Memebeam still out there, and tanks can rekt entire groups if procced in good time.
I like PvP in wow, but itâs never gonna be perfect since its mostly based on a PvE game but 8.3 literally took the cake of fiestas.
Recently came back to the game and dove straight into arena again. Never said as often before after a loss: âwe lost because of gearâ
Itâs so noticable when you get out geared. My partner has I guess around 470, 480 iLvl and we just get shrekked because some ppl even have better gear then him and he dies like hes made of paper. Haha itâs insane.
So far Iâm not complaining yet but Iâm taking it all with a grain of salt these days
At least weâre getting PvP vendors back. Letâs pray we get a PvP-specific stat like resilience back too.
PvP and PvE should never have been intrinsically linked.
That one I agree on because I feel like PvP progression was better tuned when we had PvP gear from furious to wratful and separate pve gear progression so you got my vote.
Yeah, no pvp-stat is confirmed so vendors is basically useless because m+ gear will be better.
This game all about raids. Want progress in raids do raids, want to push hight M+ keys do myth raid, want to push hight rating in PvP do myth raid.
Only thing that will restore the balance is template stats. They were present in Legion, and it was arguably the best time for PvP as it was less gear orientated.
⌠But letâs be honest, that would be too much to ask.
Idk, maybe the earlier seasons, but the last season. My moonkin in RBGs with HC Cunning of cruel and Poisonious Mind dagger, I could literally mow down everyone with just my dots.
No, for real. Against rogues I can smoke while stunned now, it is much better
I do agree that PvP is in a much better state right now than it used to be, but there are still plenty of dumb stuff going around. Then again, the whole game is dumb, so who am I to point fingers at people with vers cap, or for playing Destro.
BFA started as a hopeful expansion.
Half way in, even blizzard realized itâs a dead expansion. So they went experimental mode instead.
I mean look at 8.3.
Visions and corruptions are basically torghast and anima power alpha version.
The new crafting tools they added are basically the starting point for shadowland changes.
Azerites, etc. are kind of being converted into a craftable legendary gear set you can make on your own with the abilities and stats that you want.
Just consider this whole expansion as a giant BETA testing and wait for the next one.
BFA is an insult to pvp players (and i guess even pve ones)
The AWC is an insult to all competitive players, including the switch to youtube and the complete GARBAGE money you can make in it.
But yeah, removing vendors and forcing pvp players to PvE was a great idea âŚ
stupid take. They just need to put the arena gear at the same Ilevel as the best PvE one, like it used to be in almost every other expansion.
Good. If you have better gear you should be able to shred people with low gear to pieces.
How is it a stupid take if you agree with it?
Pvp gear now is obsolete. At 2400+ rating you got a chance at receiving a 465 piece which is equal to a m14. Itâs absurd. Even if we had vendors now, the vast majority would be buying 450 pieces which is the reward from the challenger bracket.
Coming from Wrath times the fact that PvP vendors and gear are gone is really mental. Like I get CP, fill bar and can choose piece, which has both stats wrong usually and the gear is worse than normal raids is just simply wrong.
And when I activate Warmode its empty single player world with tumbleweeds and distant breezes.
What went wrong?
What went wrong: no PvP stat gear
Legion hands down. Random PvP should go back to be for everybody, and Rated for the OP geared. Rated should be reworked, so it would be like when you queue for randoms, but with an Ilvl Restriction - And better rewards.
Really though, I hope they reconsider how things has worked through BFA. Because A LOT of them essences and traits is bandaid fixes to classes who was too destroyed by the loss of the Legendaries from legion. Disable them in PvP and some classes canât compete, and we then still have an imbalance issue.
But then again, the above stated might actually be why we do not have any template in BFA - Because some classes can not compete without their bandaid fixes
If Blizzard continue this path of scrapping players down to almost nothing, and then bandaid through gearperks (like essences, corruption etc) Then YES there should be a template like in Legion in random PvP.
IF they rework things and classes properly with SL, now that they have a really good chance to do so, as we practically start over - Then maybe templates is not needed. But if it stays as it is - and pvp shall survive. Then Template.
Reasons for lots of edits: Itâs late and Iâm tired xD
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