Feedback: Warrior Hero Talents in The War Within

Im not sure if that removes the need of whirlwind every 4 hits in AOE, but If it does that sounds really great for me. It actually give fury a proper rotation not a spam same button every 4th rotation.

What I think it will still be a problem as it is from few expansions, warrior still lack utility. On top of that it was never a meta, always around average, maybe sometimes a bit above. So there are not so many reasons to get invited in a M+ party, when you don’t do top dps compared to meta, you got no bres, no BL, weeks with Incorporeal you are literally useless => no reason to be invited, even when you got good score. There were moments when It was hard for me to do my weeklies (8x +20 dungeons), when I already rating +3200-3300, +24-25 on all dungeons and still didn’t get easy invites. I see no reason why people wouldn’t invite even mage (which has dispell, BL, usually top dps), a pala who got bres, HOF and all kind of utilites, bubble and so on or even a Rogue for party inv so you can do skips, all kind of stuns and usually top dps.

I am considering dropping warrior only for this, it’s decent in raid, but trying to do keys with it when having no premade team it’s a massive waste of time and mood killer.

Would love here to see an improvement and there are a lot of ideas about how M+ experience could be improved overall. It’s one of the main reason this game is still alive, beside raiding, but rewards for people doing +20 it’s a title… that’s dissapointing. This game has so much potential and should be taken advantage of this to make it shine like it should. Many more ideas for improvement but I never found out where this can be written.

Hope this can be seen as a constructive feedback!

tank wise its decent ideas . fury wise garbage rng nonsens with no power. maybe some of the hanful casual pvp player like these. every other not.

  • 3 target stormbold sounds nice (should not affect stun DR in pve)

  • why not make the shockwave, reflect talents getting enhances with hero talents

  • less rng on rng

  • less nonsens like victory rush hero talent, intervene talent

  • to many talent points getting wastet to pick those up

  • bring mortal wounds to prot and fury

  • hero talents should give the base talent for free (like intervene, thunderclap)

  • annihilator synergy ?

  • i dont feel the synergy for fury+prot… why not combine WW+thunderclap in 1 new super mega button ? for fury it autocasts TC (that applys also bleed) … and for prot the thunderclap also gives WW (that cleaves SS, execute, slam)

  • … can go on on for 30mins … tldr… rework 90% of it.

Try to form your own thoughts. Blizzard will get enough feedback from streamers like him anyway.

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It’s a fine idea, but you cannot simultaneously want us to press raging blow and blood thirst, especially if you make the blood thirst incentivized path on the talent tree reduce ravager CD. Makes no sense logically.

I love the Storm Bolt choice node as an easy choice between pvp/pve.

Strength of the Mountain seems a bit non-sensical as a talent considering what is further down that line.

I’m against Valarjar Training, because if we run Anger Management, we would have constantly ravager, which means that our CD periods will be very rng and way too quickly. Don’t wanna have constantly ravager up with high variance.

Burst of Power should be changed, because it will mess with our priority, and we will overcap rage. It’s an especially lame talent, if we are forced into Raging Blow builds, where we only pressed Blood Thirst in season 2 for our tier set effect.

Overall, either whoever made this is completely ignorant of our spec, or they have reworked fury already internally and they have information that we don’t have access to. With the way our talents work, I don’t see the logic behind this at all. Seems very random. I’d like to see an explanation of the logic, because it feels like whoever made this shuffled some abilities randomly and is asking us to fix this. I hope that I’m wrong though, and that I just don’t see the logic. Seems unlikely though.

stop be weird. i posted my stuff below it. also is critcake not a regular streamer. he is one of the most valued warriors.

From purely protection point of view, those talents dont really do much do they? Just add some lighting and a bit more dmg.
It doesn’t seem like they help spec in any way, Hos are those suppose to make prot better tank? Seems they are just cool but not very useful. No help with self sustain, no group utility really. Jus that intervene one for some nishe uses, which give that no build takes intervene - it’s just a waisted talent anyways.
Any chance to have those talent help warrior a bit, give them something woulld make it worth it to i tice warrior in the group. Taken from preparch with group shield wall was awesome finally we could help team - but was just as quickly removed for some reason. Prot warrior brings very little and maybe somehow those talents could make them into more useful tank, a tank that can help group in some way.

