Feign Death not woring correctly(feign death actually results in real death after timer finish)

Feign death(fd) is not working correctly according to me atleast. Just discovered that feign death if you actually run entire timer through you actually die in game. Not joking or something else tested an actual test where ran feign death an let it run through entire timer then watched last few seconds and on timer finishing you you die.

According to me either add this to the detailed notes if this is an intended thing elsewise I do belive this is a bug that needs dealing with.

Can see both sides, fd leading to death well maybe hunter takes a deep breath like a navy seal or something and if not breathing again will die alltho I do belive this is just a bug and something occuring.

None relevant to the actual feign death not working part?!(or actually ended up with how I discovered it too)
For those of you asking why the f… did you run through an entire fd ?
Well I just so happen to accidentally hit button I got it binded on as I went afk irl and I didn’t bother canceling the ability so it ran through as I was afk came back I’m dead, so I went through all logs no damage so obviously something had happend only other thing that could have been the reason was well feign death so did an actual test and tried it all the way through in safe position and yes if you run through an entire feign death you die.

Afaik you should die after the timer runs out.

Imagine holding your breath for 6minutes. :smiley:

I mean yeah I agree but should if so be in tooltips as it’s an actual relevant effect coming into question hence why I say that I can see both point of views on this but if so it needs to be in the spell notes(spell tooltips) to allow players to know of this effect as it’s an actual relevant thing to know. But I personally found out with full pots and consumes on as much as you can pop on(that hurt). Actually I laughed at it I mean it’s not like it was to fun losing gold over something i had no idea of. Alltho worth finding it out also just in itself it’s actually hilarious.

Well either way I belive it’s necessary to let both devs and people know of this

What a weird thing to say. It has been known for 14years, it’s written in various wikis and comments. The tooltip is an authentic recreation of how it was. Why didn’t you look this up before making the CLAIM and not the question? Super weird.

I mean if you would have asked the question, it would have been totally reasonable thing to ask, but to make this claim and I don’t know if you want them to change the tooltip? It’s a recreation of a game, this was how the tooltip was back then.

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Reply @ Bodiesan
If so I will close this but I’m looking at the tooltips at this second says nothing about that you will die at this ability finishing. Just NO don’t say it’s in wikis I mean ofc I utilize 'em myself but this is not for me regarding the tooltip note most players don’t and those are also affected by this so it’s not so much about me as about allowing others to find out, and I mean I played thru vanilla to wotlk I had 0 idea of it had a hunter all the way through, and btw back in the day wikis was not rly a thing but I guess u wouldn’t know if u didn’t play back then :wink:

Actual spell notes are:
“Feign death which may trick enemies into ignoring you. Lasts up to 6min.”

And looking it up on wiki:s doesn’t help with the problem that it’s not detailed in the game notes and they(blizzard/devs) should if this is an actual in game effect have it in them they have edit:ed other things for less, why I’m bringning is as a dev myself, I mean makes no sense having a spell tooltip with how a spell works if you leave out hidden things, I belive the error or bug is that it’s not in the tooltip as it’s relevant to newer players everyone hasn’t spend entire life playing, nor played back then. So new players who started simply for classic or well in any case for them it’s relevant. I mean it’s quite logical that all effects of how the spell works should be in there if it’s relevant in this case it is.
So brought it as it should be relevant regarding if you sim things on your own servers or completly new to the game or various of you’r earlier experience with it =). Well went on for quite long there but yes everything isn’t in regards to leave things as they are as I do belive keeping the game as it is won’t be changed because one tooltip is changed I actually belive the game should be changed if they’ve actually realized things they didn’t know back then and other things that they’ve found out that doesn’t change the actual gameplay unless it’s a bug which made the part unplayable before if so I do belive change it to work as they intended back then but might not have been. I don’t belive the game should be the way it was back then but “The way they imagined back then” as somethings might’ve been overlooked, with lack of time or people but it’s I don’t belive in leave things as they were but rather as they had the game in their minds back then.

Well yes it’s weird and stupid and silly and the tooltip is crap. But it’s a recreation. Just ask instead of making claims.

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No it’s not correct ma man =), if you want to attack the thing itself then break it down into what you want to attack since you said it’s commonly known and I won’t attack you but no I’d say it’s not most people can’t bother reading guides for things nor wiki:s the actual people who care to care do. I don’t belive it’s as many (in percentage) as you have in your mind and a game isn’t suppose to be made for the if so let’s call the elitist, but they are the ones usually pushing things and finding things out. But you make games for everyone various of time and seriousness put in, and as this is a thing relevant to all players not knowing this, thus it’s relevant and should thus be described in the tooltips notes as that’s where people find out information about the spell.

It’s about now viewing things from one side and things should as they were.

Since it’s not in the tooltips it doesn’t work correctly as not detailed in tooltips if you follow simple game logic in terms of programming and program structure if it’s not in there it’s not suppose to be part in game, thus it’s not working correctly. Well we ended up quite off-topic in regards to where this went.

So I will end that there and leave it there if this is suppose to be hidden effect remove this thread. But I belive as a developer myself this should be fixed in either way hence why I made thread =).

And also that is your personal opinion, and this is mine we are all entitled to one. Arguing just because someone doesn’t agree with you that their opinion is wrong is well just downright a bit no progressive. Also I didn’t view this from regards to me personally but to what as a player you should have information wise.

Also one of wiki:s info regarding this =) also first on google searches means it’s if we goes in terms of with name wiki:s and such this generates more traffic or rather it’s an algorithm based on relenvance and existence on other webs and links etc etc, thus one can argue it’s one which atleast some of these most would go to thus that is also having incorrection info jus fyi

  • If the 6 minute timer runs out, the hunter will lose feign death and simply stand up.
    but yes you are correct all wiki:s and everyone knows this =)
    Just FYI =) not meaning anything by it, just don’t let your personal opinion and none factual idea of things seem as they’re either just a tip =D

Not in Classic because this is a recreation of a game how it was. The tooltip in Classic should not be changed even if it’s wrong or lack information.

Yes it does because it’s a recreation.

Yes it is because it’s a recreation.

Yes it does becasue it’s a recreation. It’s working as intended because it’s a recreation.

It’s supposed to be a recreation.

Ok but Classic is a recreation. You don’t need developers to develop things to Classic. You need someone to click ctrl+c and then ctrl+v and then collect the subscription.

No it’s a fact of reality.

Opinions are irrelevant because it’s a recreation.

I haven’t even expressed an opinion in this matter. I am stating facts.

Players have the same ingame information as in Vanilla retail and Classic is a recreation of that.

I have stated facts. Classic is a recreation. You have made false claims and asked for changes. That’s a fact.

If you want help or need some advice or ideas or have questions me and others will gladly help. but don’t ask for changes and dont make false claims.

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Everyone knows this. You’re basically in here telling us the sun is yellow.


That’s not a bug, that’s how it works. If you feign death for too long, you just die. Imagine you holding your breath for 15 minutes in real life, you’d die too.

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=). You didn’t play vanilla did you or you don’t know what recreation is or your idea of a recreation is flawed.
I’d argue a recreation can be done with newer technology hence “recreation”.
But let’s say the recreation you talk of above, (the pure form) well classic by no means a pure recreation it’d be very hard as classic is based on redeveloping using the current game and then removing parts. And changes to the game eg take cross realm bg, and black lotus spawn change, 30 instances per day change =).

I’m out if you wanna argue again that nothings been changed does change nothing. I can’t really see how I’ll make you understand =).

Just imagine using your common sense… Why there was timer when you feign death? What did you think would happen after the timer runs out?

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