Feral druid Mage Tower / Imp Mother transmog lost

In Legion I did two mage towers for my druid, the Imp Mother for Feral and the other one for Guardian. The Imp Mother gives you a “spirit” beast, semi-translucent look. The Guardian gives you the large, white werewolf look (Might of the Grizzlemaw).

I BfA have a 340 Polearm and I transmogrified it to the Fangs of Ashmane, so when in Feral and in cat form, it appeared as the “spirit beast” cat.

Then, one day recently, when in cat form, the appearance suddenly changed to another form, which is called Nature’s Fury (Orange). So I went to transmog again and now I see a choice of 4 transmogs, 3 are Moonspirit and 1 is Nature’s Fury. The Imp-Mother look, as well as a raft of other looks is not available as a choice anymore.

To investigate I equipped the Legion Artifact weapon Fangs of Ashmane and this displays properly as the spirit beast cat. But the BfA polearm, and a staff I tried, do not.

Has anyone seen this and do you have an explanation?

Think you have the same problem I had - if you’ve not already done so, right clicking on each of the four choices opens a drop-down menu. Just pick your glowy cat form from the list. Hope this helps!


Yes I see it now, all the appearances are there on the right click. Who would have thought…

Many thanks!

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