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Let’s be honest, I read Lightsmith & San’Layn before Mountain Thane. They look interesting with a new gameplay mechanic added to it.

Warrior on the other hand receive basic RNG options when the others receives new ideas. So I guess the poor guy in charge of Warrior still has no idea of what to do & try to stick to known mechanics that will be easy to balance (-3% damages, proc increased by 5%) but blend to play & completely stupid to theorycraft.

The fact that TC is forced into Fury tree is even more disturbing since it was never something for Fury but a base mechanic for Arms for a long time, it’s kind of a “I missed the mark here but I will try to make it up by saying it’s expansion based because we will have dwarves & Murading here!”

Before even starting on this Hero Talent tree, rework our damn tree for the new expansion…

This Hero Talent is for sure something I might enjoy in Prot, but will find pretty boring in Fury. Waiting for Slayer & Colossus but I have little hope to see something interesting seeing the past year & half of non progress on Warrior.


→ 10 (pve) unused talents. and literally no usefull pve utility.
→ remove all those throw talents - we arent a class that use those.
→ since DF alpha i suggest put shockwave as choice inside intimidating shout. (worst aoe interrupt spell ever) + shockwave dps isnt really thought throu
→ 2 points for group anti fear ?
→ prot / fury mortal wounds when?
→ rally was a strong raid utility… but now its a joke. just bring battle shout class
→ intervene for pve is non exsistent. it should never kill the player+ maybe let it work with reflect
→ party reflect when ? could be in some dungeon strong as mass barrier from mage. in raid its anyway non exsistent, just a DR

Just call the 2H hero tree Blademaster. It’s right there. I don’t understand the reluctance by the dev team.

It’s Warcraft. Do Warcraft themed things.

As I stated in another post:
Arms - Blademaster
Fury - Berserker. Perhaps Warlord would be more epic and still on theme.
Prot - Mountain King. Thane, I guess if you want to sidestep gender specific naming.


Not a fan actually of the hero talents shown here as they don’t do much, just adding some lighting to abilities is not what warriors should get. Just do a glyph that will make abilities look more stormy and be done with it.
It think it’s clear that warriors have no group utility- give them possibility to have some.
You could easily have sth like Batttke Commander (whatever u like as name doesn’t matter). Give it maybe banners, shouts - make it a little more of a group spec for all those who are saying warriors can’t do crap to help anyone.
Seems like on opposite side sth like weapon master / blade master should be there,
Those fantasies of a veteran warrior commander leading into battle or a skilled master of blade are way better then just giving current specs some sparks when they use abilities😉


Warrior main for many years.

I’m sorry but I don’t think it matters what we think, you wont change a thing. But, warrior isn’t a shaman


Im a returning player from WoWLK, let me say how I see things:

There was a talent sistem in Vanilla, BC and WoWLK everybody did want back, compared to that few rows talent sistem in BFA.

They finally decided to do that in Dragonflight and return the old talent sistem, people returned for this (among other things) and now they are " enhancing" the talent sistem with same few rows style of talent sistem.

Wow, much new sitem, such funny , very greatness. Well guess what, how I come back to wow I will quit back again from it in seconds. And not only because of this, because you don’t really have much things to do in this game. Let’s say you raid , ok, you can do it 1-2/week. M+? Man, I’m throwing every item I get from there from 3rd week of season, no reward at all, no reason to push keys except a text that’s getting it’s number increased (rating). I can do that in excel, don’t need to waste more time than doing 8 weeklies. Events? usually up for 1-2 week from lunch of the event then dead as HoTS, nobodies doing them (except when they force you to do it to get a legendary item)

Apart from collectables, titles and things like that, current content it’s only Raid and M+ (which is actually the thing keeping this game alive and getting almost no reward to people who playing it, that’s really interesting), what else can you do in every current-season?

Man, I’m forcing myself to play on alts to have something to do. Oh, that’s also something to point out, if you pick in a season a main which you want to play long term, well, you might have a surprise next season - your main might be a C tier next season and nobody wants you in, so you got to pick a new main or get used with the idea.

God, I had so much hope when I returned and was excited about everything, and as I was playing I could see so many point where the game could be improved… I feel like this game has soooo much more potential.

