Feedback: Warrior Hero Talents in The War Within

Please check out the preview and let us know what you think in this thread.

I really love seeing those clapping getting huge as Fury :smiley: But I really dont like that it might bring the Raging Blow spamming playstyle back.
I think there should be a “slower” not that hard 2 Button spam rotation for mountain thane to properly bolster your thunderclap - I fear it will feel like season 2 Tier set where you spam your rampage to “enhance” your BT for the wounds. Do Slayer the spamming raging blasting fury - where you just hack n slay.
Excited for whats to come for the other hero specs :slight_smile:

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The mountain thane talents explicitly mention “Raging blow”, but not “Annihilator”, so will we have our talent “choices” dictated for us by the Hero talents in the same way the tier bonuses do now?

Exactly ^^
One more month with this crap and its over for me xD


There is too little and too low of quality in terms of utility in the Mountain Thane Tree. The right Path has none at all which is weird. Storm Shield should really just be a Shield instead of a Magic Shield considering that it forces you to take Intervene and Intervene has no real use outside of mobility.

Storm Bolts

Warriors have been asking for more and cheaper (in regards to sacrifices in Talent Choices) Utility for a while now and the Video showing of the cool new Feature of the Expansion is an Aoe Stun for Warriors which other classes have in abundance and are most often given for free. Come to find out its only on 2 extra Targets. In this form i really see no use for it in most Pve Situations especially not in M+ since its a choice node with Storm Shield. You can not count on a 3 Target Stun when you are clearing Dungeons.
When the 2 Shieldbearers of Zul both start casting their Bulwark am i going to aim my Stormbolt at one and just hope there are only 2 other Targets arround or that it randomly picks the other Shieldbearer?
No, i will go down the right Path of the Mountain Thane tree since all 3 Nodes give me a numbers boost, go down the left path for the added tankiness or i will pick Storm Shield.
Pls reconsider the Utility given to Warriors in this and the 2 other Trees.

I’d rename Slayer. It’s the Demon hunter order hall title so it doesn’t feel like a good fit for warrior to me. I know it’s a Buffy reference and I know warriors slay enemies. But can’t they RP Berserker or something.


The Mountain Thane tree is the most boring thing I have ever seen for Warrior - too many little improvements that don’t change gameplay at all. Thunder Clap is so boring. Why don’t we get something cool, like a Charge replacement: instead of Charge, the warrior teleports into battle via lightning strike that does AOE damage and generates rage. I can think of so many cooler things than this current talent tree

 also, I cannot think of anyone looking forward to playing lightning shaman aka Mountain Thane warrior when they create or login to play a warrior - you know what would people get excited? Something like Gladiator, Blademaster etc. with corresponding abilities that are ACTUALLY exciting.

Feedback First Impression Mountain Thane:

Theme: Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frighting, me.

The core theme of Thunderbolts striking your foes, seem alright. Flashy can be fun. Thunderclap being in focus is alright. Avatar, Stormbolt and Thunderclap is fun throwback to Mountain Thane. The Nature damage proc is supposed to be the ‘bash’ I presume, and for balance reasons it does not have the stun. Sure - theme works and fits WoW.

Do I feel the theme works with Fury warrior? Not really, the whole thunderclap as Fury feels low-key forced. I am sure it will do enough damage and the AoE stun is welcome. Still, it doesn’t feel to fit with the ‘berskerer theme’ Fury got going for it. Does it fit with Arms or Prot, for sure - fury? No, I don’t feel like it does.

Abilities and effects: Fun or snoozefest?

Is lightning proc damage fun? Yes and no, procs can be visually pleasing, but are at the end just random damage. As long you don’t go overboard they are fine. Doubling up on more and more damage on the proc, isn’t exactly my cup of tea. The “st lightning now does AoE dam” just feels very lackluster and not very interactive.

Do we really need RNG CDR for Ravager in the game, on top of AM? I am pretty sure Ravager got enough CDR as it is. Then we got weird things like, “your next two BTs have no CD”, an ability we will not spam use anyhow? Either you are RA and you do BT, Ramp, BT - and BT would reset anyhow. Or you go AM where you don’t press BT other than when RB is on CD. Now combine that with RB having damage interaction in this tree, and not BT. It seems very confused.

