Feral 11.0.5 Rework - where is it?

Shaman’s had HUGE rework in Beta and are getting one again. Boomkin are getting one. Survival too.

When will you give just ANY attention to the most neglected spec in the game over the past 10years? All you’ve ever done is taken away cool abilities or passives.


Boomkin are getting Starfall baseline - Feral still has to choose Primal Wrath - Also lost Tear open Wounds, so its even a bigger loss.

Not impressed by wowdevs these days.


Feral druid is a @#$!show right now.
It’s so horrible with this button bloat.

Rake, Shred, Thrash, Brutal Slash, Feral Frenzy, Moonfire, Swarm, Rip, Bite for a rotation.
Snap with Tiger’s Fury and Bloodtalons.

In Legion, before BT nerfs it was already difficult rotation but at least it was rewarding right now it’s so rewarding that we’re what? 3rd dps from the bottom on the chart?

It’s time to either completely rework Feral or just merge some of abilities.
Thrash with Swipe/BS, Make a node for Moonfire/Swarm while buffing both.
Remove Circle, let Veinripper shine even more.
Bring back PW aoe funnel rather than constant FB spam. God, i hate FB spam.

For so many years now, community asked Blizzard to stop pumping everything into FB and look, now we aoe with FB aswell. :sweat_smile:


The Tiger fury changes are feeling really Bad in M0/ and i think also in m+

i give up, not because of the dmg, i dont mind the dmg for me the dmg is fine, but how u have to play it, and looking at the slow energy recovery, while everyone else can button smash, and also do more Dmg on top of it

the downtime is just too much, and it also feels not good to hold your Tigerfury, when you are close to enter the Boss fight, means u just can Aoe rip, and then waiting for your energy recovery and doing vanilla auto attacks in the time. because to use berserk without saved energy + tigerfury rdy is wasted.

i can understand why they removed the tigerfury Talent to slow down the apm, but can we get atleast a nerfed version of the Tigerfury Talent

Instead of, Tigerfury getting reset by each Kill, the cd is reduced by 10 or 15 seconds per kill?

currently Feral feels really clunky and wonky in Aoe Fights, sometimes i wish we had the Passive Talent like a Assa rogue has, where Bleed ticks give energy Back, it feels more fluid


Feral is fine, what are you talking about.


You’re new to druid.
And you also got no experience to claim this.
Shut up.


Not entirely new, but sure. However, as I started playing feral it felt intuitive and smooth. Sure, there can be improvements, but as of now the spec is completely fine. So, you shut up.

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feral is fine to me gameplay wise. I really enjoy it so far

Tuning wise in pve its another story tho

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ok hit 2.1 then we will speak again

Gameplay of feral feels nice right now in pure ST on Bosses. Wildstalker that is - and even there - you have to juggle so many dots (still hate LI - awful - just one more dot and no interaction) while keeping snapshotting in mind - all the while a DK or a Pally are smashing their head on the keyboard and doing about 1/3 more than you (Patchwork-Sim for me ~870k ilvl 606, Frost-DK with the same ilvl about 1.050.000 … nuff said).

In AoE it feels okay, but hoping for Ravageprocs (the TF-Talent to guarantee one on pull is nice) and not getting any is … bad … like really bad. There has to be another way to get a proc on a useful CD during dungeons (FF is not really an option, because the choice-node is way to useful for the crit-amp). Also chainpulling is a thing and often you can’t get out of combat to get the next proc - old story and any stealthclass will know the struggle (N11 is helpful here, but still …)

TF no longer resetting is also awful in dungeons, especially if a pack is nearing it’s end - as in dieing within the next ~15 sec or so. You feel like you “have to hold” TF for the next pack - getting a surefire way to get a ravage-proc and having the %-Bonus for the dots on the next pack … but you still waste 1/3-1/2 of the CD of TF. The resetmechanic would have been all the more useful now, with DotC the way it is … even a partial reset, like 1-3 sec per mobdeath would be a welcome addition.

