FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

Every now and then someone shares that website and every now and then I have to tell them it’s stupid. FFXIV might be bigger than WoW, that’s very possible.

However, that website lists dead MMOs, some MMOs for which we know the population is wrong (either underestimating it or massively overestimating it). Really, Bless has 40k active players? REALLY? Come on. Wildstar has what is this, 13k? Wildstar was shut down 3 y ears ago, my dude.

This list is so mismanaged that for anyone to consider it as factual is merely a manifestation of their media ignorance.


Good for them, Still gonna play WoW tho.

Story focused is great, until you realize you spent most of your play session reading, and watching mind numbingly long and boring cut scenes, t’was not for me.

Let my sub run out, and sticking to wow. TBC ain’t gonna do it self, and with 9.1 on the horzien I am happy

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I was the same FF14, went in, did a little bit of story to the point and now I’m 6 days without going in. What’s the point, I’m proving the uselessness of the website.

What does it matter? FF looks stupid, animations and movement are way clunkier. And too much furry cuteness. Bleh! Also Japanese dont know crap about PvP.

If WoW had 100 million players around the planet and super duper e-sport stadiums the gameplay would be complete dog so that every idiot could spectate what is going on. We would have 8 buttons max. Glad it isnt the case.


What does it matter how many subs ff14 have If i like play this game? Not going to play ff14 anyway because i dont like it and that not change no matter how many others play it


I dont like hearing about other things cos im insecure! How dare other games exist! Its not fair! Its not fair! I dont like it and everyone who has a different opinion from me is wrong and stupid! Wow is the best!


Considering that one must have a modern WOW sub for classic, are the numbers taking this in account? As for FFXIV well there is a ton of content there and once you start playing its hard to put the game down.

WOW could roar back if they stop the borrowed power overdrive, the insane systems, and the unecessary grind. People do not mind a grind if it is hidden within fun and engaging content.

Who cares about numbers as long as people having fun in the game they play .
Its childish and immature to say “my game better than yours as it has more subs”
We get it retail in bad state but give it a rest why dont yah we all agree that but negative rubbish like this and spamming it doesnt help much .


Ai ? Well, where is your dataset? What algorithm did you use to test data. How can an AI determine classic and retail amount of active players knowing the sub is being shared?


Oh dear, how sad, nevermind.

Can you link us a figure from a website that has accurate figures?

But don’t you get it? It makes bashing a game easier if you don’t use facts!

Lets be fair, none of these websites are accurate, I was once astonished to find that all my characters had been deleted and my server had a Zero population in order to support the -owner- of said company that owned the third party website.

Looking back on this website in particular, it can be tracked back to a service that allows anyone to print what they want, with no actual proof.

So essentially this claim is utter rubbish.

Is this another substandard bashing Wow Thread? Because if so, there is already one this year, and therefore it is Spam.

Show us actual proof, not a website -known- to be incorrect.


So defensive. If you read the comment properly as opposed to getting upset it mentions FF14 you would actually see that OP is saying that with competition wow might get better as clearly there is still interest in MMO’s.
If you really love Wow then you want it to get better. Its only going to get better when people point out what it can do better. And when that doesnt work show your dissaproval by trying something else. Heaven forbid you might have fun.

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I wonder about this as well.
Who knows…maybe certain people need to bash retail at least 3 times a day before they can sleep. Its like a physiological need or something? :smiley:


When they do it 5 times a day every day it wears a bit thin even when you agree with them maybe see that point of view aswell .


Regardless of what people may think of FFXIV as a game, the team behind it adore it just as much as its most passionate players, whereas it’s almost impossible to say the same for Blizzard and any of the games they have out right now, especially after the hilarity from previous Blizzcons and constant proof of their disconnection from their own audience. If they ever felt they ruled the roost and could do no wrong, situations like this will only test that issue and (hopefully) coax some improvement. After all, competition is generally always healthy when it comes to business of almost any description.

Regardless of all that, I’ve played WoW since vanilla and FFXIV since ARR - and flit between both in the present. Doing so stops me getting bored or burned out with the other, yet it’s infinitely easier to get burned out with WoW given it wants you playing as much as possible and not nearly as alt-friendly.

There’s really no point making direct comparisons, nor citing websites as the be-all-end-all of any games total subscribers or their active-player count. WoW fans just have to hope that Blizzard shape up a bit and start listening to their own audience a bit more than they have been lately.

I think this all stuff with FFXIV is just trying to force Blizzard to care more about the game, sadly I think blizzard knows that FFXIV will never be more popular than WoW so this won’t work. It’s good thing trying to put pressure on Blizzard but I don’t see in any way that FFXIV will ever be close to WoW and they know it, they are not concerned about losing their player base to FFXIV.

Don’t get me wrong, FFXIV looks like a great game, but as soon as new content comes out everyone will leave FFXIV and come back to WoW, the problem is that a lot of players are playing WoW for 10+ years and it will always be their number 1 MMORPG whether some other MMORPG is currently better or not…

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China is more populated then Norway.
Is it better? No.

I’m not on the defensive. I’m just mocking his made up AI.

I actually want FF to prove Blizzard that we don’t need systems and we need better classes, which FF is doing better.


I have to admit that it is really fascinating to me that a game with such graphics, animations where the chars levitate instead of moving etc, has so many players. Truly fascinating and almost incomprehensible. It’s probably one of the worst mmo games I’ve tried.


… yet you created a topic based around a ‘weeb game’…?

If you’re genuinely sick & tired of the state of the game &/or how you see the developers refusing to steer the game on a course that YOU like, YTAF do you have to post in it’s Forums in such a negative way?

If WoW was an ex of yours, it would have grounds to get an anti-stalker injunction against you…

I’m playing the trial and it’s fantastic , i think Blizz should play this game and take some serious notes.

There’s alot in FF14 i would love to see in WoW , player housing , talking quest npcs , dialogue options , spend more time around the big lore characters. The amount of customisation is insane in ff14 , why can’t blizz get a mini team to just work on housing , cosmetics and customisations ?!

I even like the fact that event mounts/pets/mog removed from the game can still be purchased in their store. I would gladly buy a wod challenge mode token so i can get all that mog. I know alot of people will give me hate for it , but those mogs are seriously cool and no one can get them unless you played the game 7 years ago. ( or better yet just let us have a go at earnign them ourselves by letting us try WoD CM ? )

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