Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

Are you just here whining? Ive played Horde since I was 14 years old. I am certainly not rolling alliance for some queues. I am playing with my old guildies from years ago who guess what… Played horde in vanilla too. We certainly aren’t going to roll alliance.

Also, I never in a million years thought this was going to be an issue for queuing PvP.

You never in a million years thought that PvP Queues for Horde were going to be an issue after what happened in Phase 2? You know when Horde queues were terrible for the rest of the run of Classic?

You never suspected given that Horde Queues historically have been a problem in every expansion (Yes even WoTLK) that it would happen again?

Either you’ve been playing with your eyes closed since you were 14 or you’re being wilfully ignorant because it suits whatever narrative you’re trying to push.

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Why are Blizzard deleting feedback posts against the change out of curiosity?

Or he just turned 15.

This seems a bit unfair in my situation. I wanted to play horde. I wanted to bg. I only rolled Alliance because horde queues sucked. I spent money boosting an alliance character instead of a horde character. Classic and TBC never had same-faction or merc mode, so I thought this was only way to be able to play BGs without long queues.

So now I have alliance on the realm I want would rather play horde. So for those of us that sucked it up and rolled the inferior faction so we could play bgs without 1.5hr long queues are now stuck with lame alliance with zero benefits now. I do not want to re-roll horde from scratch.

I wish I could get a do-over on my boost and free transfer or something to move my alliance off the realm to make room for horde characters. What a waste of time and money :frowning:


If they introduce faction transfers the Alliance population will cease to exist overnight.

I think that’s what you meant

Dude 90% of the games we waited 1 hours in queue for was vs an alliance premade. stop biching now that you also get some competition in your bg’s

best change ever, works perfect

I very much doubt that, Lying fits your narrative though.

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bb cya

The faction pop balance is already bad and this will make it only worse, btw horde are crying for another change, pathetic


The massive reduction in BG queue times for horde is fantastic and very welcome, however I think something else is also needed to deal with the growing faction imbalance. The skew towards horde is not good for the longevity of the game…

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With no attempt to fix the cause of the BG queue issues, the Isle of Quel’Danas is going to be fun for the minority faction on PvP servers. Fortunately I play on an Alliance dominated server.

This band aid to queue times will only hurt the game in the long run.


This change makes me sad and it makes casual pvp for alliance horrible. Horde allready had the upper hand in bg’s because people that care about pvp mostly rolled horde (the queue’s are the proof of that). This allready made pugging bg’s as alliance horrible, since you always met a team with at least 5 good horde in it, so the win rate allready was low.

Now horde can also premade, the win rate went to <10%. Sure a option would be to premade, but alliance side there just arent that many premades, and i am just a casual, i want to login, queue a bg and have fun, and not first prove my resilience and skill rating before getting invited into some premade.

I can get the horde queue was not nice and bad for the game, 1h> is just to much, but if you make this change go out of test mode make a seperate queue for premades, so i can at least have some random fun .

Also i intentional rolled aliance, because i hate queue’s but i knew they would be there in classic/tbc… so i took a smaller pvp community for granted upto now, rather have less real pvp players next to me, and instant bg’s then the other way around… if this change would go through it would be nice free faction change becomes available as well, so i can join the bigger pvp community on the horde side and just enjoy all benefits horde gives


It won’t even be in the long run, Short term (few months at the most) you will see a further drastic pop drift to Horde.

I dont think you understand. Im rerolling horde now ofc. Why would anyone play alliance lmao. World of Horde. Just like retail.

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I see this wasnt enough now people started crying for other changes like premade vs premade bgs, just give them whatever they want , who cares about the game after this point. money money moneeeeeeeey


If you absolutely have to play Classic TBC then yes re-rolling Horde is by far your best option now.

I personally would encourage you un-sub and demonstrate that you won’t pay for this kind of product.


Yeah unsubbing would be an option, but I will still have fun. I mained horde in classic vanilla so im just gonna conitinue with this character.

Do I think this change is good for the health of the game? Absolutely not. Is it good for Horde? Yes. For Alliance. No. For the game? No.