Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

That’s what they should have done to change BGs queues.Not it seems too late as sometimes aliance has longer queues than horde.

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Good change. Why so many are upset is crazy. And most of the ones vocal about it won’t even notice the change…they just follow the herd on the hate train. Cuz the only way they can feel good is when others are miserable.

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Back in the day it was the other way around, Horde har instant queues and Alliance had to wait.
We were a bunch of gladiators sitting around in shattrath wishing this sort of change would happen.
Stop pretending like your some minority victim in a videogame please, this is better for most players. The 1% like you who threaten to unsub should do just that, why play a game that makes you unhappy, bye!

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Just want to leave some positive feedback. Thank you Blizzard. Was really fed up with the queues.


Hi Blizzard if you intend to keep this change can you please change three things about it:

  1. Add an option to opt out for players who would like to face the other faction
  2. Try to matchmake premades against other premades before matching them against pugs
  3. Only allow premades to queue for a the “First available” battleground and not choose which they would like to join in an attempt to battle wintrading

If you agree with the above, please do like it so Blizzard can see it :slight_smile:

Great change btw


What if its not about immersion for me? Again, i like the change in general, it just does not feel right to be forced in to it. Transfer to RP server would not do much for me, it would be just a different thing that i would be forced in to.

All im saying players being forced in to something the don’t want is bad design… just like it was bad being forced in to 1h+ ques. Making the change for all players voluntary would literally hurt nobody.

Ok bye, see you in a month when you get the itch.
The problem isn’t blizzard or how they design the game, the real problem is how people play videogames in 2021 and how everyone wants to cheat the system and have the best racials.
If you wanna blame anyone blame google and see how that goes for you.
Suck it up.

Noone is forcing you to play the game.
I’d rather be forced to BG against same faction than forced to wait for an hour inbetween games.
Say there was an option to choose; if you tell me you’d “voluntarily” sit an hour in queue just to play against a different faction you being disingenuous and you and I both know that would never happen.

sure, enjoy your horde pve faction

So they could patch the game with improved racials, set up massive faction changes and update honor gains for alliance creating an additional million reasons for people to complain… OR they could let people play against the same faction, 1 min queue everyone wins.
You have a few options, reroll (since you chose horde your part of the problem) quit or play the game and enjoy no queues.
The real problem is the playerbase who wants the edge over other players. turns out everyone thought the same.

Amazing change, thank you Blizzard, you have revived TBC PvP for not only higher levels but twink brackets aswell. Well done for listening!


if 80% of the playerbase now have the option to ACTUALLY pvp its ofc much better than a small minority of players get instant queues.

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amazing change, 100% the way to go, now u just need to split up premade and pug.


Hahaha this is so dumb. Ofc everybody plays Alli just for Qs :smiley: Guys… do yourself a favor and have some break from the game. You are out of your minds already.

I’m sure horde warlocks don’t wanna face undead warriors and *priests too


PLAYER FEEDBACK: So many premades around since new change.

My suggestion: I would probably limit premades to group of 5 players to join PUG games. Other than that, should be premade-vs-premade since there are so many premades out there.

But stomping PUGs is fun, right? :smiley:


its bad for the game because YOU made a decision to roll alliance so you can reap the benefits of instant queues, which by now you should have enjoyed, and as a matter of fact you should be well ahead in terms of pvp gear of any horde players.

The playing field is now even, this is not bad for the game, its bad for YOU becouse YOU cant enjoy exclusive instant queue benefits anymore. Please, do you even hear your self ? go build a bridge

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Enjoy, u have instant queues now. Just relax and play more.

In advance, sorry for the long post, and big thank you for actively tackling ingame issues and making our experience better, and also for this thread that allows the community to express their opinions.

Not questioning the end-result of this implementation, as queues are without any argument, faster now.

However, it comes at the cost of immersion (Battlegrounds are based on actual lore battles between the two factions), so it “sufocates” the “RPG” in MMORPG. And if it is to be a permanent change, why does it not also affect AV? Shouldn’t all BGs receive the same treatment, AV more so since the queues have always been long even in Classic.

[EU - this change was not active] On Friday (2nd of July), the weekend PvP event started for EoTS, and the queue times, for EoTS, throught the day ranged from ~27-24 mins, opposed to the usual 1h30m, or longer. The timers went down, because the rewards went up, possibly more player engagement because of this increased honor.

The root problem, I feel, aren’t the queue times. Although everyone complains about them, the root problem might be the honor per hour. Players are disgruntled because they do not want to grind for a week to buy 1 piece of PvP gear (something that defines the “grind” in MMORPGs, a long effort to reap a reward).

I’m not a dev, nor do I have more experience in gaming other than being a product user, but aren’t/weren’t the tools for a solution already in-game?

  • Increase the honor rewards during PvP Weekends;
  • Increase the honor awarded for completing Daily PvP Quests (driving more players to actively go into the open world instead of being “afk” at the BG queuers);
  • Bring back the BG Mark (3x) delivery for Honor and Reputation, with an adjusted value so the current turn-in of 1x Mark of each BG doesn’t become undesirable, which also allows players to more easily grind the reputations needed for the Conqueror title (driving PvE focused players to queue perhaps);
  • Review the Honor rewards for killing players in the open world so “griefing” isn’t so “viral”, and players won’t be so hesitant in playing a minority faction on PvP servers;

I’d think this would be a welcome solution, as the current solution being tested promotes, as I see it:

  • Less interest in playing Alliance (why play a “minority” faction, when everyone cam be the “majority” and play against “themselves”);
  • Further increase in “min/max mentality” (why play anything other than Orc or Undead, when they have the “strongest” racials for PvP);

But… but u have instant queues. Just play more games to grind more honor.
And dont thank for provided solution.