Feeling bad for pvp players

SOON she will return and save us all !!!

The true horde was betrayed by bane/saurfang back in MoP.
So it was now in BFA.
1 traitor down, 1 to go!


PvP is of course a lot more bursty than PvE bosses with billions of HP.

Because of the burstiness, the highs and lows of the RNG is more pronounced.

And that is what we’re seeing in the video.

Then we’ve got corruption effects breaking stat systems. We see now that Blizzard actually designed the corruption system in such a way that they were betting on RNG for the system not to break down entirely. And now that we can circumvent that RNG, we can break it, as given by the 100%+ Versatility example.

But this isn’t just a clown fiesta in PvP, although it certainly is.
This is a clown fiesta everywhere.

Patch 8.3 has a pretty great reward loop most of the time, but I cannot express how ****ed the gearing system is without tearing my own head off, and this gearing system is infecting and destroying almost every aspect of the game.

I tried though:

But yeah, pretty much all the gear systems introduced in BfA should be completely removed, and that’ll take care of most of the things shown in these videos.

This comment right here officer.

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It’s true though. Entire BfA was a snoozefest. At least right now, you don’t need 70% damp to kill people.

While I have little sympathy for the “hardcore” PvP crowd, as the most toxic people I’ve ever met in this game have been PvPrs.*

To have a game that’s supposed to reward skill just let people be obliterated by 100% random procs more and more often it’s pretty bad.

*Just to clarify I’m not saying everyone doing PvP is toxic. Personally I just think it’s the fast-paced adrenaline pumping, highly competitive nature of PvP that breeds anger, hatred and saltyness on a ridiculous scale and brings out the worst in people. Every time you lose it was a human that beat you, not a mindless NPC raid boss, and often that means they were better than you. And that makes certain people angry. Exactly the same thing that makes League “toxic” or whatever you wanna call it.
Of course PvErs can be extremely toxic as well, but that’s usually only when things go poorly and everyone starts playing the Blame Game™.

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