And on top of that, now they invest that much time/money in classic that it starts to feel more appealing than it is the live one. That feels so wrong for me, when you can’t get your latest expansion be great…

Probably are only my frustrations, but I feel a bit better that I wrote this here, where probably noone sees it :>


As EU don’t get their own feedback threads. I presume this is it?

Now, with the clarifications in:

These are my thoughts thrown into the deep dark void:

I do like and am quite in favour of this whole channelled ability focus. I am a huge fan of bladestorm as an ability, not to mention abilities that hit hard. Combine the two, and you get close to scratching that itch old demonblade demonhunter attempted to hit. So, the idea and concept, I am all for it.

My worry is… I will call it ‘theorycrafters terminology’. As when they say “it hit hard!” and I do, these two statements don’t mean the same thing. If the ability does not at least hit harder than a spamable part of the kit it is not hard-hitting in my book. This is my biggest issue with Odyn’s Fury. If the ability does not release dopamine in big numbers - especially the channel - will kill the fun of it. This was the problem of the Legendary Axe. The on-use hit for less than a beacon crit would. Heck, my Bloodbaths hit for 500k, a 500k hit from the axe after a channel just seems weak. Even if it is a lot of damage and is “hard hitting”, worse yet it is hitting “hard” in many hits…

My point here; when it is said it hits hard. I fear that it is theorycrafter hard. Aka, good damage and DPS on paper and practise. But ungodly boring and barely noticeable by the eyes watching and brain to react to.

Now, damage and the effect in my brain aside. I really don’t want a world where I got to simply chain this with spear for the potential to actual damage. Yes, again, I fear theorycrafter hard hits. Even worse if I need to pray for crits in spearwindow to actually make it feel strong. Ability is neutured for its potential damage in these windows. Elune forbid even more forced qued up synergy. Please let the ability to warbreak - let the ability be the button to press - not part of a 5 ability buildup combo.

So, I will be hyped to test this ability and herotalent line, - I really cant stress this enough. I fear to get another Odyn’s Fury situation, where it to feel good got to do twice current buffed values - a world I will never see, as that would be unbalanced. Demolish could so very easily fall into this same pit of despair. A place where the ability is “strong” and “hits hard”, but not in any definition but a theorycrafters world.

So I am left in distrust of what is to come to be; a future where the ability is numerically strong, sure. But the button press feels boring and just bland. It does solid damage, probably very efficent damage. I just will not feel that it hits hard. It hits for 500k, wow, only for my empowered built mortalstrike to hit for 400k.

I remain on my dose of copium and hopium, perhaps this time, this time the devs will allow fun to be in focus. That this time, it will be my type of fun: REAL BIG NUMBER ON SCREEN


Since EU doesn’t get feedback on it own i would like to add my feedback for the recent Demolish news the 2 second root one.

Since many people on X or wowhead or warrior discord stated the obvious that 2 second root kinda death sentence.
I think instead of making it like Dh eye beam or WW fist of fury why don’t you try something like the newest class Evoker empowered cast?
It’s on 45~30 cd just like flame breath and cancelable mid cast with no issues although i suggest for warrior to act like Darius Q form league of legends you can channel it wile moving.
Make Demolish an empowered 2 second cast or make even 3 as long as the benefit for empowered more gives extra stuff for example channels it 1 sec it hit the demolish compo for 1 target or maximum empowered channel change the animations as if the warrior cleaves his targets and it hits more targets for example it hits 8 targets and reduced damage beyond that.
In the end i think evoker’s Empowered cast is great add to the game it suits classes like warrior more than a caster, instead of older version of hero classes like dh or monk why not giving us the new stuff from the recent expansion?
This solves alot of issues like being rooted as melee is kinda anti fun mechanic most people tolerate fylarth because its 2 min cd you use and forget about it also many people got it after 10weeks into the patch people kinda memories the encounters for raid and m+ so its kinda not as risky as learning the ability as we start progress.
In the end i believe Evoker’s Empowered cast solves alot of issues its great flavor for classes or specs like arms warrior it would make Demolish unique ability differentiate between Demolish and bladestworm, you can cancel it if you Sense that you did mistake and need to move, finally it would meet the description of heavy hitting ability that you described as long as you Empowered maximum cast time.

