Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

Ive noticed that u will probably lose 99% of all games if u are put as alliance as horde . Somehow the horde side always get the “semi” premades and they are constantly winning while the ally side are just forced to afk in base. 10-15 games in a row its been like this now

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Just remove this stupid thing already please !


Really good fun in the morning especially and AV queue has also reduced despite not being included.

On the downside, I dislike the masks and playing against premades in the afternoon and evening is just not fun.

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Just because other people are also now able to enjoy the game doesn’t mean you need to cry about it

It sucks to play against all these premades. Please restrict a party of 5 and give them rated BGs.

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This is the greatest thing you guys have implemented, keep up the good work.
And I hope you guys will keep it in the game.
Cause at the end of the day, every baby screamer on this forum that says this is a bad idea… Haven’t even reached level 70, so yeah… Don’t listen to them.

Its a great change for people like Liaw, to be able to enjoy some Battleground on his time off.
Im also very happy they implemented this, I have been enjoying every second of it.
We dont listen to these baby screamers on the forum, that thinks that their life is over because of this change.

Blizzard, seriously, get rid of this before things get even worse


This is unplayable for the Alliance. All games are pug vs premade. 0% winrate.

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Hey nut face, you think its unplayable only for the alliance ??
You meet premades on both factions and versus same factions.
But who cares, que times are short… Nothing to worry about, life is good.
This is a very good choice of blizzard todo!

Epic fail. Now the horde is complaining about farm by premades and understood that kara equip is much better and less time to obtain.
But these are their problems.
So we as alliance order racials from wotlk 3.3.5 and maybe dual spec as compensation.
Let’s see how many ideological hordies stay same.


24 minutes of eots leading with 200 points or more, all the way through the bg.
Get to 1700 points, and suddenly our spirit healers on bases just dissapear, so we have to run to our corpses and wait for the 2 minute ress timer. ez 24 min spend winning only to lose because of a bug.

So yeah, let’s not randomly remove the spirit healers? ty.

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Let me start off with saying that I’m a Horde main. After playing these new same-faction BGs, I’m actually against the change on a permanent basis. I fully expect this change to further destroy any and all faction balance in the open world on PvP realms.

It’s already pretty dire and, to me, playing WoW in the open world just wouldn’t be the same on some 85% Horde to 15% Alliance realm. Let’s promote liveliness in the open world as much as we can and this change isn’t going to do that.

Having said that, I expect very few people to be willing to give up this instant gratification in return for the long-term health of the server populations.

If this change was to stay, I really do think playing with premades should be heavily restricted. Premades on Horde side have soared, ever since this change has been implemented. Resulting in very few fun matches because basically everything is a complete stomp and grinding as a soloqueue player is an absolute nightmare.

Since everyone can face everyone now and faction is no longer an issue, let’s make it so that premades are guaranteed to face other premades. Either that or stop the ability of complete premades being made all together.

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I actually can’t believe you are asking for feedback on this.

It’s like taking a massive dump on my chest and asking me if it feels good.

How dumb are you seriously?


Hey Blizzard , it is the best Update so far .
Plz never 2h ques again !


This is really good change since it allow players to enjoy pvp content as they are supposed to and one don’t need to think “could I que for bg since I have to cook dinner in 2 hours”. Comparing this EOS weekend and last AV weekend this was really needed change since it leaves one to opportunity to play pve and pvp since you’re not forced to “monkey farm” honor since it’s bg weekend and otherwise it would take even longer to get any pvp gear but during pvp weekends there’s small chance to get some honor but before it required 12 hour on Saturday and today I did play few hours without stressing about what I can or can’t do in game or IRL. Now you can even see friends during bg weekends as a horde player so well do Blizzard and than you. Hopefully this change becomes permanent since it makes game play so much better and such quality of life change that wouldn’t know how to could be interested about playing in the future if it would be removed for some weird reason.

Amazing change , make the game feel more like the original TBC , i remember popping a bg just before i had to go to school . Also for the ppl who change factions just because the BG queues LUL . I changed from alliance to horde in tbc, cus alliance is full with classic andys min-maxers ,full on pepega faction. Classic alliance is nothing like retail alliance .Retail Alliance is all right .

Alliance retail is dead outside of 4 server across all regions.

Quit spreading misinformation. This change is downright horrible and will kill the Alliance population by P3. Needs to be reverted.


The pre made boosters are cashing in now, plus organised teams are piling in with win rates 90% plus and coining in the marks and honor.

Good to see the Horde players now moaning about premades beating them, guess that will get changed to keep the Horde happy too…

Love it, please leave it in. I can finally play the game now