Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

Thank you Blizzard, my friend finally has returned to the game, and I can play with him.

Unsubbed already. This change kills the remaining Alliance population. You either take big steps to help the Alliance population or allow Alliance -> Horde change.

Maybe I’ll come back when faction change is possible, since the only reason to play alliance is now gone.

yeah the praemdes are only farming the horde pugs, the alliance pugs are doing great vs them arent you?

Terrible change. I canceled my subscription.

For the great faction - Alliance! :heartpulse:

This approach to the underlying problem of faction balance can be perceived in two ways – either Blizzard knows what they’re doing, or don’t know what they’re doing, and both are equally bad for the player (horde AND alliance).

If Blizzard DO know what they’re doing, then it would be the fuel for conspiracy theories of “destroy one faction, then everyone who wants to minmax has to buy an alliance faction change in WOTLK”.

If Blizzard DO NOT know what they’re doing, then well, this is standard procedure.

The issue here is that you can’t even discuss this issue properly because you’ve got a forum of two factions who actually, genuinely hate each other (no roleplay) because of Blizzard’s extremely poor handling of the situation overall. (Proof of this irrational hatred can be seen in the posts above this one, of salty people on both sides calling each other crybabies and whiners).

I want the horde reading this, sitting there wanting to “enjoy the salty alliance tears” to consider for a second that I am not your target demographic. My “beef” lies with Blizzard – not you. The horde “salt” in this comment section is exactly how alliance players would behave in the same set of conditions.

My honest reaction to this decision by Blizzard is to consider quitting WoW, because Blizzard have in this single decision taken away one of the only reasons that people were still rolling alliance in TBC. I will not pay for a faction change if it is introduced – I’m fed up with Blizzard continually and consistently making bad decisions for the health of the game.

For those questioning “how does allowing horde short queue times impact the health of the game?” – It essentially means that there’s no point in playing alliance in TBC any more on a PvP server. With horde dominating every aspect of the world (simply due to superior numbers), alliance are not going to want to play any more – Think phase 2, but across every single server for the rest of TBC’s life cycle. What we’re going to see (when this goes in – because Blizzard don’t really care about feedback, and will 100% implement this to appease the numerically larger faction) is the introduction of the system, followed by many guilds rerolling horde, followed by many alliance (such as myself) quitting the game. I re-subscribed to OSRS a few days ago and I used to play 8+ hours a day minimum, but I’m now going to just raidlog. I want to re-emphasize – it is not “reee the horde have instant queues now” that gives ‘despair’ – this doesn’t “directly” affect me. The train is going to hit my gaming experience far further down the railway tracks, a few months from now.

You can screencap this forum post and my prediction is that if Blizzard make this permanent – the average PvP server balance (PvE servers obviously not affected) will go from the current 60-40 to 80-20 by Christmas.

This isn’t about my hatred of horde or “reeee” – It’s more “I don’t know how many more straws this camel can take”, and I’m fed up of alliance and horde arguing with each other instead of the real problem – that being Blizzard.

One of the most common responses to this sort of post is “if ur playing alliance for BG queue times, that’s just sad” – But I’m not playing for queue times. It’s not the queue times I give a toss about – It’s the fact that with this change, Blizzard have just lit a dynamite with a 6 month long string.

There’s so many different ways that they could have fixed this.

  • Introduce the blue PvP gear to be bought from faction reputations, which was possible in a later patch anyway.
  • Allow PvP gear to be bought for badges at the PvP vendor
  • If Blizzard “really” wanted to fix things, allow horde to alliance faction transfers for free. (This of course would imply removing the “only one faction on PvP servers” caveat.)
  • There are more solutions like “faction queues”, however this should’ve been done with the release of Classic WoW and is now far too late to do.

If this change is implemented, you won’t see the effect for at least a month. Then the game is going to death-spiral in terms of faction-balance.

I’m expecting “then quit, bye lmao” responses – There’s a good chance that I will quit before Christmas. I’d already decided that I’m not letting Blizzard corrupt my WOTLK memories – but apparently they want to capsize the ship before it arrives at the iceberg. I’ve heard that Final Fantasy 14 is good.


Thus being a great change PREMADES need to go!

Thank you for the change just one more think to modify and perfection achieved :wink:

Good thing the ez mode cry baby faction got their way at everyone else’s expense. Nice one :+1:

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if you still feel hatefull about phase 2 i think its time to move to an other game lol. and sadly its the story for 80% of alliance but when you want the other faction in a whole to suffer for what a few people did to you or whatever its kinda sad. But its seen in real life 2 the grudge is real hehe You should blame blizzard for not implementing this in classic actually. since phase 2 would have been completely different then and 100% alot more enjoyable for both factions and how ranking works in classic it wouldn’t even affect it since its all presetup at the top ranks anyway :slight_smile: But classic is over get over phase 2 its time honnestly

Funny how those premades were not an issue for two years until you were on the other end of them huh?

thats BS. WSG and AB was full of premades during all of classic vanilla.

Alliance pre-mades existed yes and were relatively few in number compared to Horde pre-mades.

Now that you’re experiencing the vast numbers of Horde pre-mades it’s a problem apparently. Horde were more than happy to tell us to “git gud” during Phase 2 and through all of the premade issues in Classic so…deal with it?

I’m not complaining about it, I just wanted to let you know that it was the same for horde pugs during most of classic vanilla, playing 90% against premade teams. If you want to stay ignorant, that’s on you.

That is mathematically not possible but alright.

Nope you’re just lying. Everyone know that horde always do the premades and that Alliance has to do the same to have a decent chance at winning.

I played exactly 3 weeks of PvP in Classic and droped the game for that same reason -queues and premades. If this is again the case at 70 many of us will need to quit. Time is very important my friend specially for dads and people working.

Gaming itself needs to be easy accessed, whereas achievements and gear is what needs to be hard to access.

Which phase?

What a stupid reply. I have an alliance toon aswell. And everytime i did bg’s on it i would just find a premade and stomp horde. With queues over 1hr theres not alot of horde wanting to premade with that long breaks inbetween. you make premades because you wanna win fast. and if pugging sucks for you. Try joining one and you’ll have a good time.

Nah just play Alliance it’s a player problem and by enabling horde vs horde it just further proves that.

How is it not possible, and what maths are you even talking about? Are you trolling?

The only stupid one here’s you. Maybe you should try to play an Alliance character and rethink your mind?