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Given we can’t reply to US forum topic, I’ll do it here

Colossus Warrior Feedback

First, the flavor an theme, I’ll keep it straight and simple. Arms warrior has ever had dual sides to him in terms of theme. One is the typical Orc Blademaster archetype focusing on haste, bleeds, bladestorm and weapon mastery. And then we have the Colossus theme what I would describe as typical Tauren totem wielding warrior/Chieftain archetype. The shock trooper focusing on slow overwhelming hits, critical strikes, Avatar, Shockwave and Colossus Smash.
The blademaster theme seems to lean more on the offensive side with fury, while the colossus theme seems to strike that perfect balance of offense and deffense with protection tree.

Second, in terms of actual gameplay and Demolish talent feedback.
Many have already said that Demolish talent doesn’t fit with the theme OR the gameplay, and I propose the simple solition, giving you the choice of technical approach how to implement this.
Instead of adding yet another ability, focus on the core (Colossus Smash, Shockwave, Avatar). Firstly in the terms of defense, adding defensive value to Avatar (I.e. %damage reduction or armor in addition to damafe buff). Secondly in the terms of offense, concerning Demolish, either replacing it with new ability or melding into a Shockwave attack, I recommend one ability long overdue, Seismic Slam. A 30 or 40 yards attack akin to DK’s Frostwyrm’s Fury and maybe even targeted like Evoker’s Landslide, with possible short cast like Warstomp or vanilla’s slam to balance the damage output. Mechanicaly things like Focused Rage ability from Legion pumping rage into one big attack, and Execute mechanic from Vanilla, dumping all the rage bar into one big hit are all viable options to realize the theme and gameplay aspect of Seismic Slam.

Thridly, The Shockwave feedback.
“We’d also like to add that we are positioning Shockwave primarily as a utility ability, so the bonus damage passive talent will be be removed.” In my opinion this is exactly the opposite of what I think the idea is (and contradicting with new talent One Against Many (increasing Shockwave damage by 5%), especially since that in Dragonflight the Protecion warrior was so close to the idea idea of Seismic Slam with the Shockwave talents The Sonic Boom (increased damage) and Rumbling Earth (increased range), and Prot’s The Unstoppable Force (more development). My recommendation is to either add the standalone ability or mold Shockwave trough talents into a full earthshattering 40 yards Seismic Slam.

This is more of a “theme” and “setting a foundation” overview than numbers and complications.

Also: " Mountain of Muscle and Scars: You deal 5% more damage and take 2.5% less damage. Size increased by 5%." HELL YEAH, that’s the BRING IT ON, COME AT ME type of attitude that makes the Colossus!

The majority of Arms Warriors are currently not playing Bladestorm on Tindral and the top damage Log on Tindral does not run bladestorm. This alone should trigger an alarm. A Boss with a demand for burst aoe on 20 Targets yet one of the most iconic burst aoe cooldowns (8 target cap) is not being utilized. Arms Warrior should be among the best Classes for Tindral yet its not even on the Map.
If we cant buff the damage of Bladestorm since it would make Arms too strong in M+ (if that would even be the case) then perhaps the Capstones need to be looked at. Dance of Death and Unhinged went essentially completly unused the enitre expansion and Bonegrinder saw little use leaving only Hurricane. 3 of the 5 Capstones are not being used. Compare this to Retribution where 1 Capstone sees very little play.
Buffing Unhinged would perhaps be the key to make Bladestorm more playable or depending on the tier set/boss make it the best option for the most damage.
It turns Bladestorm into a very versatile channeled ability that does some cleave Damage and a big chunk of single target damage that also makes the Warrior unstoppable. Similar to Demolish in the new Colossus Hero Talent tree. Nevermind. Exactly like Demolish in the new Colossus Hero Talent tree.
I could already play Demolish right now if i wanted to so its really hard to get excited about. Whats the point of this ability compared to Unhinged? The lower cooldown? The fancy new animation? The higher Damage it will do?
All could be achieved right now with slight changes or reworks to the unused capstones in the Arms warrior tree.
The Duplication of this Ability either makes the other pointless (most likely Bladestorm) or puts one of arms biggest issues into a hilariously bright limelight. The Rage economy is exactly pointless outside of execute phase. Tons of rage just being thrown out due to the inability to spend it. Add 1 channeled ability it gets worse, add 2 it seems unlikely it will be good or more importantly fun. Demolish and Bladestorm in 1 Colossus Smash Window probally means about 100 rage just out the window. Assuming its stil good enough to play would mean you probally have one of channeled abilities ready each CS and both your channeled abilities ready every other CS. Sounds really fun.
The Duplication doesnt have to be an issue (other than it being boring, thats 100% an issue and will remain an issue unless reworked).
However lets say Demolish takes Bladestorms place in most scenarios. What choices remain in the Arms Tree? Nothing interesting is left since more than half of our capstones are taken up by bladestorm.