Also bearform is a joke (I have 4.8m hp, a frostdk with the same ilvl has 6.1m hp) - in bear I have about 6.3-6.7m - so, while I loose about 95% of my dmg I can get about the same amount of hp as another meele dps … like what the hell …
Bearform was nice … in classic or up to wotlk … now it is a tax you have to pay, only to get the same level of tankiness other meeles get for free, without loosing nearly all of their dmg … c’mon man …

BR still being taken away while PS is running - all the while other classes have better and faster BR-Options (DK as in instant and pally with 1 GCD less to pay) … like why … because oomkin has to cast theirs too? Let it cost 30 energy or whatever - just make it useable in cat …

Edit: Forgot incap - a pally just presses its “christmas tree aoe-light”-button and everything is disoriented … I swap into bear and have to waste a gcd to swap back for the same result … why?

The old “jack of all trades” is only a farce right now - it feels like a tax you have to pay, just get worse results than other classes get.

Dispell too … other classes with it have it nice and central or all the way up in their tree … druid (here: feral) has to waste extra points for talents to get it - talents that you will never, ever use - why? A 0.00001% less dmg taken would be way more useful than rejuvenation … what is that … and wildgrowth on the path downward you have to take - if you don’t need a dispell - just cut the feral-points by two and delete these talents … DF alpha design of a tree … they had a soultion for the “druid-problem” - it was called affinitys - make one on the top fo the classtree - feral, guardian, resto and the feather-thing. Combine talents within these affinitys (e.g. resto gets rejuv, regrowth, yseras gift - guardian gets frenzied reg and ironbark, etc.) and cut the talents from the tree - you save points and on the space of these cut talents can be real and useful notes - like a %-stamina note, that the druidtree is still missing …

TL;DR: ST feels nice (as wildstalker) - focus on “feels” - the numbers are nowhere near enough for the effort being put into the spec, in comparison to other dps. AoE has way too much friction with TF no longer resetting and one Herotree having a useful choicenote based around TF (which feels like, it was designed, while TF was still resetable).

Same old: 30-50% more effort for about 60% of the output of other dps-specs. It was nice, while feral had its ST-special-role, but right now it is just - mathematically - awful everywhere.

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Boomkin now gets Starfall baseline. Feral still has to pick Primal Wrath - which is also just a dumb filler with the loss of Tear open Wounds.

For ST, you have to play Maintain Moonfire, Thrash, Rip + Rake.
Convoke still casts Wrath at times even when in melee, which makes no sense.
Incarn just blows. Look at what Celestial Alignment does for Boomkin vs Incarn for cat - not even funny how uneven it is.

Feral Frenzy’s dot damage is so poor.

Why isnt Zerk removed and the spec designed around Tiger’s Fury alone? Would make so much more sense.

Feral has lost Savage Roar, a GOOD Incarn+Zerk, a GOOD convoke, Tear Open Wounds, CDR and many other things over the years


Thank you, thanks to this thread I realized that I won’t be playing Feral. On top of that, considering that in every tier list (yes, I know tier lists are kind of a meme, but still), people often say it’s better to play any other Druid specialization than Feral, or they rank it in the last or second-to-last spot, just above the ‘trash’ specs (from classes that have better alternatives, like mages, rogues, or warlocks). Feral is truly not a loved spec…

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You are welcome, even if it sad to see another feral go … but right now you really can’t advise someone to play this spec for any reason, even if it can “feel” nice at times.

I really, really love feral as a spec - dot-specs in general, like affli and unholy (which both got severely reworked and are turning away from their role as a “dotspec” - affli became a malific grasp spambot and the dots are only support and unholy lost it’s snapshotting potential for big dots and became a meme necromancer - missing the mop times of throne of thunder with snapshotting everything for big dots and keeping them running …)

Right now feral has so much potential to be a very good spec - DotC would need the reset for TF back and for it to get a way to proc Ravage in a controlled way in addition to the AA proc (CP spent or something, anything really).

WS just feels bland - it should be herotree I should be most excited about - more dots! - but everything is passiv, everything is a proc and nothing “flows” within each other - where is the feedbackloop? Take prot warrior for instance - more rage - more rage spent - more CD reduce - more rage - repeat. Feral gets nothing of all that - more dots - more energy from dot ticks - energy spent CDR on TF (as an example) - more dots … and so on.

It just lacks interwoven gameplay - dot-setup and upkeap with snapshotting is nice, but is an outdated design - especially for the fast world of M+ today and if all the dots are doing is damage really - it would need something “more” - better way to get the snapshotted dots in the fastpaced world of M+ (like reset TF - to get them each and every pull - like pillar of DKs or Icy Veins of mage) or a way to burn them quicker, just to keep up with all the burst of other specs - like exsanguinate of the rogues.

