Please revert today’s feral energy hotfix

Absolutely. Look, now some of druids will have to reroll. And then some of them will buy boost to 58. Fixing energy is like stealing money from ActiBlizz!

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And some of them will say “f#$k it” and just unsub, so not fixing is also -money for actblizz

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Fix the cat

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Where can you view this? Blizzard’s Forum is such a hot mess to navigate now.

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Where are our reshift? Blizz?

Ow they did change something! Here is my experience on feral druid compared to 15 years ago:

Never posted on a forum in the 15 years I’ve played, this will be the first time. Please do not let Powershifting reset the Tick Timer. This is a crucial part off Feral gameplay, not only in PvE, but also in PvP, and was throughout TBC. This is not an authentic experience.


This! but also using feral abilities without shifting feel clunky… has any of the devs played original tbc feral druid?

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Please fix ferals. This new clunky rotation is awful. You’re already mix and matching all types of content/changes from different TBC patches into Classic. How much harm could be done by just reverting the energy tick change?


Fix the tick


“With Burning Crusade, rather than have us just answer ‘this is how it was’, the question is, well, what do you think it should be? And we’ll listen. Because ultimately, we’re making a game for the people that want to play it”.

Company of liars. Sadly.


What else do you need?

And now You tasted forbiden fruit :snake:
Also - leveling my alt and not buying boost. Not gonna give them money for this.

up up #fixcats


Fix the tick!
The energy system is broken and inconsistent. Either you get partial energy or you don’t. The current system is based on partial energy, but doesn’t refund any energy after shapeshifting which resets the tick. When you reset the tick you are supposed to get the partial hp/mana/energy tick.
And don’t get me started on 19 energy ticks…


After a few more questing hours, i’m getting annoyed by the inconsistent waiting for energy gains. I’ll stop playing BCC before the nostalgia gets completely ruined.

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Important would be to find original footage that shows TBC playstyle having this flexible energy tick back in the days. So far only evidence has been brought of the old days bringing exactly 40 furor + 20 energy tick. Which is opposite to what the OP is claiming.

Footage respresented here also shows that EARLY ON in TBC this strict energy allowance was already in place

We know there seems to be an abundance of bugs through-out the game atm, but simple message from a blue would be highly appreciated.

Kitties are people too :cat: :hocho:


Please fix this. The current energy regen really does negatively affect the enjoyment of the feral gameplay