I hope the Team takes another look at both Talent Trees. Colossus and Arms.
Since the Blademaster Hero Talent Tree is no longer an option how about you add some of that fantasy to the Arms tree. Allow one of the Capstones to disconnect the warrior from the bladestorm leaving a mirror image to cast it or sending out mirror images to cast other abilities (like demolish) while channeling bladestorm yourself.

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At first i really didnt like Slayer but im starting to like the ideas in it the more i read it.
There are a few things i think should be changed.
Constant Preassure right now would actually do nothing for Arms since we reset the Cooldown of Overpower way too often due to Tactician. This is the same reason nobody ever play Honed Reflexes on the Warrior Tree as Arms. I assume the devs are aware of this and something about Tactician is changing but i wanted to mention it.
Tunnel Vision and Thrill of the Kill are not just really boring but looks like its simply a Single Target or Aoe Choice. Maybe just scrap one of them and add a Choice node elsewhere since being given a choice about how i increase my attack speed feels not worth mentioning or thinking about.
After seeing this Tree im also extra dissapointed in the Colossus Tree. The way Slayer interacts with existing Talents is just not achieved with Colossus. Some of this i think is somewhat negative like being forced to use Talent points to get Bladestorm. This hinders Build Variety within your choice of Hero Talents. The really cool part about it however is the choices you get to make with the Capstones of Bladestorm (assuming some or most remain in some way or other) and how they interact with the Slayer Tree.
In almost no way does Colossus interact with the current Arms Tree. Some may see that as a good thing since it doesnt force you into a specific playstyle but i think the Slayer Tree in its concept shows that a sweetspot is possible. Ill just repeat the suggestion of my last comment: Add some sort of Mirror Image Talent so the Warrior could send out a Mirror Image to Cast Demolish while remaining free to continue using other Abilities.

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Can I do a general feedback about the talents? (This time, not hero talents)

I think the point of having this this new ( or old?) talent tree where we can put points here and there and define a new build should not be afected by Tier buffs.

I can give an example for that:

Season 3 Tier bonuses:

Odyn’s Fury deals 50% increased dmg
Bloodthirst crit strikes reduces the cd of Odyn’s Fury

This is not right at all, it just negates the point of having this Talent sistem back and forces us to play whatever the tier bonus says to.

Can we just separate this things so we can enjoy having multiple viable builds per season?

Is fury getting some kind of overhaul, or some tweaks ?

I mean, slayer is all about Bladestorm but this option has been removed from fury in DF, so where would this be located within fury’s already convulted tree ? Is the plan to remove Ravager ?
Fury is kinda already bloated with procs so adding more into the mix might feel akward.
I know this proc is optionnal but we would end up with sudden death, bt reset and RB proc. That’s too heavy.
For Arms, this also doesn’t make sense as we’re already being flooded with tactician procs, so we don’t need higher OP resets rates.

Moutain Thane feels great for prot but it doesn’t make sense from a fury perspective. I mean, thunder clap has been removed from fury in WOD and haven’t been picked at all throughout DF lifespan, so it just doesn’t feel right to get an entire subspec designed around this spell for fury.
Not to mention the potential ravager CD desync, which was already being reduced through anger management. Ravager was kinda “fixed” in 10.0.5 when AM reduced ravager CD alongside reck. I don’t see anything good with reducing Ravager CD furthermore.

So far, only colossus seems to offer good gameplay on top of fitting the specs it’s being designed for. That’s great ! It’s just sad that nothing fits fury.