Please bring back the short ques!
Worked great. If this goes live again I will continue to play/pay.
It was an interesting test, but it’s too severe. Please don’t bring it back.
It enables meta-slaves to stay Horde/continue playing Horde purely for meta reasons which severely impacts realm population, economy and the community.
There are other options (like faction transfers to Alliance from Horde) if they’re desperate for shorter queues.
Nobody NEEDS to play Horde and a specific race and class combination. They don’t NEED to, but they want to because it’s the meta.
The price meta-slaves have to pay is longer queue times. It’s that simple.
Unfortunately I paid for the subscription yesterday. If the queue times keep like this I will stop playing. It is not possible to play PVP with such queues.
Hi there. The experience was ok.
There is no point at all of having 1h queues for horde, that just makes the global game experience worse.
So yes, put it back again.
How about maybe 40% of all the posts on the forums over the last 14 days?
Go read them pal.
So you want to pvp… it’s not possible for you to pvp with 1 hour queues, and it’s only possible if blizz implement such a change?
Why cant you just reroll alliance if you wanna BG so badly?
Tried to queue bgs this morning.
1h wait to get into an ongoing arathi basin in which the alliance premade had already capped 4 bases.
Horde vs Horde can’t come back soon enough it was the most fun TBC has been so far.
I also would like to mention what I don’t have time wait 30min/1hr for BG. I enjoy playing BG more than PVE, I’m playing game since beginning 15 years with small brakes… So Blizzard please bring back…
is there any reason why the alliance is opposed to these changes other than just fixing the game for the horde?
why is the alliance so toxic? The Horde also wants to play the game normally.
Ok, great. As Alliance player I’m all for it, if that’s what it takes to solve the Horde BG queue issue. Though it doesn’t really make sense to me lore-wise and quite possibly has some negative consequences down the road.
But, now that Blizzard has started to make drastic changes to the game in order to fix this player-made issue, they can’t stop there. If they were consistent, they’d have to address all issues caused by faction imbalance which almost exclusively negatively impact the Alliance. However, I’m afraid that’s not going to happen if there’s not enough players quitting the game over these problems.
Blizzard, good thing that u removed this most retarded thing, that u ever created. Now forget about this and never implement again anywhere.
I love people like you who dedicate their time trying to ‘punish the meta-slaves’. Have you ever considered for a moment that Horde is the most popular faction because people would rather play a sick-looking Undead rather than a squeaky little gnome? Or an extremely well-designed Blood Elf, rather than… A MALE DRAENEI PALADIN?? Horde’s the most popular faction not because the Meta dictates it.
In WoW Classic it was already the more popular faction because people rather have badass windfury with mediocre threat management mechanics as opposed to bubble boys and smooth raids. True, coming to TBC many alliance guilds rerolled, but we’re talking to extreme meta-slaves like you mentioned who switched over for a 5% damage buff on their hunters. Cause those same meta-slaves could be found on the Alliance during WoW Classic, and even back then queues for Horde were bad, and Horde was still the most popular faction.
You don’t punish the majority of the player base for playing their favorites, people are given that choice for a reason, to play what they like. And because they opt to play what they like, they shouldn’t be punished for it by not being able to play the game. Especially not because of people like you whose sole aim, apparently, is to punish the way other people like to play this game.
It’s simple. If you’re a meta-slave Horde player who plays on Horde-dominated realms while culling the Alliance population because “ROARRRR WE HORDEEEEEE!” with your Undead racials and such, you’re a typical meta slave who should deal with the longer queues for BGs.
That is an entirely subjective opinion. Just because you play Horde to play a “sick looking Undead” doesn’t mean that most of the Horde players are playing for those reasons too.
You must be very naive.
There’s a lot of meta-slaves playing TBC Classic, specifically those who came from private servers after years of refining their characters to perfect, or at least near it. People who roll Horde for this are hivemind. A collective.
Horde players don’t care about Alliance players (obviously, like you’ve shown) so why should Alliance players care about Horde players and their longer queues?
Thankfully this was just a test, unless Blizzard do want to gut TBC further, well… I already have had friends transfer servers and/or roll Horde because of meta hiveminds.
Yes, I unironically play a male Draenei Paladin because I’d rather go against the grain than follow the hivemind collective.
So HvH is definitely a way to go - it makes the game playable again, please bring that back.
It does not fix Ali being minority though. Should look into it further.
I would like to share my feedback on that test:
- Horde is the benefiting from this to make farming marks and honor much easier (im playing horde)
Cons: - Battlegrounds are not taking seriously at all by hordes. Hordes gives up very fast and thinking better to quickly loose this and queue another one (I rarely see this before horde vs alliance)
- Alliance makes more pre-mades to prevent loosing against horde. This is normal, its not an issue. The issue is when about 30 % of my games we were up against a pre-made. Maybe possible solution is to only allow a pre-made vs pre-made would be better.
- Battleground lost its taste and loyalty to faction.
- Generally not good giving cons out weight the pros
- Maybe better to increase the cross realm with BG’s to have alliance dominated realms cross with alliance dominated realms. As well as matching and mixing realm crossing based on population.
Yes ofc “just reroll alliance if you want to play pvp” and how long will that take for a casual player with family and a job to reroll and lv 70 AGAIN? This is number one bs*.
As a horde pvper I agree that it’s unfair advantage for the horde long term with the same faction bgs and would result in serious problems slowly on alliance side (auction house, finding groups etc., although the game probably dies before that, it really doesn’t have similar amount of content close to classic (unless you are out of your mind and doing several chars).
On the other hand, these few days have definitely been the top of the expansion for hordes, meaning not just the instant ques, but also facing lot of new players, rivalising with your friends etc.
What I can say is Blizz either have to implement this now or free/low cost mass transfer option to alliance ( I wouldn’t mind going ally at all if blizz announces it won’t do same faction bgs later. The racial discussion is stupid btw, horde racials are better but the difference is really not that huge)
If they don’t implement either of these I can guarantee you more players will quit than the allies currently crying, because pvp is just dead for the whole expansion then: wpvp was never alive, majority of people won’t care to farm out the gear for arenas or play bgs for fun. I am personally not logging in until blizz says something about bgs now for sure.
Maybe you should run a fact check on Earthshaker’s stats and see how hard we supposedly ‘dominate’ the server with our 30-70 in favor of the alliance.
Besides that, the opinion is not subjective in the least. You’re talking like the majority of the player base are meta slaves but you fail to provide data anywhere. Check ironforge Pro for PvP statistics and take into account that the player base is horde favored. There’s a surprising balance to be found in the top teams looking at factions. Aside from that, if the private server community was really so dedicated, as you say they are, sticking to their meta, would you not have expected WoW classic to be strongly alliance favored since after all, the alliance is by far the superior faction in terms of WoW classic in both PVP and PVE. Yet, the faction balance was horde favored. Is that because all those people were anticipating TBC and decided to roll Horde hoping they’d bring TBC classic?
Or maybe, people just like to play Horde, as they have always done.
Please return same-faction battlegrounds to the game. It feels strange to play the game for half an hour and then afk for hour.