Overall, it just seems forced and to be not very fun for Fury. It looks clunky and unrefined.

For Prot, that want to do the good old’ clap BFA playstyle, it sounds like fun and it will likely be a feel good.

Conclusion: It needs a lot of love, and I mean a lot - to be fun and to make sense. Currently it just is for Fury - VERY boring and seemingly uninspired.
For prot, I presume it will be ok. They TC already, so that is just a boost on their already functioning playstyle that they enjoy.

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These hero talents give me little faith in the design team behind Warrior. It’s just adding convoluted nonsense to 3 spec trees which are already overflowing with mess. And I get that you’re going for “theme” and “class fantasy”, but you’ve thought up a theme and then tried to think of some talents that fit the theme as an afterthought.

The game didn’t need more additional layers of talents to begin with, but you’ve felt forced to put something in to sell the expansion and it’s probably going to be a mess for the best part of the next expansion when you still haven’t dialled in the Dragonflight talent trees.

This preview leaves me less optimistic.


Bro what is this? Im glad i don’t play fury this feels horrible for dps maybe tank kinda fun but forcing fury to press thunderclap? Bt or raging blow? Raveger reduce cd? I mean all of that kinda useless for fury.
Im not very optimistic at this point arms already feels bad to play. Feeling ignored for long time now you breaked the bleed sks build the only fun thing about df arms.
please don’t force us on to 8+ execute talents just to be descent on st just rework arms before you reveal hero talents.
I don’t like to play other classes.

When i have seen the interview and two guys that are so happy with this
. One is a pvp player that do little pve and find skull splitter so fun and good say enough sks is broken since the change. It was so good spell to press was good with our current tier set. Warrior arms is not fine at alll.

If i think about warrior i see a guy with a big 2 h smacking ur face with big hits big crits. Not like this arround bleeds and if u see class tuning but still no arms warrior bufs :smiling_face_with_tear:

After having had a look at the talents, this is my feedback:

=============== 1 =============

I know Thunder and lightning share words with “Thunder Clap” but dont make the mistake of Arms. Dont give Thunder Clap to Fury.

So many talents to spam raging blow and WW
 If you shoehorse Thunder Clap with out talents to interact with it in the class/fury talent tree, then it will end up giving problems.

Talents like: Call of Thunder and Thunder Blast for Fury are a mistake.

For starters, Fury does not have Rend. Thunder Clap with out spreading rend/deep wounds is kind of lame. And those are 2 skills from talent tree/mastery of Arms and Prot.

So dont.

How would I change it: Just be true to what Fury really is. All this “thunder” and “lightning” is fine. But it should buff Shield Slam/Thunder Clap for Prot. And Raging Blow/WW for Fury. Not overlap actual skills.

================ 2 ================

I dont like that warrior DPS (both Fury and Arms) the dev team cant settle on a single thing.

You have the “capstone” talent Lightning Strikes that activates some damage if you use Raging Blow. Which is fine.

But then you have things like: “Burst of Power” making Bloodthirst have no CD.

The thing is that these talents have to synergize with the Fury tree. IF you choose the raging blow build, you literally spam RB and nothing else. Barely any Bloodthirsts at all so Burst of Power is wasted.

IF you choose the annihilator build, you spam Bloodthirst and nothing else the talent “Lightning Strikes” is not as juicy to begin with. Simply because you hit Raging Blow more often than melee swings from 2h weapons. So it has a higher chance to proc off Raging Blows from Raging Blow build.

So it contradictory to have talents like that make the whole concept confusing and not exiting.

Commit to accepting that fact of life. And stop trying to shoe-horse abilities that dont make sense. And it does not make sense because you lack GCDs to actually have skill variety with Fury.

Commit to balancing out 2 builds: Raging Blow. Spamy fast paced ability centric build. Annihilator Bloodthirst. Slow paced CD centric build.

And build Hero Talents according to that.

============================ Generalized Changes ====================

So your real choice is between sharing “fluff” with Prot or Arms. And IMO: I would keep an overarching “thematic” to each one. Because currently its a mismash of random stuff.

AoE // ST. Specifically: Raid // M+.

