Feral feedback

Still no response from any CM regarding feedback - Can I get Alpha access to be able to post on the forums and give feedback?

Access to the Alpha Test cannot be granted by CS on request, this is the same as previous for Beta invites.

Edit: Hmmm that’s odd.

There’s clearly a target audience for Alpha invites. Which means someone somewhere has a list of specific people who have been targeted and granted access

For example, Preach didn’t originally get Alpha invite, then he said he didn’t and now miraculously he’s in. Evitel has had several invites for her accounts and various other streamers are in the same boat.

I’m not one for conspiracies, but kinda seems like all the steamers got priority access - Now understandably this is to promote the game in addition to getting feedback. But how are people supposed to give feedback if they’ve had their tongues removed? No one is moderating that forum. No one is providing feedback on that forum, please look outward or give people who want to give feedback the ability to give feedback.

There is no conspiracy for the first part of your inquiry: “Family & Friends” of Blizzard and Press gets access. The latter group consists usually nowadays of streamers, “influencers”, the old game sites etc.

This is to reach a broader audience as you’ve noted, so they can show the viewers a bit of how the content looks like.

The remainder get directly invited for other reasons or through RNG if you’ve opted in. If the devs need more people to test things out, they will give a signal and then the CM’s and the responsible teams do their magic.

As for feedback re:classes, currently the latest news and changes is focused on Priest:

So you’re saying if I am not invited to Shadowlands Alpha I can’t post in the Alpha general forums? Odd.


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This is exactly it, the focus is on other classes while guardian / feral have glaringly obvious flaws that need resolving. Now I’ve been following the changes since the Alpha began trying to get my voice through and not many changes have made: In fact, I would go as far to say as 0 beneficial changes have been made and all changes are detrimental to the spec.

Feral Druid Ability Changes for Shadowlands:

  • Berserk Go berserk for 20 sec, reducing the energy cost of all Cat Form abilities by 40% and increasing maximum Energy by 50.

  • Rake Rake the target for (18.225% of Attack power) Bleed damage and an additional (77.805% of Attack power) Bleed damage over 15 sec.
    Feral (Level 37): Reduces the target’s movement speed by 20% for 12 sec
    Feral (Level 38): While stealthed, Rake will also stun the target for 4 sec, and deal 100% increased damage
    Awards 1 combo point.

  • Survival Instincts Reduces all damage you take by 50% for 6 sec. 3 min recharge

  1. Beserk - far less than adequate dps cooldown; it needs a crit modifier or damage modifier to make it worth while and a shorter cooldown.
  2. Rake - Level requirements have changed.
  3. Survival instincts; here’s the big one. Dropped from 2 charges to 0 charge then back to 1 charge on a 3 minute CD - Yea, we have Barkskin now, but 20% the bear defensive play style just has you sit in bear form and die slower. Its not going to do anything for offensive pressure.

… that’s it…

Just kidding, there’s the outstanding: Affinity package deal, messed up Talent rows, HoTW placed in a seemingly strange spot on the tree, New Bloodtalons issues (Throwing in AOE spell to increase ST damage among other aspects) Sabertooth, wild charge, lack of utilities - Awkward current utilitiees, GCD on shifting still exists, torghast abilities that are aimed at other specs that seem like they’ve had feral as an afterthought.

The main question on feral’s tongues is what do we bring? Why bring a feral? There’s absolutely no reason to take a feral now over Resto or Balance and this is what is ticking the community off.

TLDR: No Beneficial changes going into the next expansion is a sorry excuse for game development life cycle. And yea yea “We’re still in alpha” but at this point with 4-5 months to go and covenant abilities out it’d be naive at this point to think the foundations of a class can be changed without effecting the structure of the game. - not that our feedback is taken under advisement anyway.

Get level 10 character on US version and try to post there, this forum is not good place for what you want to achieve.

The thing is, we are in Alpha, not even beta yet so don’t think the classes are anywhere near finished.

Are you a streamer?
If you are not, im afraid you cant have one :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, technically anyone can stream, so… ye. Gimme access?

No access to alpha, no allowed post forum.
But why does it exist if none are checking taking feedback into account? Seems like a pointless exercise.

Blizzard is desynced with it’s community as much as it is virtually possible, you will never know if they read what you posted, no one will bother with simple “We will look into this! Thank You for Your Feedback!” everything looks like is thrown into twisting nether, community is asking for A, blizzard is introducing B.

Customer support cannot grant access to Alpha or Beta testing, make sure you have Opted-in though: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/shadowlands/#opt-in

If you wish to discuss any of these matters then the Druid forum with your fellow Druids may be the best place, perhaps someone who has Alpha access can help you with your questions.