Arms get actual Sword and Board gameplay - and, Prot Warr get to actually do 2h tanking with no drawback?
Colour me intrigued
Surely that will be easy to balance
Arms get actual Sword and Board gameplay - and, Prot Warr get to actually do 2h tanking with no drawback?
Colour me intrigued
Surely that will be easy to balance
This is a direct quote from the thread about Warrior reworks:
We feel that Fury plays best when it has a consistent core of rotational abilities to manage Rage generation and Enrage uptime, and to that end, we are changing several related talents.
And then you go and remove all the Bloodthirst stuff from the Slayer tree and make it buff Raging Blow even more? It already deals more damage, generates more rage, and buffs our next Rampage. And now it also procs the new not-Bladestorm, and gets even more damage buffs from the hero tree and a self-replicating damage buff to resetting its own cooldown?
I do not even begin to understand the rationale behind all these changes.
will be a stress to land those demolishes and not die in m Plus … time to go slayer ?
No, it’s not. It’s only fan-service, today’s fad, the very same in anime.
You’re wrong: that’s what warrior is and have to be. Also, arms have enough buttons.
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