, lol.

Left countless of UBRS runs because a lot of tanks had no idea how to pull in there and caused endless amount of wipes.

So… you consider yourself leaving a Significant Consequence? They likely did just get a new healer, maybe one that took the time to explain how to do the pulls correctly, if they didn’t know that. You would of gotten more loot, maybe made a friend and helped a tank get good at tanking for future runs if you just shared that knowellege of how to pull with others rather than bailing at the cost of maybe losing the time it took you to form a new group anyway.

Solution is simple and I’ve posted it before.

If someone leaves after the timer has ran out: No Penalty

If someone leaves before the timer expires: 60 min ban from entering any key, on any character.

This ban should be removed if the person re-joins the same group for example, to reset the key and run it at a lower level.

A 60 min ban is not enough to worry someone who has IRL or internet issues, because by the time they’re back, the 60 mins has finished, however waiting for an hour is worse than completing the key, so it will deter potential leavers.

In the end, they never found anyone to play dungeons with because nobody wanted to play with them due to how bad they were. They were literally on a blacklist on an unofficial forum.

this is just nonsense. In order for me to believe this I would have to believe the following;

  1. You followed them in order to tell if they got a healer after quitting the group rather than getting on with your day and forgetting a bad interaction.
  2. that every healer on your server all went to the same unoffical forum to tell good tanks from bad tanks in 2005 including those whom just joined the game for the first time in an era before social media, smart phones and Youtube.
  3. you remembered the name of “countless” random pugs to notice it on a blacklist on the unofficial forum
  4. This happened to “countless” tanks as the topic we was talking about was you leaving in your own words “countless of UBRS runs”

No, I saw them looking for people/groups day in and day out. Kind of hard to miss with how much they spammed. Then the fact that they ended up on a blacklist on the unofficial forum certainly didn’t help them get groups, where most of the better players/guilds on the server were.

hardly you just gain slightly less score no big deal

Accountability works both ways.

If you’re clueless as to tactics then a logical consequence is that people won’t want to be in your groups.

Your terrible and often repeated idea would hold people hostage to a group.

yes but if you recognise someone as a consitant leaver then your not gonna inv them. my ignore list is full of them from previous expacs. like you said accountability works both ways

these people always use this phrase like its a bad thing to commit to finishing a key within a reasonable time. you not being held hostage your finishing what you started and signed up for

Here is an idea of a suitable punishment:
When you enter a m+ dungeon your entire account is locked until you have killed the last boss of that m+ with the group that started. You can’t leave the dungeon with the char until it is finished and you can’t log on any other character of the account. If the group doesn’t finish the m+ then all 5 accounts involved can never be used again.
(End of sarcasm)

Blizzard should just send strongly worded letters to the mothers of leavers. No one likes getting in trouble from their ma so it will solve all issues.

If I knew my ma was going to find out I’d left a key because some noob was doing healer damage I’d just stay in the key.

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Back in the old days, the classic days, there were lists of people who we bullied out of group-play on these closed-server communities. No way to do anything about it from Blizzard as they couldn’t prove you that your decision was not just “I just don’t feel like tanking UBRS today”. Plus it was time of allowing people to make natural social relations in the World of Warcraft, without big brother moderating you.

I am not so sure we want this system back.

Im not looking to return to classic either. the post you replied to was a responce to an outlandish claim that ‘countless tanks’ was never able to get a group ever thanks to a unoffical forum that had a black list.

Im sure some folk found it harder to get into places thanks to getting a bad rep back in the day. but could that entirely remove you from getting any dungeons? I have my doubts but either way we are talking about modern wow and the possible implimentation of a punishment system.

Quite frankly this is not classic, its not 19 nearly 20 years ago and the resources, tools and addons we have are miles above what we had in that era. I think its understandable that people dont want to train new players on how to do M+ on a time limit espically if it is their personal key.

that being said any sort of punishment system is likely a step too far, some folks dont want to waste time with bad groups as many have voiced here. like wise some folks dont want to have folks leave even if they dont time. the best way to have that happen is to just display how often folks dont complete.

Somefolks will just ignore that rating and take best M+ rating, somefolks will look at that rating and choose to favour those who mostly stick things out. some folks may change how they play and stick things out more just to have a better rating.

This would work. Ive suggested it a couple times and seen others too

Punishments combined with self-formed groups is a no-go. Simple.

the main objective of mythic+ is to time the key, and gain rating.

if that is unobtainable by the group you are free to leave if you will.

thats blizzards design, and view on the matter.

Yeah lol just make Blizz write a stable client then that doesn’t crash from random things and make the anticheat a bit less triggerhappy because if you jump at the wrong angle at the wrong time you’ll get kicked from the server because the system flagged you due to performance issues.

And mate you can have the best internet ever, if it goes offline then it goes offline, it’s not like you could’ve done anything to prevent it from happening. Same goes with blackouts, PC faults, everything.

To be fair if you leave because your house catches fire / you have to go the hospital, the 30 minute debuff is not going to worry you :stuck_out_tongue:

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