That is currently how talent trees of MANY classes work. You have 1 for ST raid, 1 for AoE M+. Capitalize and expand on that further. Because that takes current gameplay, current way of dealing with talents and makes it deeper.

And its not just Fury. Its for Arms, Prot, and all other specs. Accept it, embrace it.

So I would center all these “thunder” talents to AoE. That would allow Fury warriors to take ST talents in their talent tree if that is what is most efficient. Or vice/versa. Take AoE talents in their talent tree and take ST talents from the Arms/Fury tree you still have not done.

Thats the generalized idea for the “Lightning Strikes” talent.

Then the tree splits in 3 branches. And each branch should have its ST, PvP/Utility, and AoE “fluff”. For ALL trees.

That way, if a fury warior wants to go ALL IN to ST, you choose ST talents, you then choose the Arms/Fury Hero talents (ST fluff centric) and the ST tree of that Hero Talent.

If you are a fury warrior that wants to go ALL IN in AoE, you do that, but you choose Hero Talents with Prot and specifically the full AoE part of the “Lightning Strikes” Hero Talents.

And you can also mix up the talent choices.

Thats how I would do it. Commit to that gameplay first, and then fill up talents with relevant choices for the abilities one uses.

=================== Daily reminder for Arms =================

Not related to Fury, but please dont forget to adress the Arms talent tree.

Having Thunder Clap, WW, and Cleave as AoE talents, plus Slam, MS, overpower as ST abilities is a bit too much.

Commit to less skills that are more impactful please.


Still too early to talk but mountain thane currently seems like utility choice.
Depending on the other hero talent trees i dont want this to be my go to m+ option. This feels bland and doesnt adress the core lack of utility problem either. It just seems like adding an extra button to rotation which idk how to feel about that.
Warrior has a problem of being average at everything while not having any niche situation for a long time which needs to be adressed asap. We used to have identity of execute now it is also gone.

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I mostly like this idea.

However as I warned before on this forums, bad talents trees from dragonflight will affect us in War Within

As you can see, same problems that we had in Dragonflight we will have in War Within.

This Hero Talent will not remove any of the issues, it will actually make them worse.

As for idea, and aesthetic, lore, and identity. I like it, it feels like a combination between Warrior and Shaman, and I like that. Also feels like going back to Valarjar identity, and that is kinda ironic because again it ignores Odyns Fury.

So lets start with feedback now.

Lightning Strikes: Damaging enemies with Thunder Clap , Revenge , Raging Blow , or Execute has a 10% chance to also strike one with a lightning bolt, dealing moderate Nature damage. Lightning Strikes occur 50% more often during Avatar .

Call of Thunder: The Stormstrike damage or Nature damage your abilities deal is increased by 5%. Stormstrike damage ignores Armor. Thunder Clap damage increased by 50%. For Fury only, Thunder Clap generates 5 Rage and Improved Whirlwind and Meat Cleaver now improve Thunder Clap as well as Whirlwind .

Strength of the Mountain: Shield Slam damage increased by 20%. Bloodthirst and Rampage damage increased by 10%.

Thunder Blast : Shield Slam and Bloodthirst have a 20% chance to grant you Thunder Blast , stacking up to 2 charges. Thunder Blast causes your next Thunder Clap to become a Thunder Blast that deals Stormstrike damage

Ok, clearly this Hero Talent is clearly focusing on Avatar and Thunder Clap, as well as introduction of passive single target and AoE damage from Lighting Strikes. Seemingly main focus of this is Protection Warrior. Spec already uses Thunder Clap a lot, AOE and Single target damage procs will be very good for threat management. It can be good for fury and introduced uncapped AOE pressure in M+, as well as ability to ignore armor in PVP.

However as for Fury, Annihilator is not mentioned as ability that gives lighting strikes and that is probably going to get addressed, pls do not lock us into talent choices for Hero Talents to be useful, for Hero Talents to work both Annihilator and Raging Blow build need to be equally valid choice.

I was already speaking about need for Thunder Clap to be rage generating ability for fury, and I think this needs to be part of base talent system, not as part of Hero talent.

