Feral Druid Mage Tower - (how) did you do it?

Since the bears have their mage tower thread, I felt the cats should get one, too.

I haven’t completed the Feral challenge yet but got to 27% in about 20 pulls. Feels quite doable once I learn not to get hit by the big rolling balls of fire (I know, they are a big and on fire, how hard can it be?)

I largely follow the mage tower Feral guide on Wowhead except I keep my drums for phase 2. Does anyone know why the guide recommends to use them on pull?

The only real tip I have so far is to read the gearing guide on Wowhead very, very carefully. I wasted quite a bit of gold because I bought stuff that wasn’t quite right. In the end, if you just buy some of the Dreadful Gladiator pieces from the AH, a few enchants and old gems, I think you can get decent enough gear for MT for less than 100k (at least with the prices on my server). While that may not be strictly necessary, the difference in damage compared to going in with SL gear is definitely quite noticeable (I did my first ~10 pulls in my standard PvE gear to get a feel for the fight).

Any ultimate tips from Ferals who completed MT already?

/E: Just killed her in try 30. Didn’t even plan to, aim was just to practice phase 2. Turns out if you not get hit by the big fiery things, you win!

A few random thoughts that might be helpful.

  • I choose Feral Frenzy and saved it for the shield. If you make sure you have 5 CP up when she casts the shield you can immediately FB. If that crits, the shield is gone and you can interrupt. If not, FF followed by another FB will for sure remove the shield. That way, you can interrupt very quickly.
  • The Mechagon trinket is indeed very strong.
  • To kill the small imps that create the green zones I try to get a PW on them and then, when they cast, knock them away with Typhoon. This interrupts their cast and before they cast again they are down from the bleed.
  • Mass roots for the imps that heal here is very useful. When they spawn, wait until they are a bit closer and then you can root both of them together. That buys you time to deal with other stuff, e.g. the imps that make Agatha immune to damage.
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diff types of gear/trinkets and consumables

made a guide on youtube aswell ----> https://youtu.be/on_164QezhE

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