Anything really - it just feels lacking - like something is missing - bite-procs are nice, but it is only one part of the feedbackloop - prot also gets resets on shieldslam - but also more on top for instance.

I already talked about the whole “utility-debacle” on my post further up - feral (druid in general) just has to pay an extra “tax” to get something, other specs can do way easier. It is not 2004 anymore - “hybrid tax” in the modern world of specialized m+ and raids is outdated - I think the mindset of “druid is a jack of all trades” (even if other specs have simply “more” of everything - hello pala as an example) has to go of the window (or out of the head of the developer, who works on druids as a sideproject).

Just looking at the charts of Palace heroic this week is … what is that? Why even play a druid? Just to keep battling with the tanks? - hyperbole - but the gap between top and bottom is simply way to big, it is surreal.

They are losing Runic Power and Holy Power in return. Feral doesn’t lose energy.

Yeah, it is better with not costing energy, but it also shouldn’t be a cast, that’s true.

Thanks to Fluid Form, that is no longer the case.

Druid is still the only class that can be a tank at 80-90% of effectiveness for 30 seconds, thanks to Heart of the Wild. No other class can do that. Not even Paladin with a shield.

If I need to refresh rip when ravage procs, until i get another 5 combo points ravage buff ends :man_shrugging:

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In no serious feralbuild is fluid form an option for pve - so it still IS an issue. And having to take a talent to support another talent - in the last part of the (really bad and df-alpha-level) class-tree, just to get the same level of efficency as another class (pally in this case) IS plain bad design.

So the issue still stands.

30 seconds IN bearform while loosing ~95% of your damage. Paladin gets 10 sec - so 1/3 - of that without sacrificing ANY damage and not even having to spent a talent point for it (which, again, feral doesn’t take in any kind of pve-build).

No pve-encounter needs you to stay tanky for 30 seconds straight - 10 seconds are more than enough for any mechanic - heck the duration of ams of a dk is more than enough in nearly all scenarios, where magic damage is the cause.

Cloak is also another option - so rogue is also able to dodge any and all incoming damage and the class has a cheatdeath - while not loosing any dmg during this time.

Loosing 30 runic power or 3 holy power are nowhere near the opportunitycost of loosing two GCDs and a casttime for the same scenario. I could get behind paladin, as that BR still has to be casted - but DK is 1) faster in any scenario 2) only costing 1 GCD.

Edit: And having to cast CR, while at full energy (or near full energy, like while pooling to open a BT window) - you can’t “choose” when a player will die - IS energy lost - often times more than 30 energy because of the switch and cast, including the switch back. Made worse, if it is a MM hunter, who decided to chill in freaking nirvana because of their 100.000 yards range ^^

Druid (here: feral) is plain inferior to any other meele in the “utility” department. Any “advantage” (HotW for bear for 30 sec, as posted above) sound nice and dandy, but in no real scenario is it anywhere near as useful as any other defensive option of the other meele-classes (heck even hunter with turtle is better - pop it for the instance of the dmg and cancel it right after - 1 gcd for the defensive boon which is nearly as good as a plain immunity on targeted scenarios in comparison to an hp boost, that brings the feral up to paar with other meeles and a bit of armor).

Still: Thank you for your posts and your contribution. Any traffic around feral can only be good, because the “normal state” is radio silence and that hasn’t done anything positive.


Literally every talent point is dependent on another one being taken. Yes, classes will never be truly 100% equal in talent and utility department. But feral has it better in some cases.

I don’t think you understand what (emergency) tanking is.

You were talking about self-sustain in that scenario, but maybe I wasn’t concise, so I guess there’s that.

Sure, Feral is probably a bottom feeder when it comes to PvE numbers, but it’s still decent to play and has a lot of mobility+utility. Not the best, but decent, imo.


Enhance doing TWICE the damage at lower ilevel than Feral.


So far not on dungeon or raid where FEral really excels. GReat design devs.

I’m glad actually. Let feral suck.

I played bfa 2 months, shadowlands less than a month, dragonflight few months, and this one close to a month.

If they fix feral I’m afraid my wow addiction would come back.