Bloodthirst being only ability that gives Thunder Blast is problematic not because of the concept, but because issues with Raging blow/Bloodthirst builds, in Raging Blow build Bloodthirst feels like weak filler not as rotational ability, this is a problem that we were very loud about since the start of Dragonlfight. Our right side of Fury talent tree promotes heavy focus of Raging Blow, where it basically becomes only ability that matters. Introducing bloodthirst into rotation, feels weird.

As for Thunderclap getting Meatcleaver. This is clear attempt to preplace whirlwind with Thunderclap. Again fine concept but it will cause issues in rotation. Firstly Annihilator build will be fine, that build will benefit from Thunder Clap addition and I was advocate of changing Thunder Clap even in this season so it can work with this build today.

Raging blow build however will not play well with this.

First Bloodthirst will need to be buffed a lot to make Raging blow filler instead of main damage ability(something that we were all advocates for this expansion but things did not change) so we can actually play into Thunder Blast procs, and ThunderClap 6 sec CD will not play well into that 800 APM rotation, it will cause issues with overcap of Thunder Blast, during Thunder Clap cooldown. It needs tunning and a slight redesign.

Again all feedback on this issues was loud and clear during Dragonflight mainly Dynamic Between Raging Blow and Bloodthirst.

  • Storm Bolts: Storm Bolt also hits 1 additional nearby target, stunning them for 2 seconds.
  • Storm Shield: Intervening a target grants them a shield for 5 seconds that absorbs magic damage equal to 3 times your Armor.

Finally, interesting M+ utility options. I feel like Storm Bolts should hit more targets, 1 or 2 seems underwhelming.

Storm Shield is actually very good for raid and for M+.

All in all interesting choice node.

  • Flashing Skies: Chance for Lightning Strikes to critically strike is increased by 5% and their critical strike damage is increased by 10%.
  • Valarjar Training: Lightning Strikes reduce the cooldown of Ravager by 0.5 second.

Once again Blizzard seems to forget about one small talent choice we have named Odyns Fury, ability is named after literal leader of Valarjar in lore, so can we please make Valajar Training actually affect it as well, I mean, at this point its comical, please Ravager is already too strong as it is and with this choice node you are literally killing Odyns Fury as a talent choice. Also Ravager already has CD reduction in Anger Management so another CD reduction seems to be a bit of overkill.

  • Steadfast as the Peaks: Victory Rush increases your maximum health by 10% for 5 seconds.
  • Keep Your Feet on the Ground: Thunder Blast reduces damage you take by 4% for 5 seconds.

Clearly a survivability choice node, I would rather have utility or mobility but that is just my subjective preference , and there is also a real danger of turning impending victory into monstrosity with 10% HP increase in PVP. Dont get me wrong both choices are good but one is clearly a winner.

  • Gathering Clouds: Your attacks trigger Lightning Strikes 15% more often.
  • Thorim’s Might: Lightning Strikes generate 3 Rage. Revenge, Raging Blow, and Execute damage increased by 15%.

This one is just boring but I guess is functional. Worry I have again is that will face Rage Overcaps, one more reason to adress our current talent trees.

Burst of Power: Lightning Strikes have a 20% chance to make your next 2 Shield Slams or Bloodthirsts have no cooldown.

This one is going to be very, very strong for Annihilator build, and its going to be in serious conflict with Raging Blow build. Again this conflicit will appear from long-standing issue of unclear dynamic between Raging Blow and BloodThirst.

Avatar of the Storm: Casting Avatar grants you 2 charges of Thunder Blast and resets the cooldown of Thunder Clap . While Avatar is not active, Lightning Strikes have a 10% chance to grant you Avatar for 4 seconds.

I mean clear buff to Avatar again a bit boring, but Avatar is boring as it is, so I will take it.

All in all is not that bad, interesting concept, interesting philosophy, throwback to prior warrior identity, a bit boring, but that is warrior for you. Again, issues that will be introduced with Hero Talent, are going to be easily avoidable in one redesign of Warrior Talents in general at one point prior to War Within so we can actually have a sense of what will work and what will not work starting War Within.

I can’t help but feel a bit of frustration because some of us were very loud on the issue of warrior talents being poorly executed, no pun intended, and we were right in our prediction that in their current state the entire talent tree will cause serious issues for future introductions or expansions on.

