FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

Combined wow still is king of course but it’s really sad that it has come to this or is it? I actually think this is good news. It shows interest in mmorpg’s is still there and maybe it gives Blizzard the motivation to grow as a company for the better. What are your thoughts?

Of course you can’t share links on this horribly designed forum. So here;’
https:// mmo-population .com/activity

It also shows retail wow is MORE popular than Classic wow contrary to what I believe but oke.


Have a fantastic time in FFXIV then :man_shrugging:


I don’t like weeb games. But I like that there is finally a sign. A sign that even the last addicts of wow won’t save Blizzard anymore. This will be good for everyone, even Blizzard. Their hands seem to be forced now.


Ruh Roh he used that website that isnt correct.

Put it this way, DAoC according to that website has 250k subscribers and 12k users playing daily.

I can tell you, that neither is true.


To give you a further hint that the website is bogus.

Asherons call has 240k subs and 11k average players.

The game has been shut for 4 years.


Aye my AI also tells a different story, but it’s pretty close. AI says classic is more popular. And subs however around 4mln now. 500k-1mln being for retail.

was only a matter of time…

ff14 dev team is actually good and care about the people playing the game… they deserve to be the best mmorpg on the market… long may it last.

new expansion in november too with a new story arch … will be interesting to see where they take it…

i’ll be playing it for sure.



Enlighten me.

This is true. I don’t like the game or the style but I wish them the best. I hope Blizzard gets it’s act together because of it surpassing wow.


I mean I play FF14. It doesnt have a bigger playerbase than WoW currently, it’s growing for sure but it’s not at that level yet. Easiest clue I can give is try login into each ‘server’ on FF14, if you hit a queue then you know 5,000 people is on that. That’ll give a clearer picture.

Do you have a computer capable of machine learning. Need a rtx 2000series or up. You can feed it an algorithm to with 99.9% accuracy see wow’s subscribers. You know it’s accurate because it checks out with the known data of up till WOD’s drop to 5mln. Anyway Google it, you’ll find out more people did it, someone posted his finding on Reddit a few years ago. Or run your own. I encourage to run your own. Mine may be biased after all, who knows. The more data, the better.

It overal agrees with this website, about 4-5mln active (subscribers). Seems realistic. Mine just disagrees with the population of classic vs retail. In the end it doesn’t matter. FFXIV surpassed both stand alones. And is on track to beat it overal.

But the website doesnt check out because it lists dead MMOs as active.

The website doens’t use AI. It uses some basic algorithms. I’m not exactly sure how etc. But lets be realistic, if wow was doing well, Blizzard would not shut up about it. They would pridely show numbers etc. Unless they prove otherwise it seems like a very good guess. Especially since it comes close to the AI findings.

The fact that Classic doubled subs, shows how little subs there were to begin with.

Yeah but you can’t use it as a beacon of truth. Especially when you delve into the populations breakdown and it has FF14 sitting 4th (and frankly it should be higher, great game, time to step up Blizz) behind WoW, WoW Classic and OSRS.


Hell if you dig further into the breakdowns then it has WoW actually growing in active users.

No this hasn’t been the case. It’s very clearly seen by all metrics. you should be happy anyway. It shows 2 things. 1 there is a market for mmorpg’s still, that’s fantastic. It shows overal mmo playersbase grew thats good. And it will force Blizzard to change for the better.

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in theory.

EDIT: yeah that seems a bit harsh … but until they prove me wrong blizzard are trash these days … end of.


well ye that is true. I mean a man can dream.

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It says that WoW has grown by active users in the last 30 days by 0.58%.

i am one of them… i bought a month playtime… tried to log into the game … instantly lost interest haven’t logged back in since lol… so i count as a returning player?

even though my sub will run out again in a months time.