Female night elf have blue eyes why now?

I must agree that it looks rather bland now, wish they could add options instead of replacing stuff all the time.

Pretty sure it’s because of them new DK creeps and the whole fuss about the blue eyes.

I hope that this doesn’t mean you have to purchase SL, in order to get that option.

I am not happy with having the glow removed from my Forsaken Priest and my BEs either.

Human standard behavior at his best.


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I hate my new DK glow so I can sympathize :sweat_smile:
You should be happy that Night Elves are not crying backwards into the air with their “glow” :rofl:

They were not white, they were silver ? So more like grey ?

I am always for options. More customisation in a RPG, better for our characters and players!

More options, not less.


Yes they were silver/white ish. I don’t know the real name of the colours but they are way more blue than white now and it shouldn’t be.

I am ok with not having glow, I just think changing the eyecolour is taking it a bit far.

What Blizzard forgets at times is that we build characters, not just avatars. The visuals are important. And changing what we have made them to be is often feeling letting is down. I had a lot of time to get used to new night elf models for example. Ad while not as huge - change of eyes can feel for many the same. Changing their beloved character too much.

This is why i believe in options in games like this one.

Yes I agree. My main character (female night elf) will soon be 15 years old and it just doesn’t feel right. I don’t think options would be too out there for this.

Night Elves has dark shadows around the eyes, because glowing effect was look nice on it.
What Blizzard have done? Nothing, they just turned glowing effect off, and now those dark shadows makes eyes look small.
In the end we got those MEGA UGLY results that nobody likes.

The worst part is, that Blizzard told us, that this was a new development. In other words they have spend money on it, and it will stay.

Really bad job this time Blizzard. I’m disappointed in you. Usually I was telling, that Blizzard has nice design, and nice music, and only story writers are bad. But now designers are also bad!

Like really really bad!

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It looks like they use makeup now.

I hate the new eyes, it looked so much better when there was an actual particle effect in front of it, now it’s just an emission texture I think. Now they look like draenei eyes…
Also the eyes look so much smaller, my male night elf looks like he is squinting his eyes and like he is really tired.

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Yep, even here on forums we can already compare avatars. My avatar already has new small ugly eyes, while some of Night Elves still has old one.

I am not an Night Elf, I am Riddick ! ! !

Mine have old because I have not logged in on this character yet.

After a relog your face too will turn into a drug addict face, don’t relog. huehue.

Blizzard, revert them.

Change just for the sake of it is bad allmost all of the time, especially if it drastically changes the look of something that has been like that for bloody 15 years.

They changed torchlights to a dimm LED behind thick obsidian glas/ milky plastic and it completely kills the apperance.

Now depending on the light the eyes look blind (in strong light) or the entire head looks, thanks to the old diffuse texture with the darkening around the eyes, like a skull with small lights inside.

They changed that old iconic look to a cheap halloween decoartion and sorry that’s completly bonkers!

And we know this whole change was half arsed if we look a dark iron and lightforged death knights. They didn’t even bother to exclude the baked in lighting of the old eyes so they look like bloody drag queens with red maskara for the dark iron and yellow for the lightforged.



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I’m not sure what your point is. That they look terrible or that they are changed or?

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First Blizzard took our lands. Then they have burn our cities. Then they killed half of our race. Then our people became growing pumpkins bums. Then they broke our race, and force us to dark rituals. Then they gave Night Elves (undead) to the Horde, and even made some of them Guardians of the Orgrimmar. Then they gave our nightsabers to be sold by Horde npc to Horde players.

And now they took even our eyes . . .

Blizzard please, just delete Night Elves from the game, instead of this humiliation ! ! !


And probably gonna take our racial leader too by the looks of it.



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Amen Sister, it looks like our high priestess gonna die more soon than later and then i quit the game