I still have hope that we will see some reworks and that this Hero Talents were design on work in progress version of warrior talent tree that is going released in one of the incoming patches.


All you needed to do was bring Gladiator Stance back to retail. It’s that easy.
But instead we got to be bootleg Thor.
I can’t for the life of me think of a single reason why they’d put the “lightning” brand on Fury, I just don’t get it.
The last 2 Fury tier sets were just a pathetic attempt at making Bloodthirst relevant and now they’re trying to make Thunder Clap good. Why? Who asked for this? Arms and Prot maybe but not Fury.
I just can’t fathom a dev that actually plays Fury make these talents with a straight face.
If Slayer is gonna have some sort of acoustic focus on slam or some other redundant ability never used by Fury Blizz has offifially lost their titans-grip on this class.
Add Glad stance and get it over with. Please, just add it and stop trying. This incessant experimenting continously fails so just STOP.

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Firstly, I’m unsure as to why this is Fury/Prot. I can’t speak for everybody else, but when I think of fury, I think of a berserker (zul’jin/taz’dingo) , not a budget enhancement shaman. Adding thunderclap into fury feel very alien, they’ve never used it, so why now? I feel like this would be more of a fit for arms.

If it was to switch to arms, then I think a lot of the proc based talents wouldn’t feel as ‘fun’. On top of that, it feels like the current arms tier set bonus with an amplified TC from SD procs.

It does however look fantastic for prot and has the theme working in that specs favour too.

Class fantasy aside, there’s a lot of proc talents and I’m not sure if that’s what warriors want.

  • We have a 10% change to hit with lightning, ‘Gathering Clouds’ increases this, but does it make it 11.5% chance to hit with lightning, or 25%? If it’s 11.5%, then ‘Thorim’s Might’ absolutely smashes that talent choice.
  • There’s nothing regarding Annihilation either, so what’s happening with this talent? Is the build being removed, or are we being forced to not pick it based on the hero talents we choose?
  • While ‘Storm Shield’ sounds useful, ‘Storm Bolts’ feel like it would be the go to pick in most cases, considering (in a m+ pov) you’d just get one shot by something based on how m+ currently is depending on the affix (bolstering, remove it).
  • ‘Steadfast as the Peaks’ and ‘Keep Your Feet on the Ground’ also suffers from the latter always going to be picked. 10% max hp for 5 seconds every 25 seconds excluding resets on Impending Victory compared to Thunder Blast granting 4% DR for 5 seconds. It feels like you’re obviously going to get more out of the latter by a huge margin.

Overall, it feels like you could take 80% of these talents and simply add them to the prot spec and everybody would be happy about it. But if this is Blizzards class fantasy for what they think fury should be, then you’re sadly, miles away from what everybody else thinks.

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I like the idea of Thunder Warrior. I love this one visually. It’s very metal and badass.

As an arms warrior main, I would normally not really care about what mountain thane ends up being.

Though, there was one thing I enjoyed on Fury warrior, back in mists of pandaria:

It was storm bolt. Back when it had +400/500% dmg bonus on boss and you could do truely epic smites with cooldows, Colossus smash, crit and rage multipliers.

If you’re making a hero spec around storm bolt / thunderclap, PLEASE BRING BACK THIS INTERACTION !!! If you do that and make single minded fury viable i think i may play fury again (i want fist weapons warrior)

As arms, I’m worried that the people designing the class are not sharing the same vision than I. Please remove skullspliter (at least the bleed interaction with it), it’s the most degenerate build i tried on warrior. Make shockwave more accessible so i can contribute to M+ cc without loosing avatar (and thus bladestorms) or the bleed bonus from dragon roar ?

Also colossus (big avatar uptime ?)/ slayer (execute based ?) names do not appeal to me at all. I don’t know what they will end up being, but the names seem too basic.

Since you took inspiration from Warcraft 3 Muradin for the Mountain Thain.
I hope Blizzard will do the right thing and take the same inspiration for Slayer from Grom Hellscream.

And if people don’t know what I’m referring to, watch the cinematic in Warcraft 3 Orc campaign.
Shattering Mannoroth’s shield with a singel strike and ending he’s life with the cost of his own.
A shield so strong that not even Thrall’s empowered Doomhammer throw, was able to put a dent in it.