Feral Druid, feral abilities lag, energy gains slower?

I played TBC 15 years ago as a feral druid, only then it was on horde. I remember feral being a lot more responsive. Energy gains were faster, abilities were quicker. Now i frequently have to wait for energy to build and when i press a button in combat it feels laggy and takes a few milliseconds to execute. Latency in game is 11ms though. Other actions like looting and balance casts like wrath and moonfire feel normal. Did blizz change stuff under the hood? What has changed? Classic doesn’t feel classic except for te respawn rate :wink:

so i mained feral in classic, going into tbc i’ve respecced, it just doesnt feel right, feral bear the threat feels weak, and feral cat the powershifting just feels clunky

its a shame, or it might just be me


As for the lag, everyone is feeling it. The servers are overloaded.

Yeah, powershifting for energy gains feels very laggy. Guildmates who play the same class they had 15 years ago say everything is fine. No abilities lag whatsoever. So far my nostalgia has partly gone down the drain. Does blizzard have some info on what has changed in game compared to 15 years ago? A guild pally was happy about some new ability that wasnt in TBC originally i heard…

Feral bear threat feels weaken then in classic. Maybe talent broken?

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I think there is bug with energy rate in tbc classic… Which is why it feels crap

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