Feminine females and Masculine males characters. Will we see a return of this?

The last thread was locked and for good reason and hopefully this one too, it is not covering new ground at all and people are looking for issue’s instead of just playing the game.

Hopefully the op will get a vacation for breaking the CoC

Forum Code of Conduct - Blizzard Support

Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum


Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters


Inappropriate Language

This category includes language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Are a mildly inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions
  • Are otherwise considered objectionable
  • Bypass the Mature Language filter

with repeated use of the word germen soldiers but bypassing it

I was surprised that the last thread remained open since August too. I wonder if “no-one was home” for a long time

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I do get the feeling :slight_smile:

So this topic is about female-male and somehow a 3rd gender is feeling outside so they gonna report: D

There are ongoing discussions that are taking place.
Since around 2019 there have been many threads calling for the inclusion of High Elves as members of the Alliance. This would be a violation of the Forum Code of Conduct. Correct?

This is a false claim of Spamming and Trolling.
People continue to engage in the discussion of how the writers and developers of Blizzard Entertainment have taken such a sudden and what some would describe as extreme turn of Male and Female characters within the World of Warcraft.

This is a strange claim.

Enemies of Free Speech and Champions of Censorship are determined to Censor discussions that they do not approve of. So it could be things done on purpose in order to have discussion shut down. Even with the censorship going on. People are still engaging with the thread. Proving that it is important enough for the WoW player base.

Issues within the game effects the player base.
What do you think happens if you alienate players?
There are others that are declaring: Don’t like it don’t buy it.
What do you think happens if they succeed in minimizing the player base? Remember Concord was closed within 2 weeks. There are some efforts no matter how bleak to put forward Customer Feedback so that it can be measured what people actually want and do not want.

False flagger calling for banning.
George R R Martin once said: “When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

What is there to fear with such discussions?
Discussion is no longer permissible. Correct?
:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JmVjdYE7qY :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:
Is this the future you are campaigning for through your censorship?
For the few people that are willing to have such discussions there are many more that will just silently leave.

(post deleted by author)

With what i read there is zero advertise-connection with Lbgrt and the poster is focused on Female and the Masculine characters within the World of Warcraft .

Are you talking about yourself ?? Look below :point_down:

It’s quite easy to just unfollow that character rather to act like a stalker*

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I still think this issue is more about boring story and poorly written characters. Wenren Althal was the only relatable character for me this expansion, and his arc got me more engaged and interested than the raid storyline.
We need fewer, better, longer quests and arcs.

Perhaps Male and Female has become problematic since it was abolished in character creation. With androgynous races Blizzard Development team are making a mistake.
What is the point in giving players choices just to make their choice completely irrelevant?

Race - Class - Male or Female are choices.
Male and Female Dracthyr are completely indistinguishable from each other.
It need a redesign. Monster Boys and Monster Girls are their own genre so the Blizzard art team can produce Masculine and Feminine Dracthyr. But their choice was androgyny.

Market research and observiing trends is also important. If Blizzard continue down the path that it is on then they could end up like Saints Row Reboot 2022 and Volition Studios.

Even though Blizzard has a lot of… issues legal or not. They still have a fanbase of mixed loyalties. Something that they are not only taking for granted but seem to be alienating.

Blizzard Entertainment has a reputation of listening to customer feedback.
This could be untrue. However. Some does not want yet another franchise and studio to die. Blizzard does not always bring people back that unsub.

Male and Female leaders just as Male and Female strengths are different. Also uniquely Male or Female.

Questionable source but there are more and more whistleblowers speaking out these days.

There could be change. To demonstrate what does or does not sell. It could lead to a return to form. After all if their livelihoods are dependant on giving the playerbase what they want. They either move on to another host if the existing one dies or course correct.

(post deleted by author)