Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

Can’t be mad at that, If you keep having fun you do you.

I would still encourage you to hold them to account for horrible development/support decisions by unsubbing as a result of this change but certainly not something to hold against you if you keep playing.

Ofc I can be mad about a change that is bad. That doesnt mean I wont have fun. The change is bad for the game. Period. Descisions like this that caters to certain people instead of actually improving the game itself made retail the sh*tshow that it is.


Look guys I am so upset I just spent 40 euro boosting a character to be able to play bgs and now I spent it all for nothing omg very sad how is this possible boohoo :((((

insert something about unsubbing here

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BLIZZ DONT LISTEN to the ALLIANCE QQs, BEST Update for TBC keep it up please !!

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At least allow us to create characters from the opposite faction on the same pvp server. I deleted my horde characters to reroll alliance essentially because of the queue issue… but I was apparently too naïve.

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Premade after premade after premade. Atleast i had fun with 1h queues

Day 2, still not participating in the premades, having a ton of fun, loving the quick queues, greatest change to Classic!

Pardon my french but this is the most stupidest shait I’ve ever witnessed in the history of PvP fixes. This even beats “acquiring” Holinka into your pvp team.

What is my problem then?

Sure 1 minute quest are nice and dandy.
All I face are premades after premades.
People lose hope after the first TF if it’s a wipe and stop participating and start afking because “Hey we can get another que in 1 minute after this”
0 honor 1 mark, 1 minute que, 5 minute games.

You just seem to break the game more and more with every “fix”.


Funny how people also forget that we had over 2hour ques, my record was 240min av que, in classic. Why wasnt anything done back then? Premades have been a problem since dawn of times and nothing has been done against them. It sucks the joy out of the playerbase. Make premades fight premades. Simple as that.


No one complained about it except Alliance in Classic.

That’s because Horde for the most part were not affected by it. Now that they are it’s the end of the world yet again like every time they have a minor inconvenience.

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This is bs. You are killing the last reason to play alliance. This will destroy faction balance on every server.


oh, weird … i thought horde is so much better in pvp ?
is it … is it maybe now that you got instant queues you experience what alliance experienced all the time … people not participating/caring about the win because the bgs are instant ?
Nooo, that cannot be the cause!
But, Blizzard i rolled Horde because we always win in bgs and are superior due to our racials! (and the lore of course)

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That was the best change ever, I hope it stays that way because 2 hours of searching are simply not sustainable

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I was very confused to play as horde side =) Maybe better to allow faction transfer and rebalance racials?

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Zero reason to play alliance now in PvP if you wanna play it competitively, either disable racials for both factions in arenas or do an effort to balance them in PvE and PvP, let people decide factions based on what models, lore, art, animations etc they like, not some random extra race specific spells they get and if one faction does become overpopulated and queues too long, enable free one-direction faction change. This is trash. You’re literally overpopulating the Horde now even more. This is 2021, ppl are tryhards, metaslaves, even if they’re bad they’ll play whatever is “bis”.


Stop matching full 10-15 man premade groups with regular random ones. Just had 10 different bgs, all against full premade groups and i havent won any of those 10.
But overall this feels way better than before.

It’s a good change, but I think Mercenary Mode would be less confusing. Or keep it this way, but turn the Horde sided Alliance team really into the appropriate Alliance races, so basically automated Mercenary Mode, cause for me the tabards and masks alone are way too annoying to focus on.

Kind Regards.

I rolled horde because as picking up vanilla wow as a 14 year old. I liked taurens. Been horde ever since. Getting 300 honor for marks trade in every 30 mins or so is much better than 300 honor every 2 hours.

Also I still queue as a single player so while you are maoning about allys had to see horde pre mades etc. I have never been in that situation because, guess what!? I queue solo :o Such shock.

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The death of a 2 faction game…


This is beyond retarded, all TBC private servers have tried different ways to boost ally pop, ranging from increased honor gains to free flying mounts for alliance. Currently alliance is 39% pop only and you are making a change that will bring the numbers to 30% and below on some servers. For example Gehennas ally went from 47% to 39% in a matter of weeks and the numbers are bound to go down even more with this ridiculous change.