FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

Ah yes but those were also the days where you got constantly whispered by gold sellers unless you installed the badboy addon.

From recollection a lot of the gold sellers were hacked accounts of people who had bought gold or other services.

They must be making a hell of a whack as even one a week is the best part of £1900 a year!

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I also remember that most of the ‘jokes’ were not about Chuck Norris, but a four letter word followed by a link, which went on, and on, and on…followed by a text representation of a ‘Roflcopter’…then back to the obsession with the four letter word, followed by a link.

Trade chat was also a constant battlefield between Guild Spammers (a rather more accurate description of most of the adverts, than the use of rose-tinted specs suggests) and those using it, as a LFG tool… consequently the Guild spammers and the LFG spammers were in constant competition.

Not to mention all the corpses of lvl1 characters, lying dead in the street by the AH, in Orgrimmar and Stormwind, spelling out the web addresses of illegal gold sellers.

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judging by current state of wow it cant be that hard? right?

yeah now its just boost spam

i was being facetious. but i do agree its hard to tell with text.

never knew that. interesting info.

if mateys info is correct though with current accounts being 115m, that means that it took about 9 years to get 100m unique subs, but in the last 7.5 years they have only pulled in 15m.

but, i think there is fairly universal agreement here that a good portion of these numbers have been pulled out of someones posterior.

exactly. how many accounts are “real”? remove the number of accounts for:

  • farming bots,
  • gold seller barkers,
  • multiboxers,
  • boost barkers,
  • other?

so, in September 2013, how many of those 100m were actually real?

but the REAL question (that blizzard wont answer!!!) is how many ACTIVE, UNIQUE accounts there are now!

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