Feeling bad for pvp players

After watching this, i feel rly sorry about the pvp players out there.

This patch is rly a dark chapter for the pvp.


Well I felt sorry already with BfA launch… and there have been expansions I thought it cannot get any worse… it sure did in bfa.


When BfA started, we didn’t think it could have gotten worse, yet it got worse with every patch.


If you could choose between Legion’s templated pvp or bfa’s pvp, what would you choose? :thinking:

Is that even a question? I would take Legion a million times over BfA. Even WoD.

Besides a few small and trivial things, I hated every single bit of BfA.


Yes sad time for PvPer.

And for MM hunter that try PvP that can’t even be gladiator with 100% MM hunter.

For me actually when i saw BFA S4, i instantly stopped Arena, created 5 new MM hunter ( differents race) and now i spam Battleground for Level up.

I found Leveling Battleground more fun than actual arena … ( even with my shamab enhancement i got fun in leveling battleground).

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I’d Choose cataclysm’s pvp system where some pve items were okay.

didn’t play mop.

Wod was okay, but eventually everyone copied the top player and it was all the same, gearing was quick which was okay, but there was nothing after you’ve gotten all of your gear in less than 1 day.

Legion balancing was all over the place. some players were grinding AP in dungeons, then went into arenas with 3-4 levels on artifact weapons and it was literally the same as current BFA. only that your gear was worth a bit less.


That video is a compilation of pre nerf videos. Now I don’t feel pressure of corruptions anymore, I have my versa, Gushing also got nerfed. Arena is in a better state currently.

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try again


I mean… It is abysmal, but I’d still prolly take the current state over the pre-nerf IS/Tentacle state, so depending on what “current vs past” actually means, he could technically be right.

Still prolly the worst season of PvP ever overall. And I hated s5 back in Wrath with every fiber of my being so it’s saying something.

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True, current is a lot more enjoyable, and we’re not at a point yet where everyone can afford running around with Versa cap - I do hope Blizz introduces a diminishing return to Versa.

While it is true, it highlights how much people only focus on arena when it comes to PvP, it is quite rare to see (in my experience) people talking about BGs, RBGs, dueling, and other wanted features like ranked 1v1, rated soloque, low level etc… If you think about the big picture, this season is a borderline death sentence to PvP.

No it is not.
It’s just a ton of Destro locks and MW Monks and everyone is running around with insane amounts of vers.

I’d rather quick 1-shot BS games opposed to boring slugfests that Lock and Monk create.

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Aye, I’d tend to agree with that, though I think s5 was actually still worse in that regard than what we have now, as crazy as that might sound.

I am a fan of casual PvP so it’s awful state not just in current season but throughout BfA has been a bitter pill to swallow regardless.

Oof you missed out there, MoP PvP was probably the most balanced it ever was around the end at least.

I won’t call muself a PvP player, but I do enjoy the occasional arena or BG. Suffice to say BfA has made me not really touch PvP at all, simply due to the strocious balancing, corruption being what it is/was and DH.


Corruptions overbuffed in last 2 patches on PTR was a bad idea. Actually they broke everything everywhere. It was something like a proc, slighty buff, but someone thinks no(!) it must be a global sistem when even whole classes means nothing.

I felt sorry for me when my favourite alliance zone got canonically removed from the game since the launch and then horde ruined by MAH QUEEEN.

I feel dead inside about this game, perfect for Shadowlands in the land of the dead.

I love this game too much, pvp is not fun this expansion. I miss MoP pvp and class design.

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I feel Great that MY QUEEN ruined your RP tree :slight_smile:

Afterall this is warcraft, peacecraft is what resides in your mind and only.

You dont love it too much to adjust.


What do you get when you have a bunch of whiny PvP players demand template PvP to be removed, because they didn’t like that regular non-hardcore PvP players could potentially have a fighting chance against them.

Well, you get what you freakin’ deserve.

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You can play classic if you want that BS PvP, you’ll die to a mortal strike and a crit auto.

I got to 462 ilvl on my main character and thought that would be more than enough to finally do some PvP - I got steamrolled every game I played.

Now if I fancy doing a battleground I stick to lower level

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