Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

Here is my feedback after playing some battlegrounds with some friends yesterday:

We all loved it. We play on an RP-PvP realm which is Alliance dominated. All the open world honor farming was done by us, horde, due to the 1h30m+ queues. Now we just go battlegrounds back to back, actually playing the game mode instead of waiting around.

I can absolutely get behind the RP side of it too. Battle exercise with your own faction, simple, elegant. On top of that we pretty much still faced alliance teams most of the time, and after a while we hardly payed any attention to it. Frankly imo, if you cant find a reasonable explanation for your RP, you just lack imagination.

Premades are plenty out there on both sides, and honestly i think they are fine. I know I much rather lose to a premade knowing that my next bg is 1 min away, not 1hour.

Great work overall, I’m very pleased with these changes.

P.S.: Now the only thing i honestly wish for is dual specc, being a tank and loving pvp, i wish i could swap more often on the fly to play with friends be that BGs or tanking a heroic for them.

Thank you for addressing this. It’s something that I’ve been wanting since Classic, a system that evens the playing field. If you want to play as a premade, you should match someone of “equal” standing, aka, another premade, and not a group of randomly “strewn” together players who:

  • Do not have an “ideal” grp composition;
  • Are not on a voice channel, thus coordination is very inferior to a premade.

This is against spirit of classic. Tbc was designed to be grindy period. If you want a free gear or boost or any other retail stuff(cross faction bgs for example) - you have a prerfect choice to go and play retail which has all content tbc has.
You can level a character to 70 level, stop experience gain and play with friends all content.


Take a break, friend. You’ve lost. The change is here to stay. No matter how much you cry on this thread nothing is going to change that.

Great job my 7xHorde char thanks

This decision is just going to increase the current faction imbalance in all the servers, because this removes the only encouragement that the Alliance had: faster battleground queues.

Honestly, Blizzard you should really give something to the Alliance, such an extra-trinket or else none will play in the Alliance.

I, for example, play in Mandokir where the Alliance is around 25% of the server population and It’s a PvP server. The server is unplayable because there are so many hordes that I get killed everywhere, including in dungeon entrances where level 70s camp us with flying mounts.

At least give the alliance a Faction change token so we can all change faction to the horde and be World of Hordecraft, as it seems that this is what Blizzard truly wants.

Please, Blizzard, fix the server imbalance or let us change faction.


Thank you very much for this change, i haven’t had this much fun in the game in a very long time.

As far as i can see this has almost exclusively positive effects, and i think both horde and alliance. For the horde it’s a clear win because of que time. For alliance it means they are no longer having to be farmed in the open world.

Honestly, i felt bad about the amount of times i killed everything on sight, even lvl 62’s trying to quest i killed 3 times for honor.
I immagine the same faction bg will prevent alot of alliance players from stopping because they cant play.

I love it!

Can we sort out the pre-made situation? Only place pre-mades against pre-mades? Every match in the queue now is me vs pre-mades. Ive not had a non pre-made match-up in 10 games.


“As soon as we saw Battleground queue times go way up a few weeks ago, we got to work on our options for addressing the situation.”

Curious how you didnt react the same over classic p1 or the faction imbalance you created.
How about addressing the core issue instead of catering to people that rolled to the easy mode faction and now can enjoy it without consequences to their actions?


Imagine queing up and being able to play the game you have subscribed to without waiting for 1 hour+!

I love this.

Yeah I think they should implement a 3-5min wait timer if you are in a grp bigger than x ppl so that it waits until a similar (ish) grp ques up and matches u against it. If no other premades que in 3-5min then u face pugs.

I said always we need a fix for Horde queue times but i also said the Alliance which get insta queue vs randoms is a much bigger problem and this problem is now even bigger because Premades rush always Randoms. Its not the Core of this addon it was Arena rated bg came later and this is where the place for premades in bg should find place and even vs their own. But Premades vs Randoms is a joke mostly and should be adjusted even if the queue times get longer.

Dont get me wrong, im loving the fast queues. Ive not won a single match, ive gone into another say 10 games and not a single PuG. Just trading in the marks for honor at this point. Dont get much for a quick loss.
I can actually log on and play PvP. But it’s always a loss.

Alliance were dealing with premades every other game for two years, Now that you’re dealing with it of course you want a change that you so adamantly ridiculed.

This change needs to be reverted.


Ive been horde since vanilla. Every PvP game played in classic and TBC so far has been a PuG. somtimes against an ally premade.
But theres more premades because the queues are shorter - I highly doubt allys were seeing this many pre-mades because try keeping 10+ people on for 90 mins qaiting for a queue pop.

For the entirety of P2 onwards if you were playing AB/WSG you were playing against premades in the vast majority of cases.

This is not just my own personal experience but a collective one. This has been brought up in countless forum threads and the response from Horde was “lol deal with it”. It’s incredible how quickly your view changes when you have to deal with the problems you create huh?


A much needed change to the game without it you would continue to hemorrhage subs myself included. Make the change permanent I don’t want 2 hour queues for BG’s again thank you.

I’m sorry, how as a player who plays PvP alone have I created a problem?

By rolling the FoTM faction with no regard for population balance.

You created it, You made it worse by making the game unplayable for levelling Alliance players.

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Just wanted to add that you also need to put in premade Vs premade Q if more then say 5 people in the group. This would still give fast Q and stop pug Vs premade steam rolls