Why do people play a game and game mode they have no time playing for? If you cared about PvP then first of all you would of prefarmed all marks and 75k honor to be almost half way done before TBC even hit… and the other thing is you would of done atleast 5v5 arenas even with just pve gear and whatnot… if you would have done that you would atleast have 2 pieces of gladiator gear and paired with 2 pieces of blue honor gear and would be good to go.
Not everyone was “full” pvp geared start of season and you were on equal footing for some time with just dungeon/pve gear because everyone had that mindset of HAVING to farm honorgear instead of just pushing rating for welfare set gear in x weeks as backup.
I strongly disagree tbc is for everyone not for only people who have no job, no kids, no bills to pay, and can play 24 hours a day. Why I should forced to play queues when I had 3 days ago perfect game! No queues No premades amazing Horde vs Horde, Pug vs Pug battlegrounds, everything was perfect for me and it was only 3 days ago… Why now we should praise alliance and no life people because they think wow its only for them??, If no one wants to play alliance why you should punish for it horde players for playing horde ? Or even more people that have job and family to support now can’t enjoy game and they must praise no life people because they think they own wow…
its stupid. Let me play horde vs horde, pug vs pug games and enjoy the game and not wait in queues or non stop alliance premades.
Everything was fine few days ago now you ruined it blizzard.
Please Let people decide where and with who they want to play make more servers where battlegrounds only playable alliance vs horde and servers where people can play horde vs horde and not wait in queues. Let all no life people transfer to this servers and let them enjoy ultimate wow tbc.
Un-subbed already because of dev’s stalling behavior on this topic . Thanks for all the fish.
mhm why could people care on pvp server
This is unacceptable, i will unsubscribe if this is not fixed very soon. Bring back HvH. This is not a threat but simply reality. i m not that insane to wait 20-40 minutes for a single BG. Clock is ticking
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Nah you leave ignorant child.
The problem is not 30+ min queue, the problem is facing a discord exploiting ally premade when you give 1 hour (que+match) for 50-100 honor.
Full set is like 200+ playing hours for horde players thats why we zugzug leveling gnomes nonstop in hellfire peninsula 
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30 min queues and risk of premade has been like this since the dawn of time, adapt or gtfo.
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Who are you keep saying people gtfo moron?
Without same faction alliance crybabies have 0 risk to face a premade.
wow you are so cool
for others this might be just a computer game and not an escape from reality
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Agree 100%. This back in the days argument irrelevant for today.
We have both faction paladins with seals,
Boost 58, payed mounts.
Who you trying to fool.
This game tbc is changed a lot so if you want back to they day 2007-2009 this retail is not for you sorry.
Good riddance. Retail is that way —>
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Your choice, your priority. Nobody cares or should care about certain peoples’ life situation. You can’t demand game ruining changes to fit your playtime. It’s an MMORPG (barely, not even that anymore). It’s all about time investment, and people who spend more time should absolutely have advantages. Just play retail, dimwit.
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I think Blizzard should add PREMIUM Battleground Pass, where you pay a little to get in front of the queue of others.
I will pay extra to not wait and waste time if u joking I’m serious.
Stopy lying, the queues back then weren’t that long. At least in my battlegroup (Reckoning). In vanilla before battlegroups they weren’t that long either on my server.
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Pretty sure it was 10-20 min for WSG on horde side during the TBC era.
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Why on earth do you pay developers to find a solution to make battleground queue 1 min long and then remove it?
Reminder that we pay ~12 euro a months, why would you waste our time 20/30/40 mins to enter the battlegroud if you have a SOLUTION ?
I don’t understand. And i bet your developers don’t understand as well. This is a mascarade.
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Can you already bring back same faction BGs, since that made playing pvp fun way to spend time outside of raid logging.
Your “reroll alliance” argument will be invalid since I did reroll alliance and after some time about enjoying the instant ques I came to the conclusion it wasn’t worth of it after all because all my irl friends and friends from beginning of classic are playing on other server so what’s the point of playing alone since you can’t enjoy the game with people who got you back to the game to enjoy with them after having break since the beginning of MOP.
TLDR: not worth of rerolling since you can’t play with the people you would like to
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